• 经常懒惰一种极大罪恶

    I've often heard and read that idleness is a very great evil.


  • 读到有人通过采纳自我激励建议成功的例子。

    I've read about people who've gotten great results from taking self-help tips to heart.


  • 一次钥匙,“小偷”逃走了,也读

    This time they got stolen, the culprit got off, and the book got read!


  • 18岁的可能读到这些条条框框,可能:“建议!”

    My 18-year-old self would probably have read this post and said, "Good advice!"


  • 曾经捷达可靠性问题不过读到过有92%的捷达车主建议捷达。

    I've read that Jettas have reliability issues but have also read that 92% of Jetta owners would recommend purchasing one.


  • 当然读到关于可能性转会故事希望利物浦这样俱乐部正在着手引进球员

    Of course I've read the stories about possible signings, but you expect to hear a club like Liverpool is looking to bring in new players.


  • 比如说圣诞节飞机未遂事件之后读到许多多人都在抱怨管理国家失当——他没有很好地让人民宽慰放心下来,没有舒缓这个国家紧张的神经。

    After the failed airliner bombing on Christmas, for instance, I seemed to hear and read a lot of complaints about his failure to address the nation-to comfort and reassure, to calm nerves.


  • 读到可以客户应用程序连接数据库通过SQL服务器本地客户端需要安装每一个PC所以问题一点正确方法什么

    I also read you can make a client app connect to the database through SQL Server Native client but then I need it installed on every PC. So I guess my question is, what is the proper way to do this?


  • 这些今后一辈子不会读到

    These are words which may not be seen again in a lifetime of reading.


  • 最近博客访问了你们可以在这里读到

    He's also recently interviewed me for his blog, which you can read here.


  • 一部作品每次都能读到不同道理,每个道理都不是详尽无遗的,不是更有根据的。

    The truth of a work changes with each reading, no one of which is exhaustive or more valid then another.


  • 在这儿读到文章网站有太多相关的东西,它们不仅告诉怎样正确饮食告诉你为什么要正确饮食。

    The articles that you read here, and at the plethora of related sites on the web, will not only tell you the hows but also the why's of proper eating.


  • 该期第17你们一定有关我们产品介绍。

    No doubt you also read the item about our products on page 17 of this journal.


  • 希望读到更多许多第三程序设计人员使用的设计软件方面的内容——例如一个公共图书馆网络服务或者API平台

    I would also have liked to read more about designing software intended for use by many different third-party programmersfor instance, a Shared library, Web service, or platform API.


  • 犹疑,我毫不犹疑的绝对不会亚当·史密斯,至少耶鲁经济学课堂上不会,而且可能,在你的心理学课堂上读到佛洛伊德。

    I hesitate to I don't hesitate to say that you will never read Adam Smith in an economics course here at Yale and it is very unlikely that you will read Freud in your psychology classes.


  • 我们在很多控诉性电视节目在许多书籍文章这个。

    We could see many accusatory TV programms and read dozens of books and articles about it.


  • 这个网页链接其他一些中美合作所有关人员网站,在那些网站上读到同样自豪表述

    The Web page gave a few links to other sites related to SACO personnel, where I saw the same pride manifest.


  • 一个战略时,自己需要思考一下就当天这个战略是如何执行的(可能是办砸了)。

    You may read about a strategy and think to yourself how you’ve seen that very strategy executed (or botched) the same day.


  • 仅仅任务调用所有服务通过给定的服务实现进行调用”EJB倡导者本人为此而感头痛

    The EJB Advocate himself got a headache just by reading about having to know "all the services called by all the tasks called by a given service implementation".


  • 这里弗罗斯特特别叶芝早期诗歌不同,你们下周读到叶芝的,他的诗歌梦中现实“,里面一些小精灵。”

    Frost is also here specifically writing against the early poetry of Yeats, which you'll read next week, poetry that finds reality exactly in "dream," and that has plenty of fairies and elves in it.


  • 本书导引线索,当中相似之处,我们读到相当篇幅你们毫无疑问地之后进行讨论

    The guiding thread of the book is the correspondence, and we will look at this in some length and you will discuss it in your sections, no doubt.


  • 读到这里单纯了,快乐不了。

    Who have read here are no longer simple nor happy.


  • 简单健康健身》 中读到既不自己当做健身专家不是菜鸟,我认为我是个中不溜。

    You may have read in SIMPLE Health & Fitness that I don’t see myself as a professional or as a novice. I fall somewhere in between.


  • 阿格斯的风流韵事的情诗写的那些诗,情感模糊,幻象层出,即使被巴士不会他们隐情

    He had written poems about his affair with Agnieszka, but his way with pathetic fallacy meant that even Basia could read them without guessing their true provenance.


  • 甚至读到披露中亚协会管理失当报告之前不出这种开发模式有何可取之处。

    Even before the reports of C.A.I. 's mismanagement, I saw little value in this model of development.


  • 你们已经犹太》里的短文,在其他地方这些伟大的语句。

    You've read the short article he has in the Jewish Study Bible, but he's also written about this at great length in other places.


  • 读到扯掉衣服”的不仅更多地责怪贾斯汀汀布莱克,认为要收取罚金的人数比另外组人多了53%。

    Not only did people who read 'ripped the costume' blame Justin Timberlake more, they also levied a whopping 53% more in fines.


  • 读到扯掉衣服”的不仅更多地责怪贾斯汀汀布莱克,认为要收取罚金的人数比另外组人多了53%。

    Not only did people who read 'ripped the costume' blame Justin Timberlake more, they also levied a whopping 53% more in fines.


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