• 那个荒凉的地方我们也呆下去了。

    We couldn't stay out there in that desolation another day.


  • 年前泰国也呆一个

    Besides, I was in Thailand for a month two years ago.


  • 不过是个流浪汉——哪儿也呆不住。

    He's just a drifter he can't settle down anywhere.


  • 其他旅行者他们的评价的一样,去过曼谷很多次, 也呆

    As many other travellers, who mentioned it in their reviews, i have been to Bangkok.


  • 但是以前在城镇这个还小得多的镇子里过,的就是积累经验。他希望这次调动让他有所收获。

    But he'd survived smaller towns before, much smaller, all for the sake of experience, and he just hoped this move would pay dividends too.


  • 我们当中没人知道我们将要这儿多久。”—“不知道。”

    "None of us has any idea how long we're going to be here."—"Nor do I."


  • 即使学校保持现状,孩子们至少会在那里时间,因为他们可能学校里找到朋友

    Even if school stayed just the way they are, children would spend at least some time there, because that's where they'd be likely to find friends.


  • 首先即使学校保持现状,孩子们至少会在那里时间,因为他们可能会在那里找到朋友

    First, even if school stayed just the way they are, children would spend at least some time there, because that's where they'd be likely to find friends.


  • 这个学校时间长---不是学校的

    I was not long in this school either--but that was no fault of the school.


  • 垃圾得到清理的同时提供工作机会不用寒风几个小时。

    The trash gets picked up, we provide jobs, and I do not have to spend three hours in the cold.


  • 虽然家人时间更长了,但是儿子早已过青春年少之时,需要长时间陪他们。

    Although he's also spending more time with family, his sons are well into the teenage years, "and progressively want less of my time," he said.


  • 生活值得铭记时刻家人朋友一起发生的事件,还有其他相似情况储存长期记忆中。

    A memorably moment in your life, events with family or friends, and other similar kinds of situations also get stored in long-term memory.


  • 将近200之后环游世界时,人们已经可以乘坐潜艇水下几个星期,潜艇能量几乎没有限制上还有摧毁大型城市的武器。

    Nearly 200 years later, men could remain underwater for weeks at a time while crossing the globe on a submarine with a nearly limitless supply of power and the means to destroy several large cities.


  • 一刻起,意识到文艺青年里有人喜欢妞(小宅女);于是即便是15年后今天,想到这个使无比兴奋

    And from that point on I realized there's a brand of arty guys that like nerdy girls, and this still makes me happy some 15 years later.


  • 不过他们只能燃料几天时间得继续搬走- - - - - -有时迫于猛虎组织压力。

    They were only able to stay in a bunker for a few days before they were forced to move on again - sometimes under -pressure from the LTTE.


  • 即使得不耐烦史蒂夫不能经常外出因为必须服用免疫抑制药物防止肝脏出现排斥反应使抵抗力变得脆弱。

    Even if he felt up for it, Steve couldn't go out much because he had to take immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the new liver, and this made him more susceptible to disease.


  • 可以支付较低的薪水,他们更长;你可以从供应商那儿得到优惠的条件

    You can pay them less and they will stay longer, you can get better terms with suppliers.


  • 而此时的男人的,的。

    Men have two types: nerdy and not nerdy.


  • 威胁感知到以后,RAS自动选择相关感觉输入送进较低(叫“爬虫的脑”),那里自愿响应不是思考而是作出反应-战斗,逃跑僵硬立不动。

    When threat is perceived, the RAS automatically selects related sensory input and directs it to the lower brain where the involuntary response is not to think, but to react-fight, flight, or freeze.


  • 导游让我们多久就多久提醒我们到拐角超市一点水果路上吃

    Li urged us to stay as long as we wanted, but he also suggested a stop at the supermarket on the corner to buy fruit for the ride ahead.


  • 不要把自负当做自信——如果一直自自话,男人一秒不想再下去了

    Don't confuse confidence with vanity — if you're going on and on about yourself, we're not coming back for seconds.


  • 的吗? 这杯水曾经流淌了无数河流在其他生物身体里过,它今后还有更长的道路,我能说它是我的吗?

    How can I call it mine when its fate is to run through rivers and living bodies, so many already and so many more to come?


  • 他们不能忍受循规蹈矩宁可商务出差不愿整天桌前办公。

    These folks can't stand routine work and would rather be traveling on business than sitting behind a desk all day.


  • 同样家长不许骂人,要不就发泄段时间

    No name calling or suggesting the parent needs to spend time in a soft padded room.


  • 这样一个妙趣横生的旅游景点,即便是数日不会感到单调

    You will not feel bored after you stay for several days to visit its tourist spots of various interest.


  • 但是教练轻轻的把手放在肩膀上:“回去个星期孩子周六比赛不用参加了。”

    "The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said," Take the rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.


  • 但是教练轻轻的把手放在肩膀上:“回去个星期孩子周六比赛不用参加了。”

    "The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said," Take the rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.


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