• 不要只停留大多数员工熟悉习惯领域这样才能借镜其他领域新鲜构想

    Beyond the habitual domains most of your people are already familiar with so fresh ideas can be cross-pollinated and grafted in.


  • 篇博客命名为“学习成为每天的习惯因为我认为可以你在某个主题或者领域中学到的东西运用生活中的其它领域之中。

    I named this blog, "Make learning a habit" because I think that you can use what you learned about a specific topic or field and use it in other areas in life.


  • 我们这个领域中,很多家庭生活已经受到了工作习惯影响——当然,通常是以改善生活目的

    Many of us in this field have had our work habits affect our family life - frequently for the better.


  • 机器人人工智能领域研究者,应该好好地注意到一点:与其制造聪明机器人,不如把它们尽量设计习惯机器

    The fields of robotics and AI should note this well: instead of making clever robots, they should try to design machines with habits!


  • 软件行业中的人们一个习惯,就是喜欢制造他们想要表达意思词语特别是技术领域

    People in the software industry have a habit of making words mean whatever they want them to mean, especially new technical terminology.


  • 这不是在开玩笑。 抱有错误体型认识影响生活各个领域而且导致一次次抑郁不健康饮食习惯

    Having a negative body image will effect every area of your life, and it often leads to bouts of depression and unhealthy dieting habits.


  • 尼尔森家庭”(电视领域的受众估量公司)已经外界公开观众看电视习惯超过60年了

    "Nielsen families" have willingly given out information about their TV viewing habits for more than 60 years.


  • 我们研究了适当领域学习习惯

    We researched the fields of proper study habits, nutrition and health, and psychology to compile this list of the most important and often overlooked study tips.


  • 提到我们分享所有东西都公共领域”里,因此人们倒不如习惯这一点或者约束自己言辞

    He mentions that everything we share is in the "public domain," so people might as well get used to it or limit what they say.


  • 逐步养成生活中一些较次要方面塑造品德习惯之后,重要领域培养品德力量能力也会随之增强

    And as you get into the habit of building character in the smaller areas of your life, your ability to develop character strength in more important spheres will grow.


  • 一个人什么想法习惯的做法别人问一下狄拉克这个领域是否做过什么工作。

    It is often customary, when one has a new idea, to ask if Dirac hasn't done something in this area.


  • 认知疗法领域习惯自己聊上一整天的行为叫做自动思维或者自我谈话。

    Called 'automatic thoughts' or self-talk in cognitive therapy, these are the habitual things we say to ourselves all day long.


  • 上个月一专栏中,讲述了使用特定领域语言(dsl)的示例,在您的代码中定义通用设计习惯

    In last month's installment, I showed examples of using domain-specific languages (DSLs) to harvest idiomatic patterns, defined as common design idioms in your code.


  • 少年“让人振奋,因为它让人感到:走出业已习惯领域时,你仍然可以创造出美好东西。”

    Teen Dream is a stirring reminder that good things can happen when you move out of your comfort zone.


  • 奇怪现代澳大利亚淡水,它因为在淡水领域中生活而得名,帮助利诺猜测发现的一些远古鳄究竟具有哪些行为习惯

    Oddly enough, it was a modern crocodile — an Australian freshwater croc known as a "freshy, " that helped Sereno figure out how some of his ancient crocs behaved.


  • 虽然从表面上看起来,肥胖饮食失调好像属于不同研究领域现在习惯总是方面联系起来。

    Although obesity and eating-disorders research tend to be separate fields, the two are now converging in an intriguing manner.


  • 试图自己座位上更广泛领域马鞍一个很好的习惯

    Trying to seat yourself on the wider area of the saddle is one good habit.


  • Web 2.0领域用户思考方面更加敏捷希望一切变得快速开始习惯快速更改

    In a Web 2.0 world, your users are going to be more agile in their thinking, will want things more quickly, and are getting used to rapid change.


  • 如何建立强大的习惯工作生活其他领域取得非凡成果

    How do you make it strong enough to get extraordinary results at work and in the other areas of your life?


  • 其次两者都注重部门法的联系,习惯跨学科跨领域研究法理问题

    Second, they used to study on problems relating to both legal science and other legal departments.


  • 卫生面临更新威胁习惯本国领土范围内进行治理主权国家传统领域之外

    The newer threats to health also lie beyond the traditional domain of sovereign nations accustomed to governing what happens in their territories.


  • 卫生面临的更新威胁习惯本国领土范围内进行治理主权国家传统领域之外

    Thee newer threats to health also lie beyond the traditional domain of sovereign nations accustomed to governing what happens in their territories.


  • 这是药物成瘾领域所谓“生蛋还是蛋生鸡的争论”:大家知道可卡因成瘾近乎发狂,但是行为习惯到底哪一个先出现呢?

    Call it the chicken-and-egg debate of the addiction world: Cocaine addicts are known for being frenetic, but which came first, the behavior or the habit?


  • 或许心理成功领域重要发现就是所想,所感觉所做所得95%习惯结果

    Perhaps the most important discovery in the fields of psychology and success is that 95% of everything you think, feel, do and achieve is the result of habit.


  • 寻找理想工作习惯能够尽可能始终如一地坚持写作作为一个作家始终不断探索领域

    Finding the ideal working habits that will allow me to write as consistently as possible is always something I'm exploring as a writer.


  • 这种良好自律习惯品质可以帮助生活任何领域获得成功

    The habit of self-discipline goes hand in hand with success in every area of life.


  • 打开与否数据漂浮匿名空间利益力量习惯能力合作冲突领域的相互联系。

    Open or not, data does not float around in an anonymous space, rather in fields of force where interests, habits, capabilities, co-operate and conflict with one another.


  • 文化观念千变万化语言用法语言习惯产生重要原因,现已逐渐成为翻译研究的重要领域

    Cultural concepts, which underlie the variety of language usage and language habits, come to be the key area of translation studies.


  • 所选择习惯人生领域成就息息相关。

    There is a direct correlation between the habits you choose and the results you achieve in all areas of your life.


  • 所选择习惯人生领域成就息息相关。

    There is a direct correlation between the habits you choose and the results you achieve in all areas of your life.


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