• 现下明确的表示:基督同行同时我们信仰接受

    But today's verses clearly state that we walk with Christ in the same way we received him-by faith.


  • 银行逐渐愿意出具信用证同时不愿意接受因为担心出具方在货物到达之前就倒闭了。

    Banks are increasingly unwilling to issue such letters of credit, while many are sceptical about accepting them out of fear their issuers might collapse before goods arrive.


  • 本地出产有机食品一直持偏爱态度,但同时接受这样的说法:如果这些食品在进入餐桌以前没有经过安全监管还是会有可能因此而患病

    Even a proponent of locally grown organic food like me accepts that if it makes it to your table with no safety supervision, you're at risk of getting sick.


  • 凯迪拉克希望凭借CUE系统用户提供尽可能多的复杂功能,让科技达人满意——同时尽量对这些功能进行简化,让 “单纯用户接受

    With CUE, Cadillac aims to offer as much complexity and sophistication as the driver who is tech-savvy can handle -- and as little as a "simple user" wants.


  • 告诉孩子他们文化鼓励他们接受其他人同时知道世界发生什么的确十分重要。

    It is critical to teach children about their culture, and to encourage them to be accepting of other people as well as to know what is happening in the world.


  • 那时意大利媒体的高官盼着这家新公司快点倒闭,毕竟这两家公司始终都在同时传统观念认为意大利的消费者接受长期订阅,不可能电视掏钱

    They were, after all, losing money, and conventional wisdom had it that Italian consumers, who tend to shy away from long-term contracts, were unlikely to pay for television.


  • 这一点被广大医学工作者接受同时医药厂商们充分利用起来——研制的降低胆固醇药物可以很快获得国家批准

    It has been accepted by doctors and used by drug makers to win quick approval for new medicines to reduce cholesterol.


  • 知道,我知道...我个理想主义者,这样世界永远不会存在.但是没关系.可以接受世界现在的样子...同时,我所拥有的这么美妙的一个世界表示感激.为我生活拥有这么多这么(比如屏幕前的)表示感激.通过我的一行为,我的感激将会辐射到这个世界,从某种程度上说对会有所改善.

    I can accept the world as it is … and at the same time, show my gratitude for what a wonderful world we have. And what wonderful people (such as you guys) are in my life.


  • 与此同时工业化国家不愿意接受那些并不同时约束他们视为对手国家的目标约束

    The industrialised countries, meanwhile, are reluctant to bind themselves to targets that do not also restrain countries they see as competitors.


  • IT人员对于工作场所使用社会化网络表现出越来越接受度,同时他们承认自己在使用这些网络。

    Not only are the IT folks growing more tolerant of these networks in the workplace, they also admit to using them themselves.


  • 星期宣布不得不解雇几个帮助竞选职员同时可能考虑接受严格的使用限制公共资金

    He announced this week that he would have to lay off several paid campaign staff and may consider accepting public funding, which comes with tight spending limits.


  • 但是接受想法同时意味着抛弃一些别的想法

    But to embrace that idea means throwing away some other ideas.


  • 临床医生建议接受行为治疗同时尝试药物治疗。

    Your clinician will probably suggest that you try medication as well as behavior therapy.


  • 列车同时接受隧道中的严格安全演习

    The train was also subjected to a rigorous safety exercise in the tunnel.


  • 一些病人接受手术,医生他们运动神经重连到了不同肌肉里但是同时把感受神经重连了——把感受神经连到了皮肤感受器上

    Several patients underwent surgery to reroute their motor nerves to different muscles, but in the process the sensory nerves reinnervated themselves too, attaching themselves to the skin receptors.


  • 正因为这样,他们大范围的观众所接受同时间接的增加发行量广告收入

    By appealing to a wider audience, they were able to increase their circulation and hence their advertising revenue.


  • 即使很注重诚实父母频繁他们的孩子说谎,以便掌控他们孩子将事实变得“容易接受”,同时,80%父母偶尔说谎

    Even parents who place a high value on honesty, regularly use white lies to control their children or present more palatable versions of the truth, with more than 80% of parents lying occasionally.


  • 努力减少这个数目同时人们留心观察究竟是什么促使这些年轻人那么早就结婚生子,以致失去了接受教育拥有正当工资机会

    Efforts to reduce this number are mindful of the varied forces pushing a teenager to marry and begin childbearing, thus killing her chances at more education and decent wages.


  • 同时作为共和党接受巴马大使职位党内有争议

    So too, they say, could the fact he accepted Barack Obama's offer to become ambassador in Beijing.


  • 同时医院感染人数下降百分之17。不过这些接受调查的都是医疗系统有过接触的。

    There was also about a 17 percent decrease in the infections that start in people outside the hospital, but are in people that have contact with the health care system.


  • 但是补贴越多减排成本昂贵——同时选举人更难接受

    But the more lavish the subsidies, the more expensive cutting emissions becomesand the harder for voters to stomach.


  • 布朗薪资花红应是失败回报更不应鼓励不可接受冒险”,但是同时拒绝支持为花红设限封顶

    Brown also said pay and bonuses "cannot reward failure or encourage unacceptable risk-taking" but declined to back a cap.


  • 布朗薪资花红应是失败回报更不应鼓励不可接受冒险”,但是同时拒绝支持为花红设限封顶

    Brown also said pay and bonuses "cannot reward failure or encourage unacceptable risk-taking" but declined to back a cap.


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