• 不久之后米克男孩弟弟修理自行车妹妹修理了一辆。

    Soon after, Mick repaired a bike for the boy's brother and fixed one for his sister.


  • 们来中国之后,不仅吉姆,而且的妹妹访问了南方的几个城市。

    Not only Jim but also his sister has visited a few cities in the south since they came to China.


  • 反过来在露已经解释观点之后还莫名其妙,只把看作是女性弱点——一种一切妇女都有的毛病,包括优秀妇女在内。

    On the other hand, he did see Ruth's point of view, after she had explained it; and he looked upon it as a feminine weakness, such as afflicted all women and the best of women.


  • 她解释道:"可以法国,答应之后结婚."

    I get a trip to France, and he’s promised to marry me after we get there.


  • 甚至泰德叔叔选民条新闻弄得很尴尬宣判之后失去了第七次竞选参议员资格。

    Even Uncle Ted's constituents were embarrassed by the news: eight days after his conviction he lost his bid for a seventh term in the Senate.


  • 再次坐下之后看着这本书,有点旧了,封皮已经破损了书页泥水

    After sitting down again, he looked at the book. It was old, the cover was torn, and the pages were stained with mud and water.


  • Jay呼吁这个问题上进行应该更多研究看过文章之后不得不同意这个观点。

    Jay calls on more psychological research to be done on this topic, and after reading his article, I'd have to agree.


  • 有了那一声问候瞑目了,但是不想伤心从来都是给最好的不例外所以下心肠之后接二连三的电话

    With that greeting, he die rest in peace, but he did not want her hurt, he always gave her best, this one is no, so he hardened his heart not to pick her up after repeated calls.


  • 知道作为故乡那卡瓦拉村长大孩子与众不同的;双胞胎哥哥约翰注意到了这点,几年之后们再次见面会心的笑了

    He had known he was different as a child growing up in Nakawala, his ancestral village; his twin brother, John, had noticed it too, and simply laughed when, after years, he came out to him.


  • 总督在小心翼翼地暗中观察一番之后缩回了身子,当然,在这般黑夜中不了,比起要望穿磨石相差无几。

    The magistrate, after a wary observation of the darkness- into which, nevertheless, he could see but little farther than he might into a mill-stone- retired from the window.


  • 警方,塞缪尔-万吉鲁可能意外死亡可能是妻子发现外遇之后谋杀。

    Police have said that Wanjiru died either by accident or by suicide after his wife found him with another woman.


  • 出生不久后父亲抛弃这个家庭仅在之后母亲去世了

    Very soon after he was born, his father deserted the family, then a year later, his mother died.


  • 即使是纳博科夫这么告诉你们,只是之后175谈到这次旅行:,我们到处一个地方,实际却一无所览

    Even Humbert will tell us so. Just a few pages later, on page 175, he talks about his journey: We had been everywhere. We had really seen nothing.


  • 之后到了很多,对观点赞同

    I read it, learned a lot, and agreed with his argument.


  • 然而巴洛特利已经成为曼城球迷心中偶像并且让球迷们放心转会窗口开启之后没有打算离开这里。

    However, Balotelli has become something of an idol amongst City fans, and he has assured them he has no plans to quit Eastlands when the window reopens.


  • 尝试了几之后人再没人邀篮球玩牌

    After several attempts, nobody came to him anymore for the car, or to play basketball or poker.


  • 那个士兵故事一样,如果看到自己魂魄秒钟之后死掉了,怎麽知道

    The same with the soldier in the war. He was dead just seconds after supposedly seeing his own ghost, so how do you know this?


  • 那个士兵故事一样,如果看到自己的魂魄秒钟之后死掉了怎麽知道

    The same with the soldier in the war.He was dead just seconds after supposedly seeing his own ghost, so how do you know this?


  • 西奥如此- - -即使克罗地亚比赛之后上场踢入三个,然后回家

    Theo is the same - even after the Croatia game, he went there, scored three goals and went home.


  • 举报了罪行,该名男子指控犯罪。法庭之后,放走向了自由

    She reported the crime and the man was charged, but after a court case that dragged on for four years, he walked free.


  • 不久之后林顿去世了虽然哈里顿试图和气,但依然不买账

    Linton dies soon afterwards and, although Hareton tries to be kind to her, she retreats into herself.


  • 自己采集一些,吃之后心情的确会发生变化。于是浆果去找当地伊玛目(教长),经过伊玛目的研究最后把一部分烘烤水中煮沸

    After sampling some for himself and verifying the mood shift, he brought the berries to a local imam who studied them, eventually roasting and boiling a batch in water.


  • 我们双方越来越能共同解决种种问题。抵达之后发现尽管我们分歧我们确有分歧,但我们正在朝着一个积极、合作、全面方向前进

    He also landed to find that despite our differences, and we have our differences, we are moving in a direction that is positive, collaborative, and comprehensive.


  • 同时一直承诺利伯曼,答应夏季休会之后议会重新召开会议之前找到一个中的方案。

    He has also reportedly promised Mr Lieberman to find a compromise formula before Israel's parliament reconvenes after the summer recess.


  • 受伤之前“治疗室生涯”看上去就要结束了。在对阵阿森纳的比赛结束之后表现得到了英格兰国家队主帅卡佩罗的称赞。

    It looked as though his time in the treatment room was over until this latest set-back, which followed praise from England boss Fabio Capello for his performance against Arsenal.


  • 藤森大选期间发出竞选挑战,可自从2006年藤森智利被捕之后的威胁烟消云散。

    A late-breaking challenge from Mr Fujimori had faded after he was arrested in Chile in January 2006.


  • 藤森大选期间发出竞选挑战,可自从2006年藤森智利被捕之后的威胁烟消云散。

    A late-breaking challenge from Mr Fujimori had faded after he was arrested in Chile in January 2006.


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