• 看出我们那时多么亲密啊。

    But I can also see how close we were at that time. Here is the poem.


  • 现在看出它的价值了吧?

    Wife:I guess you see the value it too?


  • 公司看出外贸业务的确开展,便内勤工作

    Leader also understood it is hard to open the abroad market and let me do inside job.


  • 到后来,马德兰先生也看出不过来说,仿佛件无足轻重事。

    M. Madeleine had finally perceived the fact; but it seemed to be of no importance to him.


  • 我自己还是看出这些家伙将拥有一个运行对冲基金的大好前途

    Is it just me, or can you see a future for these guys running a hedge fund?


  • 有一偶尔谈起了古代希腊田园生活也看出了她的沮丧

    He observed her dejection one day, when he had casually mentioned something to her about pastoral life in ancient Greece.


  • 明显,这位先生处于焦虑之中,即使是从远处看出流汗

    He was obviously in distress, and even from a distance I could see he was sweating.


  • 孩子看出问题的所在,就是只要孩子空闲时间家长安排任务

    The child can see the problem, that is, as long as the children free time, parents will be arranged task.


  • 她们报告中也看出,她们谈论孩子生活事件周遭环境方面程度提高50%。

    And a 50 percent increase in the degree to which they reported that they talked about the events in the child's life... and what was going on in the surroundings of the child.


  • 通过分析看出建设实力方面不足下一步提高国际航运心软实力指明了方向

    Through the analysis, it shows that there is lack of building soft power, and it also point out the direction of the next step to improve the strength of international shipping center soft power.


  • 看出各种劳苦一切工作技巧,都出于彼此竞争:空虚是追风。

    Then I saw that all toil and skillful work is the rivalry of one man for another. This also is vanity and a chase after wind.


  • 总是天空的心思,我从天空眼神里看出羡慕可是看出天空迟迟不肯正视自己感情

    I always thought not see the sky, the sky's eyes I see the envy, but also see that the sky has been reluctant to face their feelings.


  • 有时候因为催稿关系,即使自己不是满意拿去付梓了,”从这点也看出市场对于刘慈欣作品的持续需求

    Sometimes I have to allow the publishing even if I'm not too happy with my work," implying the perennial demand of the market on his time.


  • 分析比较也看出黑麦c -带带型异染色质多态性现象明显存在。野生黑麦的杂合性现象较明显。

    The heterochromatic polymorphism of C-banding patterns in rye and the heterozygosity in wild rye are found in our analysis.


  • 每天看到主人时时电脑桌前不停工作,我主人的脸上看出自己一样的:无聊寂寞孤独

    Every day I see always the master table in the computer, stop working, I also saw the master and his face the same: boredom, loneliness and isolation.


  • 事实上我们也看出我们一天一天开始向下而且愈来愈向北走因此我们一切听凭带路人继续前进。

    We found indeed, that we began to descend every day, and to come more north than before; and so depending upon our guide, we went on.


  • 并且旷野看出你的天主你所走的长途,携带你们,如同携带自己儿子一样,直到你们来到地方

    And in the waste land, where you have seen how the Lord was supporting you, as a man does his son, in all your journeying till you came to this place.


  • 从此年老妇人都更多屈膝大礼,年少女子对他露出更多的笑容马德兰先生看出了自己在这些方面的优越地位。

    Madeleine perceived the advancement which he had obtained, by the more numerous courtesies of the old women and the more plentiful smiles of the young ones.


  • 真的看出岁数大了,看出我以前的经历了,p2相等么?,is,p,1,and,p,2,the,same,thing?,,还有个更坏英语句子呢,现在真的落伍了,正在用Python内置的比较器。

    I'm showing my age, and my history here, p1 Hey, there's a bad English sentence even worse, now I'm really thrown off.


  • 傻子看出他们相爱了!

    You don't have to be a genius to see that they are in love!


  • 人们可以看出一点

    One can see the point of this also.


  • 即使透了,出于礼貌不能

    Even if he bores you stiff, it is good manners not to let him know it.


  • 就业市场可以看出一些公司即使高薪不到技能技术人员

    As can be seen from the job market, some companies still can't find highly skilled technicians even with high pay.


  • 玛丽看出漂亮马车,连上车的男仆衣着很讲究。

    Mary saw that it was a smart carriage and that it was a smart footman who helped her in.


  • 风速随着海拔高度的增加而增加可能树木带来严重的压力海拔地区的变形就可以看出来。

    Wind velocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes.


  • 不过可以看出这个服务很多情况都有用,不仅仅是在组织活动方面。

    But I can also see this being useful for several scenarios, and not just activity organization.


  • 不过可以看出这个服务很多情况都有用,不仅仅是在组织活动方面。

    But I can also see this being useful for several scenarios, and not just activity organization.


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