• 觉醒没有固定计划也没有目标

    The Awakened one has no fixed plans and no destination.


  • 者的心里没有愿景没有目标只是在行动

    The Awakened One has no vision or goal in mind. There is just doing.


  • 社会不是公正的,对于我们有恩灵魂高尚的,社会是华而不实的,既没有思想也没有目标

    The society is not fair, for we have grace is a noble soul, the society is flashy without substance has no thoughts, no goal.


  • 社会不是公正的,对于我们有恩灵魂高尚的,社会是华而不实的,既没有思想也没有目标

    Thee society is not fair, for we have grace is a noble soul, the society is flashy without substance has no thoughts, no goal.


  • 这位发言人项工作都是重点董事会关注目标也没有变化,依旧是将雅虎带回到强劲增长轨道股东回报价值

    'Both remain important priorities and the Board remains focused on its goal of returning the Company to a path of robust growth and returning value to shareholders,' he said.


  • 如果没有搜索目标关键词那么站点搜索引擎排名没有意义。

    If no one is searching for your targeted keywords, it won't matter how highly the site is ranked in the search engines.


  • 而这个目标或许小时申请25次其中出现一次错误一次错误也没有

    The goal might be to process 25 applications per hour, with one mistake or less.


  • 目标装载模块不是分区数据没有装载模块数据集相同记录格式u

    The target load module is either not a partitioned dataset, or does not have the same record format, u, as the source load module dataset.


  • 哥本哈根峰会只有个月了,现在各国设定的目标完全不能解决问题,没有资金用来帮助受伤害的人群。 照下去,这场赛跑的终点只能一份苍白空洞协议

    With Copenhagen just six months away, targets that are completely inadequate, and no money forthcoming to help the most vulnerable, at the moment this is a race towards an empty treaty.


  • 即使所谓清洁绿色”的新西兰没有制定2020年的碳减排目标

    Even supposedly clean, green New Zealand has no 2020 carbon target.


  • 没有提供PythonPerl或者Ruby——它的目标用户显然不是开发人员

    It also does not provide Python, Perl, or Rubydefinitely not targeted at developers.


  • CBO提出众多不足的确存在这样的事实就是成立IMAC提议没有明确成本削减目标没有引发自动实现削减开支的“扳机”。

    Among the shortcomings the agency identifies is the fact that the IMAC proposal does not contain specific cost-cutting targets or "triggers" that would act to cut costs automatically.


  • 美国最大的Wi - Fi亚利桑那州坦培市,目标用户32,000人,到2006年4月只有600用户,之后没有公布过用户数。

    America's biggest network, around Tempe, Arizona, was aiming for 32,000 subscribers, but had only 600 in April 2006 and has not provided figures since.


  • 美国最大的Wi -Fi亚利桑那州坦培市,目标用户32,000人,到2006年4月只有600用户,之后没有公布过用户数。

    America's biggest network, around Tempe, Arizona, was aiming for 32, 000 subscribers, but had only 600 in April 2006 and has not provided figures since.


  • RIM目标提供给专业客户,并且不同于竞争对手苹果公司的ipad什么没有这个设备2摄像机能够交互视频对话。

    RIM is targeting professional consumers and the device has two cameras to enable video-calls, unlike its rival, Apple’s iPad, which has none.


  • 没有明确指出目标没有表示何时宣布具体目标

    But he did not say what that target would be or when it would be announced.


  • 这个试验中,没有一个病人服用药物时间超过12而且没有数据证明该药可以减少心脏病疾病心血管疾病,而恰是所有降胆固醇药物目标

    None of the patients took the medicine for more than 12 weeks, and the trials offered no evidence that it had reduced heart attacks or cardiovascular disease, the goal of any cholesterol drug.


  • 是偶然事件我们确信飞机没有遭到目标攻击,也没有人听见枪响”。

    It appears to be a random event. We do not believe the plane was targeted.


  • 这次发布中其他一些特性没有达到预定目标,如存储过程、类型转换枚举大数据块更新支持

    Some other features that are not making it to this release are support for stored procedures, type-conversions, enums and bulk updates.


  • 如果什么都不做也没有明确目标仅仅生活自己展开得到的结果并非你所喜欢的。

    If you simply sit back and let life unfold without a clear focus, the results may not be to your liking.


  • 事实虽然倾尽所有努力目标去拼搏却什么没有达成,生活能让人感受到一安全错觉而我必须它低头

    The truth is, though, I would rather be striving toward that ideal my entire life and never see it realized, then surrender to live searching for some false sense of security (and to merely survive).


  • 加入海合会一直人民梦寐以求的目标成为其中条件非常的苛刻--海合会迄今也没有正式考虑门纳会员。

    Membership in the GCC is a long-standing Yemeni goal, and the conditions for joining will have to be tough -- a course the GCC has so far refused to entertain.


  • 目标无望没有比这些歌曲互不相关的东西了。但是这些失败最后完全转变成了财富

    That goal was a complete failure, as the tracks themselves couldn't be more unrelated to one another, but this foul eventually turns into a treasure all its own.


  • 所以如果双重检查锁定目标提供直观的同步方式更好性能,那么这个修复的”版本没有多大帮助

    So if the goal of double-checked locking is supposed to offer improved performance over a more straightforward synchronized approach, this "fixed" version doesn't help very much either.


  • 目标就是亲眼目睹今天津巴布韦人民苦难但是一点也没有注意到,我离这一切居然是这么

    My goal was to get a firsthand look at the misery facing ordinary people in Zimbabwe today. But I had little notion of just how close I would get.


  • 促使各国减少排放也没有必要制定具有国际约束力目标

    Nor are internationally binding targets necessary for getting countries to cut emissions.


  • 同时制药厂没有找到曾经预期丰富新药陷入了制药所需的潜在目标海量信息困境中。

    Meanwhile, the drug industry has yet to find the cornucopia of new drugs once predicted and is bogged down in a surfeit of information about potential targets for their medicines.


  • 同时制药厂没有找到曾经预期丰富新药陷入了制药所需的潜在目标海量信息困境中。

    Meanwhile, the drug industry has yet to find the cornucopia of new drugs once predicted and is bogged down in a surfeit of information about potential targets for their medicines.


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