• Facebookgoogle星期四抵挡了一次类似的攻击

    Facebook and Google fended off similar attacks on Thursday.


  • 路边一排排柳树抵挡不住春天袭,绿色已经成了枯树的的“化妆品”,使得枯树仿佛回光返照了;

    Rows of willow by the side of the road is not able to withstand the coming of spring, green has become the tree stem of "cosmetics", make the dead stem seems to shine;


  • 若处在位置上,会无法抵挡的。

    In her place I wouldn't have been able to resist it.


  • 你们了义罪,把他杀害抵挡你们

    Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you.


  • 森林树冠作为自然缓冲抵挡的侵袭,树木防止水土流失。

    Forest canopies serve as natural buffers against wind and rain, and the deep roots of trees help keep the granular soil from shifting.


  • 原来毛色很有可能基因变化联系。基因变化使猫获得抵抗力抵挡艾滋反过来与猫的行为特征产生了联系

    It turns out that coat color in cats may be associated with genetic changes that confer a defense against feline AIDS, and that in turn are linked to behavioral traits.


  • 人民一样看到他们无法抵挡贵族就把他们支持给予一个为了权威得到庇护。

    The common people as well, see- ing that they cannot resist the nobility, give their support to one man so as to be defended by his authority.


  • 除非无法抵挡激情恰巧你从中得以谋生,否则请永远记住工作只是一种手段,而不是目的,我们的最终目的享受生活

    Unless you have some overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn a living doing it, always remember that work should be a means to an end: living an enjoyable life.


  • 日本这个技术领先全球的国家,当初认为岛核电厂足以抵挡最坏情况

    Japan, a world leader in technology, believed the Fukushima plant was strong enough to withstand a worst-case scenario.


  • 因为我们无力抵挡攻击我们大军,我们知道怎样我们眼目单仰望

    For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.


  • 依赖不经选举的终身参议员维持参议员多数因此难以抵挡自己小小倒戈。

    It depends on unelected life senators for its majority in the upper house and so is vulnerable to even a small rebellion on its own side.


  • 尽管启蒙运动不可抵挡进程已经恶魔们滚蛋,让小仙女精灵们被认为是可笑的幻想,但天使从未淡出。

    The inexorable progress of the Enlightenment, though it has sent devils packing and committed nymphs and sprites to the realms of silliness, has never managed to stamp out angels.


  • 真理一种强大的力量,石墙不可抵挡的威力面前瓦解

    Truth is a powerful solvent. Stone walls melt before its relentless might.


  • 商业网站运行初期人们预测,当实体搬到网上经营时,电子商业网站将会抵挡不住。

    In the early days of the commercial Internet, it was often predicted that pure e-commerce sites would begin to struggle as bricks-and-mortar stores moved online.


  • 两者的设计方案基本上一样,结构承重力很强,所以抵挡地震的冲击,而且普通高楼大厦所用的钢材还要

    Both buildings are built to withstand major earthquakes while using far less steel than conventional skyscrapers.


  • 甲板,船底组成一个坚固外壳抵挡当地海水

    The main deck, bottom, and side shell also form a tight envelope to withstand the sea locally.


  • 后来进一步提升中变得有意识的时候,臭鼬教导,我可以通过意愿我自己来抵挡那些试图剥夺我势力能力

    Further on in my ascension, when I was becoming more conscious Skunk taught me that I could also retrieve my own ability, to fend off, the forces trying to trip me up, by intending so.


  • 抵挡诱惑,不发送非专业的电子邮件如果邮件适合工作场合,不要提这事,发送出去。

    Resist the temptation to send unprofessional emails. If it isn't work-appropriate, don't say it or send it all.


  • 古代房屋建筑完全不能抵挡这样地震,大面积山体滑坡导致不少人遇难。

    The pre-modern structures were utterly unable to withstand a quake of such force, and massive landslides contributed to the casualties.


  • 一些人表示即使最好庇护所可能难以抵挡周一龙卷风

    Some say even the best built shelter might not have protected against Monday's tornado.


  • 即使我们文明社会许多慈善行为仍然抵挡不住主要的罪恶。

    Even in our enlightened communities, and not withstanding the many charitable efforts, this is still, in all probability, the chief evil.


  • 魏朝公元220-265年),皇室厕所参观者们纷纷用纸盒掩鼻抵挡臭味

    In the Kingdom of Wei (220-265AD), visitors to the palace bathrooms would find boxes of dates to stuff up their noses and ward off unpleasant odours.


  • 即使更具创业精神的美国难以抵挡公司中年化现象的蔓延

    Even America, which is more entrepreneurial, is succumbing to middle-aged spread.


  • 求告帮助抵挡魔鬼诡计,我靠恩典决定永远不要献上自己,或被引诱作邪恶奴仆

    I beseech You also to help me against the temptations of Satan, to whose wicked Suggestions I resolve by Your grace never to yield myself a servant.


  • 达说,阿甚至都没有抵挡一下本身就够奇怪的,阿不思即使两个在背后阿不思决斗,干掉。

    According to Bathilda, Albus did not even defend himself, and that's odd enough in itself, Albus could have destroyed Aberforth in a duel with both hands tied behind his back.


  • 达说,阿甚至都没有抵挡一下本身就够奇怪的,阿不思即使两个在背后阿不思决斗,干掉。

    According to Bathilda, Albus did not even defend himself, and that's odd enough in itself, Albus could have destroyed Aberforth in a duel with both hands tied behind his back.


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