• 岛上的原住民土地为“伟大的土地”;也就今天阿拉斯加

    The islands' native inhabitants called this land mass Aleyska, the "Great Land"; today, we know it as Alaska.


  • 早上今天大家讨论一下良好交谈秘诀如何任何人、在任何时间、任何地点交谈。

    Good morning, today I'd like to discuss with you about the secrets of good conversation: that is how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.


  • 安德森认为厄尔尼诺现象,今天影响太平洋气候波动可能拉皮塔人更加分散

    El Nino, the same climate disruption that affects the Pacific today, may have helped scatter the Lapita, Anderson suggests.


  • 今天我们来谈谈文化意识也就是说事实上不是每个人都英国人,不是每个人都英语不是每个人都采用英国人做生意方式

    Today we are going to look at intercultural awareness, that is, the fact that not everyone is British, not everyone speaks English, and not everyone does business in the British way.


  • 不过今天爸爸什么,况且我们生活还有千头万绪要理,结果也就忘了的什么惊喜了。

    Today, however, Dad would say no more, and, caught ups in the busyness of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.


  • 如果直到今天中午没有午饭十六小时加油

    If you didn't eat lunch until noon today, that's sixteen hours of no refueling!


  • 科学家如何今天气候遥远过去进行比较,也就人类还无法用文字记录天气情况的早期?

    How can scientists compare today's climate to conditions of the distant past, long before humans started happily jotting down records of the weather?


  • 次级抵押贷款,这不属于今天的讨论范围之内,次级抵押贷款发放特殊借款人的,他们不是优质客户,也就是说风险较大。

    Subprime refers to mortgages, which is not the subject of today's lecture, but a subprime mortgage is a mortgage issued to a borrower who is not considered prime — not a good risk.


  • 假如今天确实你家后院看到松鼠们谈论橡子的话,把拍摄下来,对金钱恐惧消失了

    If you actually see squirrels doing these things in your backyard today, film it and your money worries will be over.


  • 老城由多桅帆船附近古老大巴扎是集市组成。那些港口,今天依然那些传统阿拉伯帆船所用

    The old city comprises the ancient bazaar, or Souq, near the dhow harbor, which is still used today for traditional Arab sailing vessels.


  • 今天中午纽约永别了,也就加入越来越多因为这样那样原因决定离开这座城市人群他们受够了

    At noon today I said goodbye to New York forever, thus joining that growing group of people who, for one reason or another, have decided the city is no longer to our liking.


  • 儿童媒体教育计划好像总是落后现在两个时代,昨日孩子科学(也就今天的成年人)才今日的孩子们吸纳。

    Both children's media and education projects often seem a generation or two behind, consumed by today's children but made by yesterday's (ie today's grownups).


  • 今天我们更多公司软件开发作为核心业务能力来进行研究,于是我们也就看到了这些最佳实践更广泛业务驱动开发的环境下的不断成熟

    Today, as we witness more companies pursuing software development as an essential business capability, we see these best practices maturing within the larger context of business-driven development.


  • 今天和大家谈谈,他熟知的事情,创业生涯

    Today he's gonna talk about something he knows very well, which is the entrepreneurial career.


  • 但是那些返航船只还包括同样重要其它东西:亚马逊植物也就是我们今天熟悉烟草

    But those homebound ships contained something else of equal importance: the Amazonian plant known today as tobacco.


  • 这些目标美国舰队目前2020年之前平均加仑35英里长远目标(也就今天耗用水平增长百分之四十)更加远大的。

    Those targets are much more aggressive than the current long-range goal for the US fleet to average 35 MPG by 2020, a 40 percent increase over today's performance.


  • 核电站使用239半衰期长达2万4千也就意味着今天福岛泄漏的物质在今后几千年内当地造成影响.

    Nuclear plants use Plutonium-239, which has a chemical half-life of 24, 000 years, meaning anything leaked from Fukushima today will still affect the area for thousands of years to come.


  • 如果听懂明天今天课,不会问题的。

    I said, "Well if you can understand tomorrow's lecture that's today's lecture — then you should have no problem."


  • 那个月球看起来今天大约10地球也就从此改变了。

    The Moon would have looked about ten times larger than it does today, and the Earth was changed forever.


  • 我们今天讨论最后一个类型化,sp杂化。

    So let's quickly talk about our last type of hybridization that we're going to discuss today, which is s p hybridization.


  • 今天也就这个些时候,我们举办期以为题的座谈会

    And so fast forward to today, which later on this month, we are having a whole symposium on you.


  • 如果荷兰人本从事鲜花种植生意,那么今天不会这种生意已经出现在那事实

    The Netherlands would not be the natural first choice for anyone starting a flower-growing business today were it not for the fact that the business is already there.


  • 如果不曾把该的事情做好,我也就永远不会今天的成

    If I had not done my own part, I would have never come to where I am now.


  • 如果股票昨天涨了,今天可能性也就更大,如果昨天今天不大可能会涨。

    If the stock went up yesterday, it's more likely to go up today, than if it didn't go up yesterday.


  • 有一天霍华德下班刚刚到家放松一下,其实全部事情吃碗冰淇淋坐下歇会儿看看今天报纸

    Howie had just come home from work and was looking for a bit of relaxation. All he wanted to do was get a bowl of ice cream, sit down and read the newspaper.


  • 对与许多妇女来说,今天仍在同工同酬斗争——是说男人同样工作,获得与男人相同报酬

    For many women, however, the struggle today is to get equal pay for equal work — to be paid the same amount as a man doing the same type of job.


  • 是说,今天股市时,真正价值中的分之三要看2020年之后公司盈利股息一半的价值取决于公司2034年之后的表现

    In other words, when you look at the market today, three quarters of its true value is based on what companies will earn and pay out after 2020 and half is based on what they will do after 2034.


  • 清楚这个问题的唯一方法分析文本今天我们进行的。

    The only way to figure that out is to analyze the text itself, so that's what we're going to do.


  • 清楚这个问题的唯一方法分析文本今天我们进行的。

    The only way to figure that out is to analyze the text itself, so that's what we're going to do.


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