• 然而他们应该自己有一个安全的退休生活不用担心未付账单自由

    However, they also deserve a home of their own, a secure retirement and freedom from worrying about unpaid bills.


  • 事实上他们有时会结束自己生命因为他们遭受虐待因为他们相信自己重生自由生活自己土地上

    In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they will be born again, free and living in their own land.


  • 天平男不羞于在公众场合表达自己情感一点害羞,就这样而已。 他自由的表达他的感情感受然后感到生命之中不可或缺一部分

    He will express his emotions and feelings freely and will really make you feel like you're a vital part of his daily life and he'd be nothing without you.


  • 应该自由表达自己信仰观念同时尊重伴侣的信仰和观念。

    While you should be free to express your beliefs and opinions, you should respect your spouse's beliefs and opinions.


  • 本该格林自由行动,不能任由敲开户人家房门告诉这些陌生人他们家里棵大树疼痛难忍,最终把我自己拖下水。

    I was supposed to give Greene a free hand, but I couldn't go out on a limb by having him knocking on someone's door and telling them they had a tree in pain.


  • 还有机遇平等自由理想不断激励我们自己更加团结激励着其他人更加团结

    There are the ideals of opportunity, equality, and freedom that have not only inspired our people to perfect our own union, but inspired others to perfect theirs as well.


  • 罗马巴达许多年里拥有着自己武装因而自由

    Rome and Spartafor many centuries stood armed and free.


  • 他们不是自己国家不是为自由而做,就是为什么我们支付电费税收,”Nakao

    "They're not doing it for their country, and they're not doing it for freethat's why we pay electricity fees and taxes," Nakao said.


  • 我们之所以这么做,是因为我们懂得,如果有更多的生活自由尊严的光明世界,我们自己未来将会安全,更光明。

    We have done so because we know that our own future is safer, our own future is brighter, if more of mankind can live with the bright light of freedom and dignity.


  • 来自古巴动物们可以期待自己新家好一点饮食游客给他们稍微一点自由

    The animals from Cuba can expect the diet to be better in their new home and the visitors to be slightly more free-range.


  • 对于自己创业对于从事自由职业一点兴趣-----她喜欢为别人打工

    She doesn’t have any interest in running her own business or freelancing — she likes the company that employs her.


  • 观点每个人都应当能够自由说出自己想法过去从来没有要求删除评论将来不会

    My view is that everyone should be free to say whatever they want. I have never asked for a comment to be removed, nor will I do so.


  • 拥有自己汽车就意味着行动自由,没有限制不用交通系统总让你投币感到头疼,比如公交车地铁

    Owning an automobile provides freedom of movement and the luxury of avoiding the limited schedules and cramped quarters offered by mass transportation options such as buses and subways.


  • 如同许可随心所欲山间漫游一样,在寻求真理自由选择自己道路

    As he allowed me to wander about the mountains at my will, so in the quest for truth he left me free to select my path.


  • 加德纳认为自己其他商学院教授经历充分证明,学术自由金钱更加重要

    Gardner also pointed to herself and other business school professors as evidence that this kind of freedom can matter more than money.


  • 金融家现在发现自由市场而辨论据越发找,而他们自己已经没有了去怀疑这个问题好处

    Financiers will find the arguments for free markets harder to make now that they have lost the benefit of the doubt.


  • 国会提交的证据中,报告自己被允许自由谈及干细胞问题不能发表关于干细胞的报告。

    In his evidence to Congress, he reported that he was not allowed to speak, or issue reports, on stem cells.


  • 比起只是简单地成为自由职业者,成立自己公司非常好处,当然涉及一些风险

    There are a lot of benefits of moving ahead from simply being a freelancer. But there are quite a few risks involved too.


  • 自由职业者企图自己直接公司打交道,但通常很难接触能拍板,即使找到他们未必能争取到订单

    In their attempts to introduce themselves directly to companies, freelancers usually find it difficult to gain access to the people that matter and, once they are there, to secure orders.


  • 50岁以上公民——其中包括自己——“美国自由市场体系感到非常惬意”,眼下混乱视作市场对从前不加节制纠正

    People over 50, such as himself, "have a great comfort level with the American free-enterprise system", and recognise the current turmoil as the marketplace correcting its own previous excesses.


  • 即便是在打算展开自由讨论时候,你最好带着自己观点参与进去

    Even if you plan on having an open discussion, it's usually better to go in armed with a point of view.


  • 自由社会相信自己人民会把自己自己国家变得更加伟大。

    A free society trusts its citizens to seek greatness in themselves and their country.


  • 许多受访白领自由职业者一样克拉比斯将兼职工作看作生活固定组成部分计划即使今年晚些时候减薪取消自己继续兼职族。

    Like many of the white-collar freelancers interviewed, Ms. Klabis sees moonlighting as a permanent part of her life and plans to continue even after the pay cut is lifted later this year.


  • 女儿自由地坐交谈,不再蒙面他们,总能电视看到许多妇女劳动没带面纱。久而久之,他们觉得自己不带没什么不妥了。

    But their daughters sit and chat uncovered because, they say, they have seen unveiled women at work or on television so much that at last it seems normal to them.


  • 然而,真正成为自由职业者第一就把自己一张毛毯里,睁大眼睛什么没做,就在想着我到底把自己推进了一个什么境地

    Then I spent my first day as a freelancer wrapped in a blanket, wide-eyed and paralyzed, wondering what in the world I'd gotten myself into.


  • 许多游客认为古巴旅游费用太高购买任何东西,强迫自己货币兑换“可自由兑换比索”,而这些“比索”离开这个便一文不值。

    Many tourists also find Cuba expensive. To buy anything they are obliged to change their money into "convertible pesos", which are worthless outside the island.


  • 不来自己自由

    I don't have much use for money other than to buy myself freedom.


  • 自由自身生命活力控制因为如何渡过自己一生个人责任所在,只有我才能对自己负责。

    Myfreedom is my control of my own life-energy, for the uses of which I, alone, amtherefore responsible.


  • 自由自身生命活力控制因为如何渡过自己一生个人责任所在,只有我才能对自己负责。

    Myfreedom is my control of my own life-energy, for the uses of which I, alone, amtherefore responsible.


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