• 目标并不止于张艺谋导演, 他的目标是成为乔治卢卡斯,詹姆斯卡梅隆或者皮特杰克逊这样的好莱坞神话.

    He compares himself not to Chinese filmmakers like Zhang Yimou, but to George Lucas, James Cameron and Peter Jackson, the titans of Hollywood fantasia.


  • 我们再一次乔治·卢卡斯的马首是瞻

    Yet again, we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.


  • 看上去像飞船人造似乎乔治.卢卡斯的创意,不过这个想法现在需要卡塔尔大学工程师们进一步完善。

    The "artificial cloud" is a spaceship-looking contraption that appears to be born from the mind of George Lucas, but it actually being developed by the engineers at Qatar University.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯执导这部电影称得上经典

    Directed by George Lucas this movie was a classic.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战使用了许多西部元素,而卢卡斯确实说过用《星球大战》复活西部片曾经创造的电影神话

    George Lucas's Star Wars films use many elements of a western, and indeed, Lucas has said he intended for Star Wars to revitalise cinematic mythology, a part the western once held.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯导演带领下,一些开明之人已经开始鼓励影迷片中角色互动,甚至他们自制电影提供最大带宽

    Led by a producer, George Lucas, enlightened talents have encouraged fans to play with characters and even provided bandwidth for their home-made films.


  • 就好像一个公司首席执行官前传里富有成功的乔治·卢卡斯控制着所有细节

    Like a big corporate CEO, in the prequels, the rich and successful George Lucas controlled every detail.


  • 莫莉恩-窦德的小别墅里挤满了演艺圈的人——拉里-戴维斯,,乔治-卢卡斯,雷-哈维德,甚至汤姆-汉克斯-阿弗莱克想进去都得费点劲儿。

    Maureen Dowd's townhouse so jammed with stars -- Larry David, George Lucas, Ron Howard -- that even Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck have trouble getting in.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯成名作是星球大战》系列电影但是不少电影爱好者认为1971年拍摄的电影《电子迷宫》才是他的代表作

    George Lucas made his name with Star Wars but many film lovers cite this cult movie from 1971 as his masterpiece.


  • 开始孩子们在玩扮演角色的游戏以及乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)如何邻里每一个小孩四处奔跑寻求冒险的。

    I started thinking about children playing make-believe, and how George Lucas was probably like every kid in the neighborhood, running around and seeking adventure.


  • 他们眼睛在扫视部族过去奇迹胜景同时展望着想像中的奇景,而这奇景,后来被乔治·卢卡斯称为工业”。

    The same eyes that were scanning the tribal past for its wonders and amazements were also on the look-out for the imagined marvels of what George Lucas would one day call "Industrial Light and Magic."


  • 十二第一看到星球大战“回忆道,”我希望的画表达电影的喜爱以及观者感到好像乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)正在给我们一道视觉盛宴

    "I was 12 years old when I first saw Star Wars" he recalls. "I hope my piece expresses my affection for the films and lets the viewer feel as if George Lucas is' serving up 'his vision to us."


  • 十二第一看到星球大战“回忆道,”我希望我的表达我对电影喜爱以及观者感到好像乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)正在给我们一道视觉盛宴。

    "I was 12 years old when I first saw Star Wars," he recalls. "I hope my piece expresses my affection for the films and lets the viewer feel as if George Lucas is' serving up 'his vision to us."


  • 乔治·卢卡斯的《》系列电影只有四个角色出现全部6部电影里,机器人就是其中之二。

    These droids are two of only four characters that appear in all six of George Lucas's 'Star Wars' films.


  • 乔治 卢卡斯(George Lucas )科幻小说的模式里汲取了星球大战的灵感,就克斯雷蒙德(Alex Raymond)连环画《飞侠顿》(Flash Gorden)一样。

    George Lucas drew inspiration for Star Wars from sci-fi standards like the Flash Gordon comic books drawn by Alex Raymond.


  • 后来乔治·卢卡斯这种武器赋予绝地武士以便武士团有一种独特的感觉神秘特质

    George Lucas then limited the weapon only to the Jedi Knights, to give the order a unique feel and an arcane quality.


  • 我们再一次乔治·卢卡斯的马首是瞻

    Yet again we look to George Lucas as a bellwether.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯告诉让福特自己想法才是最好的然后知道出来福特的角色完全吻合

    George Lucas told Ford to just say what he thought was best and "I know" was the result, fitting in with his character's persona perfectly.


  • 按照剧本设定贾巴一个巨大的反重力生物——这个效果乔治·卢卡斯当时无法实现

    The script establishes Jabba to be a large, repulsive creature, an effect that George Lucas could not realize at the time.


  • 公司坐落于芝加哥海滨乔治卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆提供城市设计部分,MAD事务所负责建筑设计。

    The firm is also providing urban design services for a new George Lucas Museum of Narrative Art along Chicago's waterfront, with MAD leading the architectural design.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯这部经典电影粉丝们可能将争购这一纪念币

    Fans of George Lucas's classic films are expected to be enthusiastic about the coin issue.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯火箭动力单车”设计要求使《绝地归来》概念小组绘制许多作品

    George Lucas' request for a "rocket powered scooter" resulted in a slew of artwork from Return of the Jedi's concept team.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯夸里描述了塔斯肯,称他们沙漠游民,类似贝都因人。

    George Lucas described the Tuskens to McQuarrie as desert nomads, not unlike the Bedouin people.


  • 影片乔治·卢卡斯执导,在当时风靡全球打破全球票房纪录

    The film, written and directed by George Lucas, became world famous and broke box-office records around the globe.


  • 最早概念安装平板上自行火炮乔治·卢卡斯建议换成步行机,类似AT -TE的姐妹

    His initial concepts had the self-propelled cannon be mounted on treads, but George Lucas instead suggested that it be a walker like its AT-TE cousin.


  • 作为塔金总督出镜时所穿的马靴极不合脚,双足被挤得厉害以致乔治·卢卡斯允许他穿着他的拖鞋表演。

    He was presented with ill-fitting riding boots for the Moff Tarkin role and they pinched his feet so much that he was given permission by George Lucas to play the role wearing his slippers.


  • 作为塔金总督出镜时所穿的马靴极不合脚,双足被挤得厉害以致乔治·卢卡斯允许他穿着他的拖鞋表演。

    He was presented with ill-fitting riding boots for the Moff Tarkin role and they pinched his feet so much that he was given permission by George Lucas to play the role wearing his slippers.


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