• Time提供图片集图片的形式提供最新新闻

    Times Wire also features a photo gallery, displaying the latest news in pictures.


  • 除了简化元素嵌入紧凑表达式提供引用重用策略表达式的方法。

    Besides simplifying element nesting, compact expression also provides a way to reference and reuse policy expressions.


  • 因此API提供一命令可以用来导出规则规则定义

    Therefore, the API also provides commands you can use to export single rules or rule set definitions.


  • 每个模型服务组件都会提供服务这些组件结合起来同样提供一普通服务。

    Each Model service component will offer a set of services, and the components collectively offer a set of common services as well.


  • LCR-100提供混合航行模式GPS数据无法获得时,允许飞机航行

    The LCR-100 also offers a hybrid navigation mode, which permits the aircraft to navigate when GPS data is not available.


  • 谈到选择维珍提供标准的USB接口无线Modem,其定价细节完全

    And speaking of options, Virgin also offers a standard U.S.B. plug-in cellular modem with exactly the same pricing details.


  • 谈到选择维珍提供标准的USB接口无线Modem定价细节完全

    And speaking of options, Virgin also offers a standard U. s. B. plug-in cellular modem with exactly the same pricing details.


  • 容器也提供些机制(比如签了名HTML请求)确保这些调用源自站点内的工具。

    The container provides mechanisms, such as signed HTML requests, to provide a level of assurance that the calls originated from the gadget in its site.


  • 技术角度来看SecondLife提供可以开发部署协作应用程序平台

    From a technical point of view, Second Life also provides a platform where collaborative applications can be developed and deployed.


  • 新的瓷器范围包括畅销剑桥斯巴达同时提供醒目的流行的款形斯特

    The new porcelain range includes a porcelain version of the best selling Cambridge and Sparta mug whilst also offering some eye catching shapes such as the Lancaster.


  • 楝树含有温和防腐剂数百万贫穷印度人提供这种牙刷甚至中产阶级制成牙膏

    Neem contains a mild antiseptic and provides such toothbrushes for millions of poor Indians; even middle-class ones use toothpaste made from it.


  • 渔民农民提供新鲜食物,不今天超市里的那些食物,这些食物尝起来看起来真正的食物;而且小城镇,纽约不远。

    There were fishermen and farmers who provided fresh food that tasted and looked like food, unlike that in today's supermarkets, and there were small towns, and New York wasn't that far away.


  • 机构说,些国际救援机构参与其中并提供了帮助。

    The agency says international relief agencies also have pitched in.


  • 前者提供更多刺激便利后者提供更干净更安静通常更友好居住环境

    The former offers more excitement and convenience while the latter offers a cleaner, quieter and often friendlier place to live.


  • 以新鲜食闻名美国快餐连锁店“帕尼罗面包得很好因为提供食品般餐厅提供的质量更好,价格更低

    Panera Bread, an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients, performed well, too, because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants.


  • 他们可能乐意提供职业帮助因为来自并不出名学校表明他们样,充满活力毅力

    They might be more willing to offer career help, because your less famous school denotes that, like them, you are also full of energy and perseverance.


  • 反之国际旅游业引起了国家政府关注因为不仅提供新的就业机会而且创造了赚取外汇手段

    In turn, international tourism became the concern of a number of world governments since it not only provided new employment opportunities but also produced a means of earning foreign exchange.


  • 主楼这里片很宽敞区域可供使用笔记本电脑可以电脑充电并且我们提供网络连接可以覆盖到馆内的座位

    There is a whole area here on the main floor where you can bring a laptop and plug it in for power but on top of that we also have a connection for the internet at every seat.


  • 没有参与这项研究的研究人员表示,阅读文学小说可以提供练习社交技能的方式,并现实生活更多地使用这些技能。

    Reading literary fiction could also offer a way to "practice" your social skills and use them more in real life, according to another researcher not involved in the study.


  • 快餐公司牺牲了自己利润试图顾客提供更大价值

    Some fast-food companies also sacrificed their own profits by trying to give customers better value.


  • 通常可以自己毛巾可以在那里他们不会免费提供

    You can usually either bring your own towel, or hire one there, but they don't usually provide those for free.


  • 因此,这不仅检测 HIV 病毒,同时进行有关 HIV病毒危险性教育咨询提供极好的机会

    It therefore presents an excellent opportunity not only to screen for HIV, but also to educate and advise about the dangers of the virus.


  • 如果其中成员发出警报其他成员试图提供帮助然后它们会被住。

    If one of the group sounds the alarm, others will try to swim to its aid, and become stuck themselves.


  • 作为拿工资人们提供食物有些顾客些事情,我怀疑这些言行他们即使是对着泛泛之交的人永远不会说或做的。

    As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


  • 作为拿工资人们提供食物有些顾客些事情,我怀疑这些言行他们即使是对着泛泛之交的人永远不会说或做的。

    As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


  • 母的其中必须提供身份证的照片。

    The parent must also provide a photo ID.


  • 外,如果你需要些推荐阅读,他们提供

    Plus, if you need some recommended reading, they've got that covered, too.


  • 树中空或部分死亡时,它为小动物提供个家,成为了许多其他动物的食物来源。

    When a tree becomes hollow or part of it becomes dead, it provides a home for small animals and is a source of food for many other animals.


  • 树中空或部分死亡时,它为小动物提供个家,成为了许多其他动物的食物来源。

    When a tree becomes hollow or part of it becomes dead, it provides a home for small animals and is a source of food for many other animals.


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