• 一方面,芭芭拉已经感受不到职业带来兴奋志愿者工作满足

    Barbara, on the other hand, has missed the excitement of her profession and does not feel she would be satisfied doing volunteer work.


  • 色旅游不仅满足了人们的旅游需求,也满足了人们了解革命传统知识的强烈愿望。

    Red tourism has not only met people's travel needs but also their strong wishes for knowledge on revolutionary traditions.


  • 哪怕一会儿呢,满足

    Even on a moment then, I have met.


  • 福布斯传媒满足放款方规定财务指标

    Forbes met the stipulated financial targets.


  • 当然Git满足标准VCS要求比如不变性问责制

    Of course, Git also satisfies standard VCS requirements such as immutability and accountability.


  • 采用GPS接收机标称精度进行估算,其结果满足隧道控制要求

    When estimated by inherent standard deviations of GPS receivers, the accuracy of lateral piercing can also meet the needs of a horizontal tunnel control network.


  • 而且格式良好HTML就是XML的子集,也满足最后一条REST要求

    And well-formed HTML is a subset of XML, satisfying the last REST requirement.


  • 摘要电流密度矢量满足叠加原理,给出了一些应用电流密度场叠加原理的例子。

    The electric current density vector field also satisfies superposition principle some applications thereof are introduced.


  • 与此同时如果对其中任一职位兴趣,并且满足以下要求,可以随时提交申请

    Meanwhile, if you are interested in any of the position, and have fulfilled the followingcriteria, please also feel free to apply.


  • 数值模拟结果表明模拟原型成型符合相似侵彻深度满足模拟

    The numerical results indicate that, the shaping of the prototype and the simulation EFP accord with the analogue rule, and the depth of penetration on steel target also satisfy simulation ratio.


  • 通过机组改造不仅满足近期工业供水要求同时满足农业灌溉流量随机性要求。

    The unit transformation satisfies not only the requirement of the current industrial water supply, but also the requirement of the randomness of small flow for the farm irrigation.


  • 漂浮住宅反映新奥尔良地区独特文化环境同时也满足了大量性建筑的高效性需求。

    The FLOAT House optimizes the efficiency of mass-production, while respecting New Orleans's unique culture and context.


  • 早期装饰品和失效碎裂承力结构重新制作,挂墙上,不仅满足功能性也满足装饰性

    Various objects on the wall range from early fixtures to pieces of failed structural supports all reworked to fit various purposes both functional and decorative.


  • 简单地说恐怖片原因为了寻找刺激,加速新城代谢同时满足自己未知领域好奇心

    Simply put, watching horror films is to find the reasons to stimulate and accelerate metabolism Metro, but also to meet their own curiosity of the unknown fields.


  • 可管理性——生命周期模型优化可以极佳地既满足频繁变化满足极少变化资产业务需求变化。

    Manageability - Lifecycle models are optimized to best meet the changes required by the business across frequently and infrequently changing assets.


  • 实验结果表明理论预测实验结果能够基本吻合,而光热膨胀波形也满足了实现微型驱动器的要求

    Experiments show that our theoretical predicts match experiment results well and the variable regularity of expansion satisfies the requirements of micro-driver.


  • 起初这样使苏珊感到很快了,同时满足马克保护欲,保护那对于失明一切都没有安全感爱妻

    At first, this comforted Susan, and fulfilled Mark's need to protect his sightless wife who was so insecure about performing the slightest task.


  • 文中选择了一个挠曲函数不但满足所有自由边上全部几何边界条件而且满足所有的内力边界条件。

    We select a flex-ural function which satisfies not only all the geometric boundary conditions on free edges wholly but also the boundary conditions of the total internal forces.


  • 近几年基金会风险资本家世界银行印度当作赢利型“社会企业的培养皿,这些企业在盈利的同时满足社会需要

    In recent years, foundations, venture capitalists and the World Bank have used India as a petri dish for similar for-profit "social enterprises" that seek to make money while filling a social need.


  • 花园平台通过公共区域连接法院大楼,不但盐湖城中心城区提供公共设施,同时也满足街道安全退缩要求

    This garden terrace unites the two courthouses in a public-access amenity for the downtown area of Salt Lake City while establishing a required federal security setback from the street.


  • 提出并证明相关二进阵列唯一性问题,将随机二进阵列偶伪随机二进序列作为其特例证明也满足唯一性。

    The uniqueness of pseudorandom binary array pairs and pseudorandom binary sequence pairs are proved as the specific cases of binary array pairs with two-level autocorrelation.


  • 苏丹,一只能西斯廷教堂咪嗷咪嗷歌唱阿列·格利作《上帝怜我》诗篇的老雄猫,已经充满了她的满足了她身上那点热情

    Sultan, her cat, which might have mewed Allegri's miserere in the Sixtine Chapel, had filled her heart and sufficed for the quantity of passion which existed in her.


  • 研究显示人们求知需求如此强烈以至于就算答案明显令人不快,还是会设法满足自己好奇心

    The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will seek to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear that the answer will hurt.


  • 即使那些看似必要建设工程地区我们必须找到较少资源满足需求方法同时尊重生态准则使预算费用少。

    Even in regions where new projects seem warranted, we must find ways to meet demands with fewer resources, respecting ecological criteria and to a smaller budget.


  • 反简易爆炸装置系统生产只是电子战图景一部分国防制造商忙于满足各种系统的需求

    The production of counter-IED systems is only a part of the EW picture, and defense manufacturers will be busy meeting demand for various of systems.


  • 几十年来收集知识不仅满足那些自然感到好奇的人,医学科学提供了有价值的见解

    The knowledge she collected over decades didn't just satisfy those curious about nature, but also provided valuable insights into medicine and science.


  • 几十年来收集知识不仅满足那些自然感到好奇的人,医学科学提供了有价值的见解

    The knowledge she collected over decades didn't just satisfy those curious about nature, but also provided valuable insights into medicine and science.


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