• 引用引用扩展抽象reference(引用(phantomreferences)一样,以后文章中介绍)。

    Weak and soft references both extend the abstract reference class (as do phantom references, which will be discussed in a future article).


  • 然而存在一些缺点

    However, there are some drawbacks with virtual tables.


  • 最重要所牟取的这些高薪—或者说是应当得到的”—我们高的金融行业中,侵蚀了我们真实假的辨别力腐蚀了我们的判断力

    Most of all, the vast riches being earned - or maybe that should be "earned" - in our bloated financial industry undermined our sense of reality and degraded our judgment.


  • 为食,心中昏迷,使偏邪,他不能自救不能右手岂不是谎吗。

    He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?


  • 上述各种问题在美国常见:美国各高校里分数高问题频频发生;哪儿可以上网,哪儿就会有抄袭剽窃现象,而且愈演愈

    Some of this is standard fare: American universities suffer periodic spasms over grade inflation; plagiarism is on the rise wherever students can use the internet.


  • 的确黑了,人一圈,来天军训不是的。

    Yeah, her face is browned by the sun, and seems thinner than before. The ten days training is really practical.


  • 早期分布式系统开发者发现相同问题然后发布解决方案

    Early distributed systems developers found the same problem, and published the Facade solution.


  • 美国的巴尔的摩英国的布拉福德,那些能力一般但工资企业经理不能再得过且过

    Revoltingly fat pay packets for OK business managers from Baltimore to Bradford aren't OK either.


  • 对象(phantomly reachable):不是可及对象、软可及对象,不是可及对象,已经结束的,可以通过引用访问的对象。

    Phantomly reachable: an object that is not strongly, softly, or weakly reachable, has been finalized, and can be accessed through a phantom reference.


  • 神秘美丽神乎其神,海,纯洁清流,海,爱你的神秘的魅力;海,爱善良高尚,海,爱你的深藏若

    The sea, mysterious, beautiful, miraculous, sea, love your pure fountain, the sea, love your mysterious charm; the sea, love you good, noble, sea, love you show restraint.


  • 纯洁清流,海,爱你的神秘魅力;海,爱的善良高尚,海,爱你的深藏若

    The sea, love your pure fountain, the sea, love your mysterious charm; the sea, love you good, noble, sea, love you show restraint.


  • 人类社会一样古往今来中国历代的状元之仕,甘于生活贫乏十年寒窗奋力一搏,终于金榜提名

    Like human society, since time immemorial, the Chinese official history of the scholar, not in the lives of poor, empty silence, decades, struggling for the best, and finally nominated Jinbang.


  • 仿真实验结果看出方法训练样本数相对较少的情况下,仍然具有较高的检测正确率,同时具有较低的警率。

    Then simulation results express this method has better detection rate, overall accuracy and false positive rate reduced with less training sample size.


  • 人生这个阶段体重大约190了些年岁生了几个小孩。

    At this point in my life I weigh about 190 lbs and my ear hairs are getting longer.


  • 第二天早晨,爱米发现早就起来了,前一天急切,更兴奋瑟瑟的没力气。

    Amelia found him up very early the next morning, more eager, more hectic, and more shaky than ever.


  • 知道哪些函数即使声明内联不会内联很重要比如说函数递归函数在一般情况下不会内联。

    It is important to know that functions are not always inlined even if they are declared as such; for example, virtual and recursive functions are not normally inlined.


  • 这从另一方面证明范畴普遍意义。

    The answer is positive and it proves that empty categories are universal.


  • 另一名结婚膝下朋友对眼下自由自在孩子牵绊生活感到十分满意,不愿意任何改变

    Another friend of mine, who is still childless after five years of marriage, enjoys thoroughly the freedom of life without the burden of children and has no wish to change the status quo.


  • 介电常数部大(绝对值),而且包层损耗较大

    The loss is greater when the imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant is bigger and the mode order is higher.


  • 此外透明方法不能重写关键方法,不能实现关键接口方法。

    In addition, transparent methods cannot override critical virtual methods or implement critical interface methods.


  • 成就一事而忘形不是因为责任不是因着有用不是因着任何缘故,而单单因为我

    Have I ever been carried away to do something for God not because it was my duty, nor because it was useful, nor because there was anything in it at all beyond the fact that I love Him?


  • 与实时间之,不攻自破

    Virtual reality, and the time to check, flow well exposed.


  • 上主克里那,形体示现吗?

    Does Lord Krishna take on human form?


  • 这个函数允许客户请求对象提供关于自己其它方面的指针,这个新指针同样指向不同叫做接口)。

    This function allows a client to ask the object for different pointers to itself that also point to different abstract base classes (also known as interfaces).


  • 临床上初发2型糖尿病的患者中以兼有瘀证最多症状最为突出

    In the clinical, incipient Type 2 Diabetes with Deficient Qi and Yin combined blood stasis both the most common symptoms are most prominent.


  • 红楼梦十二之《不仅深刻地揭示了整部作品主题蕴涵著丰富文化意义。

    One of the twelve songs of "A Dream of Rat Mansions"-Perception of The Transience of Flowers not only reveals the theme of the complete work, but also contains abundant cultural factors.


  • 管子认为恬淡专心致志可能达到最高认识

    "Guan Zi" also thought one wants empty static indifferent to fame or gain, wholly absorbed, only then possibly achieves the highest understanding.


  • 今天就加入本寺课程法师教导;此课程提供佛陀教诲概述帮助运用生活各个领域

    Conducted by Venerable Ren Xu, the course will provide you with an overview of the teachings taught by the Buddha, and serves to help you find relevance for application in various areas of your lives.


  • 今天就加入本寺课程法师教导;此课程提供佛陀教诲概述帮助运用生活各个领域

    Conducted by Venerable Ren Xu, the course will provide you with an overview of the teachings taught by the Buddha, and serves to help you find relevance for application in various areas of your lives.


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