• 格雷戈里·罗德里格斯国家移民论坛撰写的文章中报告说,当今移民没有达到前所未有的水平,也不抵制同化

    Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation.


  • 所有国家制定卫生方面的应急计划英国例外

    All countries are working on health contingency plans and Britain is no exception.


  • 这个问题局限贫穷国家欧盟发现女性相比男性从事商业活动,主要原因就是缺乏信贷支持

    This problem is not confined to poor countries: the European Union found women less likely to start a business than men, largely for lack of credit.


  • 然而即使是北极工作俄罗斯人确信自己的国家面临严重的气候变化问题

    However, even Russians working in the Arctic are unconvinced that their country faces a serious climate-change problem.


  • 甚至认为禁止同性恋入伍公平的因认为国家顶级法律学校鼓励学生效忠国家而对其怒目相向

    Even people who think the ban on gays in uniform is unjust are affronted that the nation’s top law school should actively discourage its students from serving their country.


  • 有了流式视频球迷即使身处转播比赛的愚昧国家观看到板球比赛——或者德黑兰安全攻破点上传公民报告

    And streaming video means that fans can watch cricket even in benighted countries that don't broadcast it - or upload citizen reports from security crackdowns in Tehran.


  • 有了流式视频球迷即使身处转播比赛的愚昧国家观看到板球比赛——或者德黑兰安全攻破点上传公民报告

    And streaming video means that fans can watch cricket even in benighted countries that don't broadcast it — or upload citizen reports from security crackdowns in Tehran.


  • 没有希望听到治疗遭到否决可怕消息,也不希望长时间等待,而这种等待却成给国家医疗体系造成麻烦

    But no one wants the horror stories of denied care and long waits that are said to plague state-run national health-care systems.


  • 德国希望能够达成一个新的契约必须修改欧盟条约从而布鲁塞尔审议各国的国家预算,布鲁塞尔有权遵守规则的国家施加自动处罚

    Germany also wants a new covenant: EU treaties must be changed so that national budgets are scrutinised by Brussels, with powers to impose "automatic" sanctions on countries that stray.


  • 阿根廷领导人官运经常国家农产品出口全球需求息息相关,Kirchner夫妇例外

    The fortunes of Argentina's leaders have often been tied to global demand for the country's farm exports. The Kirchners are no exception.


  • 一些国家人们非工作时间得流感需要医生证明。 然而既然已经到医生处看病了,为什么处方

    Some countries require a doctor’s certificate for people off work with flu—and, while at the doctor, why not ask for a prescription?


  • 这个国家人们忙碌堪,孩子们例外。

    In our country, people are so busy. Even the children are busy.


  • 垃圾处理所有国家来说都一个重要问题中国例外

    Refuse treatment is a crucial issue for all nations, and China is no exception.


  • 我们谋求建立基地希望控制这些国家

    We seek no bases, nor do we want to control these nations.


  • 这些疾病在国际上传播威胁富裕国家健康经济成为头条新闻

    These diseases do not travel internationally, threaten the health or economies of wealthy countries, or make headline news.


  • 如果英国采取行动其它发达国家无动于衷

    If Britain will not act, most other developed countries will not bother either.


  • 上周举行的春季会议到,财政刺激应该富裕国家中进行,那些富裕的,运行优良的国家比如坦桑尼亚应该尝试一下。

    And fiscal stimulus is not just for rich countries, he said at the spring meetings last week. Poor, well-run countries like Tanzania should also try it.


  • 而且,即使拥有过剩存款市场这些过剩存款总是均匀分布的,其中许多滞留活跃国家银行

    And even in markets with excess savings these are not always evenly distributed, with a lot of them stuck in sleepy state Banks.


  • 亚洲国家愿意这样的方式补贴他们出口业但是他们显然希望外国银行退休基金甚至对冲基金在这里分上一份。

    However, though Asian countries may be happy to subsidise their exporters they are not so keen to offer the same subsidy to foreign Banks, pension funds or hedge funds.


  • 驾车听上去或许一点儿激进,但在沙特阿拉伯这个世上唯一禁止女性驾车的国家她们坐上驾驶舱就着被的风险。

    While driving might not seem that radical, these women risked arrest when they got behind the wheel - Saudi Arabia is the last remaining country in the world that forbids women from driving.


  • 这样君主国可以称为公民君主国,获得这样的国家完全取决于才干,取决于命运而是精明的顺水推舟。

    This can be called a civil principality, the acquisition of which neither depends completely upon virtue nor upon Fortune, but instead upon a fortunate astuteness.


  • 必须强调是,中国自主减排目标附加任何条件的,与任何国家行动相挂钩我们说到做到。

    We must emphasize that China's voluntary reduction targets do not attach any conditions, it is not linked to any other countries' action. We will deliver what we promise.


  • 这个国家征收所得税营业税很低,它的税收收入主要是来自定居个人在此设立商行办事处国外企业

    The state has no income tax and low business taxes and thrives as a tax haven both for individuals who have established residence and for foreign companies that have set up businesses and offices.


  • 这样有助于说服国际社会其他成员加强扩散控制那些无视扩散承诺国家给与更有力的钳制。

    In doing so, it will help convince the rest of the international community to strengthen nonproliferation controls and tighten the screws on states that flout that their nonproliferation commitments.


  • 但是一个国家如果认可科学技术会导致孩子认为科学

    But a country that doesn't think science is cool raises children who don't think science is cool.


  • 过去二十五年来,西方国家私人部门生产力突飞猛进,即使钢铁汽车制造这样老旧工业也不例外。

    Private-sector productivity has soared in the West over the past quarter-century, even in old industries such as steel and carmaking.


  • 同样影响现实一些欧盟国家使用单一货币其他仍然使用自己的货币,一些国家边境控制上签署了神根协议另一些国家决定签署此协议。

    It also reflects reality: some EU members use the single currency, the rest retain their own; some belong to the Schengen agreement on border controls, others have opted out.


  • 同样影响现实一些欧盟国家使用单一货币其他仍然使用自己的货币,一些国家边境控制上签署了神根协议另一些国家决定签署此协议。

    It also reflects reality: some EU members use the single currency, the rest retain their own; some belong to the Schengen agreement on border controls, others have opted out.


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