• 迄今为止公布电子邮件只是40000文档610G电脑数据一小部分。

    The e-mails released so far represent only a fraction of the almost 40,000 written documents and 610 gigabytes of data on the computers.


  • 印刷部揭运动结构印墨气动进给、伺服(变频)控制、无级调速平稳可靠。

    The printing system is of line-contact running structure, and ink scraper goes ahead little by pneumatic and its controller using frequency servomotor, speed regulated step-less, and running steadily.


  • 品种各种规格型号、折叠抽拉三角形长方型口红种产品。

    There are more than a hundred varieties of the shapes and sizes to choose from, including the types of books, fold, draw, triangle, rectangle and lipstick, etc.


  • 独具特色的“钱钟比喻可谓字字珠玑、句句经典,给我们展现了丰富多彩意蕴深刻幽默讽刺比喻奇观

    Its unique "Qian Zhongshu Metaphors" with jewelled words and classic sentences presents us a rich and varied Metaphor Spectacle with profound meaning and ironic humor.


  • 世界其他国家似乎正在慢慢意识到丹麦人多年来的智慧。”《丹麦生活的一年》一的作者海伦·罗素说到。

    "The rest of the world seems to be slowly waking up to what Danes have been wise to for ages." Helen Russell, the author of The Year of Living Danishly, said.


  • 协议两份。

    This agreement is done in duplicate.


  • 可以你能整个数以百计CD里,便携电脑了,笔记本里或者其他电子阅读器里不用担心重量问题。

    You can carry a whole library of hundreds of books with you, on CD, in a laptop, notebook or any ebook reader, without worrying about their weight.


  • 出版过程中,注意身上的这种倾向起初请求简介最近更多的是制作宣传计划

    As my book has gone to press, I've observed this propensity in myself, first with soliciting blurbs, and more recently with creating the publicity plan.


  • 那些喜欢社交活动家伙也可以个读俱乐部闭关,那里各样客人们白天读着同一然后晚上吃饭时来个小讨论。

    Those who prefer a more social experience can enroll in book-club-style retreats in which an assortment of guests all read the same book during the day and discuss it over the evening meal.


  • 话说,就是那种正在飞机上,这里没有互联网,我在全神贯注地阅读

    In other words, the sort of "here I am on the airplane, there's no Internet connection, I am reading a book thoroughly" reading.


  • 用户提供傻瓜的说明

    To provide cookbook instructions to the new users.


  • 他们1996年合著了关于平衡计分,该第一这样写道:“设想一下,你进入到一个现代喷气飞机座舱,结果发现只有一些工具在那里。”

    The first line of their 1996 book on the balanced scorecard reads: “Imagine entering the cockpit of a modern jet airplane and seeing only a single instrument there.


  • 索尼其他制造商更是应用到了便携电子取代普通的报刊

    Appropriately enough, Sony and several other manufacturers are using the technology in portable "e-book" devices intended to replace books and newspapers.


  • 现在越来越多雇主要求应聘者他们发电子邮件所以纸质的申请已成过去

    These days, increasingly, recruiters ask applicants to email their details, so handwritten cover letters are a thing of the past.


  • 九十年代读过比尔盖茨谈及接力成功”。

    I read a book by Bill Gates in the 90s where he talked about his “Spiral of Success”.


  • 玛格丽特钢笔签下了份弃权声明接着打开了便携钱包张百元大钞,“的,现在支付一半等效果满意后再付另外一半?”

    She took up the pen and signed the waiver, then opened her clutch purse and counted out ten 100 notes. "Half now, you said, and half upon satisfaction?"


  • 临时租赁协议

    A: I have already made up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties, the landlord and the tenant.


  • 声明来自于德克·萨斯一家Lodsys公司,自称拥有项专利涉及应用内付费系统,交互在线广告,在线帮助订阅更新

    The claims come from a Texas-based company called Lodsys, which said it has four patents relating to in-app purchases, interactive online ads, online help and subscription renewals.


  • 不是百科辞典参考手册而是开始使用Rails创建Web应用程序学习足够多的Rails细节内容

    It is not an encyclopedic reference manual, but one that will get you started creating Web applications with Rails and learning enough to let you delve into the details of Rails without getting lost.


  • 大众平装是分上下口袋,价钱要便宜些第一印刷60万册,第二次印刷定七月末,印数为57万5千册。

    The mass market paperback, a cheaper, pocket-sized edition, will have two volumes, the first with a printing of 600, 000, the second in late June at 575, 000.


  • 有幸成为了可以参会人员中的名,并且报道哥本哈根气候大会开幕(缔约方第15次会议),这次会议的目标希望各缔约国在《京都议定》之后能够达到一个新的统一认识。

    I am one of those lucky 15, 000, here to cover the opening of the Copenhagen climate conference (COP15), which is supposed to hash out some sort of agreement to follow the Kyoto protocol.


  • Debbie刚刚创作了一本童最近还为JamieOliver儿童食品(Jamie Oliver'scookingrange),Carluccios餐厅Walker触摸婴儿读物完成了一系列的设计。

    Debbie’s recent projects include a Jamie Oliver kids’ cooking range, Carluccio’s restaurant and Walker touch-and-feel baby books, in addition to having just finished writing a children’s book.


  • 感觉iPad相对较较大(纸质相比),触击翻页很快让人感到厌烦

    The iPad was relatively heavy and large (compared to a paperback) in my hands and the swiping and tapping to turn a page soon became tedious.


  • WorldCatSearch:强大的内嵌快速下载影片

    WorldCat search: Quickly find a book or download a video with this great search plug-in.


  • 根据项目说明创建修改每个交互组件不同状态

    Create or modify the different states of each interactive component, according to your project specification.


  • 附上我方第369号购货确认两份,查收。请尽快签名退回以供我方存档。

    Enclosed please find our Purchase Confirmation No. 369 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our records as soon as possible.


  • 英国预科课程,文凭课程,国家高等文凭课程学位课程一站参考

    The one-stop reference source for all the UK courses including foundation courses, Diplomas, HND and degrees.


  • 英国预科课程,文凭课程,国家高等文凭课程学位课程一站参考

    The one-stop reference source for all the UK courses including foundation courses, Diplomas, HND and degrees.


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