• 热火队断然否认周三晚上球队飞机詹姆斯送去份报告否认詹姆斯周三晚上周四上午会见了热火高层

    The Heat emphatically denied a report that it sent a team plane Wednesday to James and denied that James had met Wednesday night or early Thursday with Heat officials.


  • 说,RIM迅速扩展消费者业务公司周四将发布季度收益报告

    He added that RIM, which reports quarterly earnings Thursday, was also rapidly growing its consumer business.


  • 白宫垄断者顾问史蒂夫修正案所禁止,该修正案周四249对149票通过

    White House "czars," or advisers would also be banned after an amendment by Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), which was approved on Thursday in a 249-149 vote.


  • 白宫周四晚上备忘录形式宣布这项新规定便于同性恋男女伴侣作出医疗方面的决定

    The White House announced the rule changes, which will also make it easier for gay men and lesbians to make medical decisions on behalf of their partners, in a memorandum released Thursday night.


  • 永远精明格林斯潘一次觉得迷惑周四国会大厦抱怨说,他那些之前看来坚不可摧世界观出现了一些裂痕

    Alan Greenspan, uncharacteristically befuddled, went up to Capitol Hill on Thursday and lamented that some sort of fissure had erupted in his previously impregnable worldview.


  • 行业专家周四时对记者即便这些特性iPhone不是智能手机市场无可争议的老大。

    But even with those new features, the iPhone is far from the undisputed crown jewel of the smartphone market, industry experts said in interviews on Thursday.


  • 咖啡于本周四彼特?琼斯浓缩咖啡馆上架,每杯售价100美元,顾客可以同等价格购买100克咖啡豆回家享用。

    The coffee, which went on sale Thursday, is available at 0 for a shot at the Peter Jones Espresso Bar, or shoppers can buy 100g (3.5-ounce) packs of the coffee beans to take away for the same price.


  • 周四晚些时候会为第三位警察迈克尔·史密斯举行葬礼,同时明尼苏达州圣保罗大教堂将为卡斯蒂利亚举行葬礼。

    Later on Thursday, the funerals will take place of a third officer, Michael Smith, and, in the cathedral of st Paul in Minnesota, of Mr Castile.


  • 但是应该可以周四回到球队之中

    But he should be back with the squad on Thursday as well.


  • 周四银行记录金融计算可能罗嗦代价高昂错误,和社团错误

    Before Thursday bank records and financial calculations may also be bothersome: watch for costly mistakes and corporate errors.


  • 教授周四赛前新闻发布会上问及许多关于件事的问题,而温格一一做了回答。

    Wenger was asked a raft of questions about it at Thursday's pre-match press conference and he answered them all.


  • 掌管交流水星周四进入第九宫紧接着周五新月同一地方发生。

    Mercury, the planet of communication, will enter your ninth house on Thursday, followed by a new moon in this same part of your chart on Friday.


  • 2006年世界杯冠军意大利队由于一轮中未获胜,而且周四2:3输给排名很低的斯洛伐克他们遭受同样的待遇。

    Italy, World Cup champions in 2006, received a similar reception as they returned home early following a win-less first round and loss Thursday to low-ranked Slovakia, 3-2.


  • 周四卡塔尔对阵越南的比赛中亚赛尔禁赛,穆索·维奇面临着亚足联纪律委员会采取制裁

    Yaser will be banned for Qatar's game against Vietnam on Thursday while Musovic could also face sanction pending an AFC disciplinary meeting.


  • 英格兰中场球员哈格里夫斯周四挥手向拜仁说再见很感谢他们机会开始足球职业生涯

    England midfielder Owen Hargreaves on Thursday waved goodbye to Bayern Munich and thanked them for giving him his chance in professional football.


  • 周四面对新闻发布会温格毫无以为问及法布雷加斯的事宜,重申立场依旧坚定。

    Wenger was no doubt expecting to be quizzed on Fabregas when he sat down to face the press on Thursday and he reiterated his position as firmly as ever.


  • 曼联电视:“在周四晚上预备队节奏快多了,维迪奇布朗朴智星都帮了很多。”最终结果不错

    Speaking to MUTV, he said: "it was a lot quicker than playing in the Reserves on a Thursday night, but Nemanja, Wes and Ji helped me through and it was a good result in the end."


  • 周四,他告诉股东说,他们主场比赛中创造了一种负面的气氛。他仍然俱乐部股权结构疑问,“沉默的”的伦克尤斯曼诺夫继续吃进股份但是预计这个夏天情况将会变得更为明朗。

    He still has concerns about the club's ownership as 'Silent' Stan Kroenke and Alisher Usmanov continue to mop up shares, but there is expected to be further clarification on their future this summer.


  • 周四,他告诉股东说,他们主场比赛中创造了一种负面的气氛。他仍然俱乐部股权结构疑问,“沉默的”的伦克尤斯曼诺夫继续吃进股份但是预计这个夏天情况将会变得更为明朗。

    He still has concerns about the club's ownership as 'Silent' Stan Kroenke and Alisher Usmanov continue to mop up shares, but there is expected to be further clarification on their future this summer.


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