• 妒忌旳作用也许过多能你强而有力旳指示成为你所希望出色邪恶

    The use of force or jealousy from or toward you may be excessive, but it does indicate great power for good or evil to be who you want to be.


  • 你们记住两位高贵亲族——里奇叔叔爱德蒙叔叔,”斯蒂芬回答说,“觉得也许要求过多了。”

    "In asking you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie and nuncle Edmund," Stephen answered, "I feel I am asking too much perhaps."


  • 也许我们认为如果我们犯错误时候,“承担过多不是一个好借口(毕竟我们选择“是””)。

    Perhaps we think "I took on too much" is not much of an excuse if and when we drop the ball (after all, it was our choice to say yes or no).


  • 也许,这里过多地强调图片力量

    So much, perhaps, for the power of pictures.


  • 然而,燃气比例更高欧洲也许不必过多地为供应安全感到担忧。

    Yet a gassier Europe may not need to worry too much about security of supply.


  • 也许注意到被扫描过多

    You may notice excessive Numbers of table scans.


  • 教授长期以来一直认为公司拥有过多权利也许的。

    Mr Wu has long believed some big companies have too much power, and he may be right.


  • 也许标准主体它们的成员应该力量集中完成基础的、核心工作流标准外层过多地分散力量。

    Perhaps the standards bodies and their members should focus their efforts on finishing the basic, core workflow standard and not be so distracted by the outer layers.


  • 因此尽管香皂洗手很好的做法,可是,过多清洁也许导致一些令人不悦症状,更不用说发炎难看的手了

    So, while a good wash with soap and water is still a great idea, overwashing might lead to some unpleasant symptoms, not to mention inflamed and unsightly hands.


  • 研究者称,冬季华中该类生物数量增多,这种不同寻常现象也许标志阿拉伯的水体正日益富营养化——水中的营养物质过多氧含量减少。

    According to the researchers, the unusual abundance of this organism in winter blooms may be a sign that the waters of the Arabian sea are becoming more eutrophic-overly fertile and oxygen-depleted.


  • 州长监狱卫生保健预算中减去了过多的费用,Katie讽刺地评论说,“也许父亲认为一些,监狱请不起了。”

    The governor has taken additional money away from the prison’s health care, and Katie comments sarcastically, “Maybe he thinks he cuts enough, they won’t be able to afford you.”


  • 如果生活某一地区,在这里也许没有消耗过多地下水附近其他人却在超采他们的地下水,他们最终不得不寻找其它水源

    If you are living in an area where maybe you're not depleting your groundwater but other people nearby are depleting theirs, eventually they are going to have to find other water.


  • 也许客户认为设计网站使用过多深灰色调而显得苛刻。

    Maybe your client thinks the site you've designed is too harsh with lots of dark grey hues.


  • 所以如果生命确实可以毫无困难地在陆地环境中生活,那么也许生命曾地球形成

    So if life does emerge readily under terrestrial conditions, then perhaps it formed many times on our home planet.


  • 也许这么认为但看看自己天里这样那样抱怨不满吧。

    If you don't believe me, count how many times you complain about something or other in one day.


  • 我们带来过多风险并且也许客户来说公平的,并且我们能够确定他们的技术需求将被满足吗。

    It would have exposed us to excessive risk and would have been unfair to the customer, had we found out that their technical requirements could be satisfied for much less.


  • 也许,假使内心过多自信使它流露出来了以致影响到了周边了。

    Maybe if I feel more confident inside, that self-assurance will flow outward and infect the people around me.


  • 觉得Buzz方面过多也许适合不少,但不是那道菜。

    Buzz is trying to do way too much in my opinion and while that may work for many people, it does't work that well for me.


  • 所以土星也许曾经过多个卫星-其中一个可能是由外壳包裹着岩石核心构成。 。

    So Saturn might once have had more—one of which could have had a rocky core surroundedby a shell of water ice.


  • 所以土星也许曾经过多个卫星-其中可能外壳包裹岩石核心构成。

    So Saturn might once have had more-one of which could have had a rocky core surrounded by a shell of water ice.


  • 最后一集中客串明星JohnLynch也许最喜欢位,因为合作过多,我期望知道,我们屏幕上印象如何

    The guest star in the final episode, John Lynch, was probably my favourite because I got to work with him quite a lot, and I'm looking forward to seeing how our relationship on screen comes across.


  • 女性过多穿高跟鞋也许弊大于利。研究表明,高跟鞋导致足部肌肉失衡,而这种失衡潜在危害性

    But women who wear them too often may find the downsides soon outweigh the benefits -as research shows they can cause a potentially harmful imbalance in the feet.


  • 小腿任何影响可以设置愈合过程所以假如使用过多落地,他的跳跃也许致使痛苦恶化好几

    Any impact on the leg can set the healing process back so if he USES the leg too much or lands on it when he jumps this can cause his pain to worsen for several days.


  • 过多包装物留在收款台。也许他们明白

    Leave the excess packaging at the checkout and maybe, just maybe they'll get the message.


  • 这些面向也许引领冲动性行动过多身体活动脾气发怒

    These aspects may lead you to impulsive actions, overdoing physical activities, and tempers will flare.


  • 秋天也许寂寞的,过于坚强性格耗费过多生命,他注定初秋开始时候就叶凋萎

    His fall may be very lonely, and he was too strong of character, spending his life too much, he was destined to start in early autumn, when leaves yellow blight.


  • 因此,也许父母应该担心如果他们子女大量的时间视频游戏过多

    So perhaps parents shouldn't be too worried if their children are spending an inordinate amount of time playing video games.


  • 朋友也许过多的责任推到快餐上,一点的:建立关系需要时间

    My friend probably blamed too much on fast food, but he was right about one thing: relationships take time.


  • 也许不该跟上他。如果过多,要使谈话不中断可能困难

    Nicholas:Maybe you shouldn't try. If you drink too much, you might have trouble keeping the conversation going.


  • 也许觉得获得点滴智慧没有多重要积累,它们成为一个更睿智仁慈、更有趣的

    It might feel like the bits of wisdom you acquire don't mean much, but over the years they add up to form a wiser, kinder, more interesting person.


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