• 航天飞机45个月更换一次乘组

    Space shuttles replaced the crew every four or five months.


  • 2002年,空间站继续保留3人

    In 2002, the station continued to operate with a crew of three.


  • 接下来工程扩建用以支撑67专职乘组电力供应生命保障系统

    The next stages of construction were to expand the station's power and life-support systems to support a full-time crew of six or seven.


  • 为了使大型乘组具备紧急逃生能力NASA筹划制造架7人次的逃生飞船

    To provide emergency return capability for a crew that large, NASA planned to build a seven-person escape craft.


  • 1998年,空间站的第一部分送入太空首批专职美国宇航员俄罗斯宇航员成,他们2000年进驻空间站。

    The first part of the station was launched in 1998, and the first full-time crewone American astronaut and two Russian cosmonauts — occupied the station in 2000.


  • 例如过滤器表达式 $x[count(.|$y)=count($y)]XSLT 1.0 中执行逻辑操作的唯一简便方法)中,Saxon 只对 count($y) 求值一次

    For example in the filter expression $x[count(.|$y)=count($y)] (which is the only convenient way in XSLT 1.0 of doing a set intersection operation), Saxon will evaluate count($y) only once.


  • 比如 10 米 10 米的网格每个交叉点的值(共有 100形成光栅数据集

    Taking a 10-meter-by-10-meter grid and making one observation for each intersection (100 observations) would constitute a raster dataset.


  • 需要声明一点,对我而言地铁楼附近十分便捷因为歌剧院大门外便是一个地铁站

    I should note that it would have been very easy for me to take the metro, the underground subway to the complex, as there is a station just by the gates of the opera.


  • 也许MathML3重要增加用于布局基本数学公式的功能,即用于长除的表格布局。

    Perhaps one of the most important additions in MathML3 is a new set of functionality for laying out elementary math. These are the tabular layouts used for long multiplication and long division.


  • 这个被植入薄片,大小33.1毫米3840的1500个光敏微成像二极管成。

    The implant consists of a tiny panel, 3 by 3.1 mm in size, containing a 38 by 40 array of 1,500 light-sensitive microphotodiodes.


  • 我们指定第一辆

    Our group is assigned to take the first bus.


  • 最小原理,建立球面坐标系下的法方程及其系数矩阵具体形式

    Acoording to the least square principle the normal equations and its coefficient matrix are performed.


  • 一类变量与向量函数呈非线性关系。 对于后一类变量,弃舍随机方法给出位置初值然后问题化为线性最小二问题,直接解超定方程

    The overdetermined equations can be solved directly by using the rejection method to give the initial value of the position first and then converting the problem into a linear—square one.


  • 本文提出了求一类矩阵方程最小中心对称迭代

    In this paper, an iterative method is presented to find the least squares centrosymmetric solution to a kind of matrix equations.


  • 讨论了最小多项式拟合中引起正规方程病态两个重要原因:节点对原点偏离程度节点坐标数量级。

    In this paper two reasons-the deviation of the data from the origin and the size of the data-causing the ill-conditioned normal equations in the least square fitting of a polynomial are discussed.


  • 我们汽车路上了。

    The bus we took broke down on the way.


  • 方法运用最小回归抛弃平均消除病态方程

    In the method, the least square regression combined with the treatment of selective average is used to deal with the abnormal equations.


  • 本文讨论回归方程系数的估计给出最小估计是有效估计条件

    In the present paper, We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for which the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator reduces to the least square in multivariate linear models.


  • 通过求解由泰勒展开式得到线性方程,避免了求解平面求解非线性方程最小二解的过程,使算法简化

    The first order Taylor series expansion replaces the non-linear equation used in solving this plane, and thus simplifies the algorithm.


  • 采用弯曲射线追踪算法计算走时分别用最小二QR分解算法代数重建技术就恰方程、超定方程与欠定方程进行了成像计算。

    LSQR and ART algorithms are applied separately to calculate tomography for the determined system of equation, overdetermined system of equation and underdetermined system of equation.


  • 最小回归通过自变量预测一个或一因变量统计方法

    Partial least squares regression is a statistical method which is based on a set of dependent variables to predict the independent variables.


  • 利用矩阵分析理论中的广义,完成非线性方程最小二求解过程

    The paper also proposes the relevant numerical solver. Namely, it has Solved the equations uses the generalized reciprocal method in the theory of matrix analysis.


  • 最小测量平差函数模型求解问题中,最后都归结线性方程的求解问题

    Measured in the least squares adjustment of the function model to solve problems, eventually reduced to the problem of linear equations.


  • 每年五月为圣母为此本堂体会定于本年五月五日星期六旅游车往美国水牛城花地玛圣堂朝圣

    May is the month of mary. the confraternity of the blessed sacrament ministry will be forming a pilgrimage on saturday, may 5, to the fatima shrine in buffalo.


  • 每年五月为圣母为此本堂体会定于本年五月五日星期六旅游车往美国水牛城花地玛圣堂朝圣

    May is the month of mary. the confraternity of the blessed sacrament ministry will be forming a pilgrimage on saturday, may 5, to the fatima shrine in buffalo.


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