• 澳大利亚内陆不是所有地方能去,因为那里那里不多

    Not all parts of the interior of Australia are easily accessible, because it is very hot and not many people live there.


  • 卧室汽车明显例子可以瑞典露营地,澳大利亚田地法国洗衣机

    Bedrooms and cars are the most obvious examples, but you can also rent camping spaces in Sweden, fields in Australia and washing machines in France.


  • 是什么他们柔软纹理的呢?增加玉米澳大利亚被称为的‘玉米粉’。

    What gives them their soft texture is the addition of cornstarch, also known in Australia as 'corn flour'.


  • 信用额价格下降了虽然打算推行国际贸易方案尤其是美国澳大利亚,但是情况不明朗。

    The price of carbon credits has also fallen, while plans to introduce national trading schemes, particularly in the US and Australia, remain uncertain.


  • 美国加拿大,对环保商业之间冲突忧虑澳大利亚一样演愈烈。

    The conflict between environmental and trade concerns is gaining momentum in the United States and Canada as well as Australia.


  • 类似感染病例美国加拿大澳大利亚荷兰等地出现,科学家担心病毒蔓延全球。

    Similar infections have been seen in the us, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands and scientists fear it will go global.


  • 英格兰大学澳大利亚国立大学研究小组参与方面的研究,研究结果发表了《社会科学医学杂志》上。

    The results of the study, which also involved teams from the University of New England and the Australian National University, are published in the journal Social Science and Medicine.


  • 甚至遇难船只逃生的海员禁止进入澳大利亚境内还有第二世界大战期间非裔美国士兵最初允许的。

    Even shipwrecked sailors were prevented from entering Australia, and black American soldiers who arrived during the Second World War were initially not allowed to come ashore.


  • 美国宣布退出48小时之内意大利澳大利亚德国荷兰新西兰以及波兰选择退出

    Within 48 hours of the US announcement, Italy, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Poland had pulled out.


  • 虽然富士通新的澳大利亚数据中心专注云上他们可以主要合作伙伴提供托管安排

    While Fujitsu's newest Australian data centers will focus on the cloud, they will also provide hosting arrangements for major partners.


  • 房产可负担度爱尔兰西班牙澳大利亚显著下降。

    Steep declines in affordability have also taken place in Ireland, Spain and Australia.


  • 澳大利亚干旱时期生产大量的农作物

    Australia has produced some of its biggest agricultural crops in times of greatest drought.


  • 文莱智利新西兰新加坡2006年加入泛太平洋伙伴关系澳大利亚马来西亚秘鲁越南美国一道加入了方面的谈判

    Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore committed to the TPP in 2006. Australia, Malaysia, Peru and Vietnam have also joined the talks along with the U.S..


  • 澳大利亚利率30年来最低,考虑危机强度似乎有些矫枉过正了。

    In Australia interest rates are at 30-year lows, which seems disproportionate to the amount of economic misery.


  • 澳大利亚昆士兰大学参与研究报告发表(著名医学期刊)《柳叶刀》上。

    The study also included the University of Queensland in Australia. The report is in the Lancet.


  • 即使巴厘岛,印尼最重要旅游胜地中国游客人数迅速赶上澳大利亚日本游客的数量。

    Even in Bali, the country's main tourist destination, the Numbers of Chinese visitors are fast catching up with those from Australia and Japan.


  • 皮尔巴拉当地土语里意思,指山涧里游走的鱼。 现实中,皮尔巴拉象征着土地的尽头象征着澳大利亚未来财富的源泉

    The Pilbara—the word is Aboriginal for mullet, a type of fish running in the mountain creeksis both the end of the earth and the wellspring of Australia's future.


  • 去年澳大利亚世界最佳工作”的竞岗活动引起巨大轰动爱尔兰旅游代理跟进了。

    The Irish travel agency came up with the idea in part after seeing last year's blockbuster "Best Job in the World" campaign in Australia.


  • 压榨自然资源公司不是史无前例的,即使澳大利亚,他们经济繁荣数十年之前就石油勘探征收了额外的费用。

    Squeezing natural-resources firms is hardly unprecedented—even in Australia itself, which imposed a surcharge on oil exploration decades ago during a prior boom.


  • 近几年美国澳大利亚新西兰等国开始得到一定认可

    More recently, walking buses have gained a level of popularity in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.


  • 宁愿澳大利亚丛林过著躁动冒险生活愿意海边那些乱糟糟的昏睡海豹一样,不到万不得已动一下

    Rather than risk life and limb in the feisty Australian bush, they litter the beaches like comatose seals, reluctant to move unless emergency dictates.


  • 20世纪70年代以来澳大利亚新西兰太平洋地区地位发生了巨变。

    The position of Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific has also changed significantly since the 1970s.


  • 此时美国越来越刚起步的小型公司寻找投资者的目光转向了海外市场,Reva不例外,最终选择澳大利亚挂牌上市。

    Reva Medical did what a small but increasing number of young American companies are doing — it looked abroad for money, in Reva’s case the Australian stock exchange.


  • Healthscope澳大利亚第二大民营医院新西兰东南亚开展业务

    Healthscope is Australia's second-biggest private hospital firm, but it also has operations in New Zealand and south-east Asia.


  • 今年年初,Posco同意购买澳大利亚RoyHill铁矿石项目15%股份并且墨尔本的一家煤矿占有7.8%的股份。

    The South Korean mill earlier this year agreed to buy as much as 15 percent of the Roy Hill iron ore project in Australia and a 7.8 percent stake in a coal mine in Mozambique.


  • 例如假如月亮迈阿密测点上空,那里会出现海潮隆升,而澳大利亚西海岸附近的海面会出现隆升。

    If the moon were, for instance, over the site of Miami, there would be a tidal bulge there and also on near the west coast of Australia.


  • 例如假如月亮迈阿密测点上空,那里会出现海潮隆升,而澳大利亚西海岸附近的海面会出现隆升。

    If the moon were, for instance, over the site of Miami, there would be a tidal bulge there and also on near the west coast of Australia.


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