• 父亲知道的话之下也不得安宁的。

    My father would turn in his grave if he knew.


  • 超过一半学生发现他们进入年级之后,他们学习成绩一落千丈

    More than half of students will find their academic performance declining sharply when they enter the ninth grade.


  • 表在《美国国家科学院院刊》的一项研究发现:与不存在全球变暖的世界相比,大多数贫穷国家的经济产量有超过成的可能性因温度升高而下降。

    A study coming out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that in most poor countries, higher temperatures are more than 90% likely to have resulted in a fall in economic output, compared to a world without global warming.


  • 演讲比赛裁决位教授组成评判委员作出

    The award for the oratorical contest was made by a jury of nine professors.


  • 幸运未来的几个时间里掉发的状况开始好转,而且开始正常生长孩子个月到一岁时,掉发状态恢复到正常值。

    Thankfully the hair loss should stabilize in a few months and your locks will resume their usual rate of growth and everyday strand loss when your child is nine months to one year old.


  • 至于我们是否创造一个纪录,还要之后几周方见分晓

    Whether or not we're in for a new September record, the next weeks will show.


  • 如果发生井喷一年中个月无处不在冰盖阻挡救援船队

    Pervasive ice cover for eight to nine months out of the year can block relief ships in case of a blowout.


  • 相比之下英国他们以10位列,还悉尼奥运赢取枚。

    As for Great Britain, they were 10th with nine, two less than they won in Sydney.


  • 但是这个必然、这个跑到来之前多月(或者更久)里怎样呢?

    But what about the nine months or so (and maybe longer) until that certainty and outperformance arrive?


  • 展览拥有11项工程,它们国家有的已经建成,有的建筑当中

    The exhibition has 11 projects that have been built or are under construction in nine countries.


  • 但是如果别的地方公司损失更多的话,恰逢月份出台最终报告时候委员需要更多的可以转换债务巴塞尔协定更多。

    But given that some firms elsewhere lost more, when it makes its final report in September, the commission should demand more convertible debt than the new Basel rules do.


  • 然而根据美国航空机构NASA下属戈达德太空研究记录,2008年有记载热的年份。

    Yet, according to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a part of NASA, America’s space agency, 2008 was the ninth-hottest year on record.


  • 尽管这些话题当今并不敏感,一年一度届“x”展示还是引起一些骚动。西方标准来说,这样展示不值得看。

    Though such topics are less provocative these days, the annual X-Show, which is in its ninth year, might still be a bit edgy, even if largely subdued by the standards of such events in the West.


  • 法官上诉最高法院案件中有选择地进行审理。

    The nine justices choose which cases to take from those submitted to the Supreme Court.


  • 月下旬,欧洲委员公布欧洲法官执行裁决,即赞同微软公司欺凌弱小同行一案采取数百万罚款

    That was how the European Commission presented this week's ruling by European judges in favour of its multi-million euro fine on Microsoft for bullying competitors.


  • 时间又过了,到了1418年,建设委员宣布公开征集穹顶建造的方案

    Nine years later in 1418, the group announced that they were accepting new ideas for how to design the dome.


  • 去年欧洲委员欧空局(挪威成员国之一)11家企业列入名单,竞标伽利略”系统的未来合同

    In September, the European Commission and the European Space Agency, which includes Norway as a member, shortlisted 11 European firms which are bidding for future contracts connected to Galileo.


  • 尽管通用破产保护复杂疲软,但是月份之前一个新的通用还是成立。

    Although GM's bankruptcy will be more complicated and drawn out, a new entity should emerge before September.


  • 项研究分析显示,每天一杯数杯咖啡减少头颈部癌症风险

    A cup or more daily may cut your risk of some types of head and neck cancers, says an analysis of nine studies.


  • 得克萨斯劳工委员汤姆·庞克麻烦开始去年飓风艾克登陆

    Tom Pauken, the chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), says the trouble started when Hurricane Ike made landfall last September.


  • 我们雅典赢得金牌,假设我们赢得1012枚金牌并且轻易地排在奖牌榜前十名也不是不合理的。

    Given that we won nine gold MEDALS in Athens it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume we'd do something like 10 to 12 and easily get a place in the top 10.


  • 除了午睡,早上六点一直工作晚上点。

    He would work, breaking only for siesta, from six in the morning until nine at night.


  • 这次堵车已经持续了两个星期而且有可能持续月份

    It lasted nearly two weeks, and was expected to last into September.


  • 预计召开一个政客互联网公司之间的高层

    A summit is being planned for September between politicians and Internet companies.


  • 那个时候正准备家长听到要为孩子们所有事情的时候,我已经流露出悲哀的表情

    By the time I make it to the parent-teacher conferences in early September, when I hear about all the things I'm supposed to be doing with the kids, I'm well into panic mode.


  • 高兴很多人参加了这场听证尤其考虑在星期五早上

    I was pleased that the hearing was well-attended, especially considering that it was held on a Friday at nine o 'clock in the morning!


  • 高兴很多人参加了这场听证尤其考虑在星期五早上

    I was pleased that the hearing was well-attended, especially considering that it was held on a Friday at nine o 'clock in the morning!


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