• 直觉帮助很快地做出决定项研究相信消化系统可能影响我们的的精神状态行为

    A gut feeling may help you make a quick decision, but one study credits the digestive system for possibly influencing our mental states and behavior as well.


  • 妈的厨艺不仅能满足我们的胃,能满足我们精神

    Mother's cooking skills will not only satisfy our stomachs but also our spirit.


  • 他们得到了我们物质上支持得到我们精神上的声援

    They were supported by us both materially and spiritually.


  • 这场胜利我们信心重要我们应该欣赏曼联精神

    This is important for our confidence but we should appreciate the mentality United have.


  • 电影作品永远大放异彩,她的精神永远我们同在,她的永远我们心底

    Her legacy will never fade, her spirit will always be with us, and her love will live forever in our hearts.


  • 来到这个可以降低卫生保健费用能给予美国人他们的保险方面更为自主法案将要最终通过时候我们需要这种共同协作合作精神

    We need that same spirit of cooperation and bipartisanship when it comes to finally passing reform that will bring down the cost of health care and give Americans more control over their insurance.


  • 自我做出宣布之后我们看到精神卫生问题患者人数增多是因为他们以往得到更好诊断统计

    Since my announcement, we have also seen an increase in the number of people with mental health problems, but this is because they are being diagnosed and counted better than they were in the past.


  • 同样影响我们各经济体其他部门看到因为我们知道妇女具有旺盛创业精神

    The same kind of impact can be seen in other sectors in our economies, because we know that the entrepreneurial spirit of women is strong.


  • 随着先进的大脑成像技术日益增多,事实上我们逐渐看到大脑达到最高物理精神水平能力

    With increasingly sophisticated brain imaging techniques, we can also start to actually see what the brain is capable of at the highest level of physical and mental expertise.


  • 即使我们知道精神和和声一点一样

    Even if we were to say you know what, the mind is not much like harmony at all.


  • 我们富有国际主义精神威廉王子,感谢身上的希腊德国海外经历,同样他经验丰富父亲伫立身旁,以及智利经历的重要影响(当时难道就是王妃遇难?)

    William encapsulates our spirit of internationalism, thanks to his Greek and German heritage on his father's side, and his gap year in Chile.


  • 他们:“如果首相可以谈论自己精神卫生问题为什么我们不能这样做?”

    They were thinking: 'If the prime minister can talk about his mental health problems, why can't we do it too?'


  • 这个故事里得到的个教诲,都成为一个生死深刻理解的教诲,这些教诲讲到当我们面对自己最大的不幸时,怎样寻求最大的精神慰藉

    And each lesson in the story becomes a much deeper lesson about life and death, and finding the greatest spiritual meaning anytime we are facing our greatest22 adversities.


  • 集中精神学习时候打字的声音扫兴,这样她就不能专注地追那些肥皂剧,像《爱舟》、《我们生活《异度空间》。

    During the day when I'm trying to study, my typing interferes with her enjoyment of "The Loveboat," "Days of Our Lives," and "Another World."


  • 这样写道Lytro重新点燃了柯达创始人GeorgeEastman精神1888年关于大众摄影的那句名言——“快门,剩下我们来做。”

    The Lytro, he writes, rekindles the spirit of George Eastman, Kodak's founder, who in 1888 said of popular photography: “You push the button, we do the rest.


  • 还有压抑焦虑其它精神问题呈不断上升趋势,所有这些都保证将来的一时间里,我们足够忧郁创作诗歌音乐

    Also depression, anxiety and other mental-health problems are on the rise, ensuring there will be plenty of melancholic types to write poetry and compose music for some time.


  • 现在我们已经有了海滩上社区,有冒险精神游客开始加入进来我们还没有见到过一刻钻石

    For now, we have our beach community and our intrepid tribe of tourists slowly joining us - and there's not a diamond in sight.


  • 心灵建立仅仅是非物理的东西,非物质的某种东西,我们可以称作心灵,可以叫灵魂,还可以说精神,但我们一般用灵魂来命名它。

    The mind is based in, or just is something nonphysical, something nonmaterial, we can call it a mind we can call it a soul we can call it a psyche we typically try to call it a soul.


  • 随着我们开始这样清理会发现生活内心杂乱得以清除,诸如情绪上杂乱,相关联的杂乱,以及精神杂乱。

    As we began clearing physical clutter from our lives, we noticed opportunity to remove other non-physical clutter from our lives: emotional clutter, relational clutter, and spiritual clutter.


  • 不依不挠的精神兰德1945年在写给帕特森的信中说:“的,没有他们的帮助我们做到。”

    Undaunted, Rand wrote to Paterson in 1945: "You were right, we can do it without their help."


  • 自我当中一部分告诉一次提醒我们不仅仅是我们身体会对我们精神状态作出反应,身体姿势同样反馈我们大脑

    One part of me says it's another neat reminder that bodily position can feed back to our minds, it's not just our bodies that reflect our mental state.


  • 我们最终夺冠时,一些发火了,赛事总监让如此一个奇怪、由电脑设定舰队获胜,有违比赛的精神

    When we won again, some people got very angry, and the tournament directors basically said that it was not really in the spirit of the tournament to have these weird computer-designed fleets winning.


  • 我们思维习惯之所以重要是因为它们决定我们精神生活宽广度,影响我们文化深度

    The reason that alterations in our habits of mindmatter is because they determine the scope and richness of our intellectuallives and also affect the depth of our culture.


  • 如果我们进行练习我们丧失技能包括身体上的包括精神上的。

    We lose skills, both physical skills and mental skills, when we don't practice them.


  • 影响我们因素包括抓住可能性大小,是否注意到了这样涉及到道德问题而产生精神上的压力以及周围的是不是在这样做。

    We're influenced by our chances of getting caught, by how much attention we're paying to the ethical issues involved, and whether or not people like us are doing it.


  • 今天我们很多重点来保持生理健康我们应该关注我们精神健康

    There is a lot of emphasis these days on staying physically healthy, but we should also be concerned for our mental well-being.


  • 同样如果我们选择坚定自己精神旅途,即使高山峡谷我们决心做出回应。

    In the same way, once we choose to commit ourselves to spiritual practice, even the mountains and valleys will reverberate to the sound of our decision.


  • 同样如果我们选择坚定自己精神旅途,即使高山峡谷我们决心做出回应。

    In the same way, once we choose to commit ourselves to spiritual practice, even the mountains and valleys will reverberate to the sound of our decision.


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