• 太多职场政策通过禁止员工休假有力地阻止了员工形成健康的工作和生活间的平衡即使是在他们需要休假的时候不例外。

    Too many workplace policies effectively prohibit employees from developing a healthy work-life balance by barring them from taking time off, even when they need it most.


  • 我们许多竞争而发展竞争逐渐侵入我们生活需要一些方面

    Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.


  • 减肥产品人们相信没有痛苦可以有收获,生活没有阻力需要努力

    Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain, and that life can be without resistance and struggle.


  • 觉得种植植物就像试图在生活中取得成功,不仅需要时间,也需要大量的努力和耐心。

    I feel that growing plants is just like trying to succeed with anything in life it takes not only time but also lots of efforts and patience.


  • 但是,仅仅寻求平衡增长不够我们需要确保增长的可持续性——为了我们地球为了将在地球上生活子孙后代。

    But it's not enough to pursue growth that is balanced. We also need growth that is sustainable -for our planet and the future generations that will live here.


  • 我们家庭生活发生了改变——所有决定都需要按照方式否则就会麻烦

    Our home life has also changed - all decisions need to go her way or there is hell to pay.


  • 记住你自己身体生活需要关注

    Remember your body and your life needs your attention too.


  • 开始自己,是否除了工作之外生活其他方面需要改变时,对职业转换的认识就更深了。

    You will know if you are learning at a deeper level when you start to question what other aspects of your life, apart from your job, might need changing as well.


  • 躯体症状非常真实的他们损害了生活质量可以导致临床上相关疾病可能需要心理治疗认知行为疗法

    Somatoform symptoms are very real; they impair quality of life, and can also cause clinically relevant disorders that may require psychological treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.


  • 即使很欣赏他们作品比如说演凯文·斯密斯,我不想需要知道我们每天生活点点滴滴。

    Even if I enjoy their work (e.g. Kevin Smith), I neither want nor need to know the minutiae of their daily lives.


  • 他们需要重建家园日常生活产品

    But they also need products to rebuild their homes and get by in everyday life.


  • 同样地明星需要摄像镜头跟随他们曝光他们日常生活比方说出健身房啦,机场安检啦,等等。

    Likewise, stars often need the photos to follow their every move and snap shots of their every day lives, like exiting a gym and waiting on line for airport security.


  • 法丽雅主治医生认为阿富汗生活方式没有需要指责地方。

    Even Fawzia's doctor finds nothing blameworthy in the Afghan way of life.


  • 第二需要上帝亲自我们生活曾经罪恶统治

    And the second need is to have God himself come into our lives where sin once reigned.


  • 一旦选民看到好的政策制定生活更精彩,他们的期望便会提高需要会更多

    Once constituents see that good policymaking can make a difference to their lives, they raise their expectations, and demand more.


  • 但是不仅仅杂志网页广告设计应用留白,我们生活需要这种艺术

    But white space can be used in the design of our lives as well, not just the design of magazines and websites and ads.


  • 尊重他们他们社会优秀市民,有责任感的丈夫,慈爱的父亲,当然社会需要纳税人;发现他们生活得毫无激情

    I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers, ~ and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting.


  • 由于大部分青少年是高中生活伊始便牢固习惯,因此,这些策略需要考虑未踏入高中的孩子们

    Since most already have firmly established viewing habits at the start of high school, these strategies also need to target kids before they even begin high school, " says Dr. Barnett.


  • 英国一直和那些流浪汉交流,他们推销问题》——事实上并不花费巨大需要花费日常生活很多时间只是需要进行正常谈话而已

    Here in London, I always chat to a homeless person selling The Big Issue - it really doesn't take much to take some time out of your routine and just have a normal conversation.


  • 生活社会在不断变迁,肥皂剧需要跟上时代。

    Soaps need to remain contemporary: life and society are both constantly evolving.


  • 甚至需要东西基于其他人正在做,你不断地改变生活

    Even if you don't buy stuff, you'll change your life endlessly, based on what others are doing.


  • 布鲁内尔提到,自己坦诚并不意味着需要接受自己所有缺点努力自己生活进行任何积极的改进。

    Brunell said being true to yourself doesn't mean that you should accept all of your flaws and not try to make positive changes in your life.


  • 编程的确很难比起那些需要伪装欺骗表演生活恶棍或者小丑来说,真的一点不难

    Programming is hard indeed, but not at all as difficult as life of a crook or joker who pretend, lie and act for living.


  • 这个看似愚蠢近似荒唐故事实际上讲的却是对抗自己生活同时需要周围帮忙的一个感人故事

    What could have turned into a silly story, bordering on wacky, is actually a touching tale about a man who needs to confront his own life and needs other people around to help him.


  • 减少排放量不是哥本哈根会议上唯一优先考虑的焦点,很多讨论我们到底需不需要改变人们的日常生活

    Cutting carbon emissions is not only the priority at the Copenhagen conference. Many are talking about the need to change our everyday lives.


  • 同时,两家公司生活需要物质成为全球性的商品

    They will also have turned life's most essential molecule into a global commodity.


  • 同时,两家公司生活需要物质成为全球性的商品

    They will also have turned life's most essential molecule into a global commodity.


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