• 尽管当然不会否认确保服务器稳定重要性,但是在合适测试需要恰当安全需求之间做出平衡。

    While I certainly do not deny the importance of ensuring server stability, you have to balance the need for adequate testing with the need for adequate security.


  • 自己需要一些稳定一些依靠。

    I needed some steadying and some propping-up myself.


  • 作为一个投资人需要稳定只有商品经济实现一点”,Guruprasad Rao他是来自迪拜农产品经纪人最近亚的斯亚贝巴采购芝麻

    "As an investor, I need stability, and only a commodity market can offer that," says Guruprasad Rao, an agricultural commodities broker from Dubai, on a recent trip to Addis Ababa to buy sesame seed.


  • 每月需要用来保持失业率稳定盈亏平衡就业机会数量下降

    And the "break-even" number of new jobs needed every month to keep unemployment steady would fall, too.


  • 虽然新兴市场银行西方银行拥有稳定商业模式,但很多仍然也需要困难权衡

    Although emerging-market Banks have far healthier business models than Western firms do, many of them will face a difficult trade-off.


  • 对于刚发生塌方仍处于稳定状态的矿井来说,实施两种方案很棘手,而且,最快需要几个的时间。

    All are tricky in a mine rendered unstable by the cave-in, and, in the best of cases, will take several months.


  • 脚本如清单4没有任何错误检查机制不是非常稳定但是足以满足我们的演示需要

    This script shown in Listing 4 has no error checking and is not very robust, but it illustrates our point.


  • 需要告诉你,知道随着传统媒体组织没有那么稳定他们内容正在下降。

    I don't have to tell you that as their businesses have become less stable, the quality of traditional media organizations' content has been slipping.


  • 其他药物需要添加进来,主要是为了缩短病程,治疗稳定剂作用郁期的爆发。

    Other medications are added when necessary, typically for shorter periods, to treat episodes of mania or depression that break through despite the mood stabilizer.


  • 如果需要的话TCP可以把一个数据包分成的包来使数据在通信双方之间稳定地传输。

    If necessary, TCP can also split large packets into smaller ones so that data can travel reliably between source and destination.


  • 一个良好开源社区需要稳定贡献者作为核心同要需要大量偶尔来痒痒的人

    A good Open Source community requires a core of regular contributors, but also requires a mass of occasional ones that are just scratching their particular itches.


  • 材料坚韧稳定通电角度看需要电离子顺利通过,”林浩尔博士

    "You want it very rigid and stiff, but from an electrical point of view you also want it to allow ions to flow through the material," says Dr Greenhalgh.


  • 除非特别需要这些属性,否则最好的选择或许继续使用VoiceXML, VoiceXML更加稳定应用更广泛。

    Unless you specifically need these features, however, you're probably best served by sticking with VoiceXML, which is more stable and in widespread use.


  • 我们需要货车稳定安全小编希望对于要求速度人能够更好明白一点毕竟速度和安全重要

    We need truck stability and security, small make up also hope for speed will be better able to understand a bit, after all, speed and safety are very important.


  • 共同掌管一家大型公司需要类似精妙的平衡行动,若联席ceo之间缺乏协作,将造成业务的不稳定

    Trying to steer a large company in tandem requires a similarly delicate balancing act, because a lack of co-ordination between joint chief executives can destabilise the business.


  • 不管怎样我们应该意识国内外部状况依然复杂的和基础是稳定的,但是经济进步仍然需要加强,”

    "However, we should also be aware that the domestic and external conditions are still complicated and the foundation for a stabilized but progressing economy should be further consolidated," he said.


  • 一个稳定淡水供应需要农业作为产生不利影响水化地块

    Having a steady fresh water supply will also be needed for farming as salt water will negatively affect the hydration of your plots.


  • 他们需要点运气确保他们已经准备工作做出牺牲因为一个稳定行业

    They also need luck and they need to make sure they're prepared to make sacrifices for the job, because this is an unremitting industry.


  • 我们希望这些服事的日子能巩固每个家庭之间的关系使比较稳定家庭接触需要鼓励建造的家庭,使家庭之间有机会在事工上相互配搭服事。

    It is our hope that these days strengthen relationships in family units, expose stronger families to those needing encouragement and modeling, and give opportunity to families to minister together.


  • 然而,把非功能性测试安排到早期存在问题就是很多情况系统需要获得一个最低程度稳定功能完整性运行测试用

    But the problem with scheduling NFT early, is that in many cases the system need to attain a minimum level of stability and functionality completeness for the test cases to run.


  • 当然可能需要用到一些支持工具;用调整变化支持受过伤稳定区域

    Of course, we may also need to use props; allowing for modifications and variations to support damaged or destabilized areas.


  • 推动物价上涨原因多方面的,稳定物价需要综合施策、重点治理

    The inflation of goods price attributed to numerous unexpected factors, so we need to take comprehensive measures to hold the foods price steadily . And the management is focus .


  • 然而稳定机油需要承受住压力。

    Thermally stable oils are required to withstand the high temperatures encountered.


  • 拉法如果我们能够保持状态稳定显然我们需要改进主场平局尽管我们主场的最终成绩跟上个赛季一样但是我们已经改进很多了。

    Rafa: If we can keep the consistency. Clearly we have to improve at home, the draws at home, though (or record at home) is more or less the same as last season. But we have improved a lot away.


  • 对于电流测量系统需要足够稳定时间能够获得预期准确度

    A low current measurement system may also require significant settling time be fore the expected accuracy can be obtained.


  • 另外法律需要固定稳定的,这样它们可以平等地(理论上)应用于每一个人

    In addition, the laws needed to be fixed and stable so that they could be equally applied (in theory) to everyone.


  • 同意提出的一个看法就是艾滋病工作组需要保持相对稳定能得到持续支持

    I also agree in your point that the AWG requires stable and continuous attendance and support.


  • 其他方法相比 ,好处好地根据计算需要控制网格疏密提高计算效率运行过程稳定

    This method over other method is that it can give a better control over the points spacing which can improve the calculation′s efficiency, and its process is steadily performed.


  • 也需要了解个人生活及其生活稳定的状态,因为个人问题有时很难处理并且极易影响一个人的工作

    Take a look at their personal life and how stable it is. Personal problems are difficult and can easily complicate their professional life.


  • 现在我们海外客户建立稳定业务关系同时我们在不断地开发产品满足不同客户的需要

    Now we set up stable business relationship with customers and also develop new products to satisfy customers with different demand.


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