• 尽管举办了庆祝活动,爵士美国听众人数下降,听众的年龄上升,爵士不太受年轻人欢迎。

    Despite the celebrations, though, in the U.S. the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.


  • 当前游戏控制器坚固塑料片制成而不是原型版本照片采用的木质高(高是木制拼接玩具)。

    The current version of the controller relies on a solid piece of plastic instead of LEGO, which is employed in the prototype version pictured above.


  • 颗粒分离实验时,研究人员块大圆柱状高钉,然后把板垂直放入盛满粘性液体甘油的鱼缸。

    For the particle-separation experiments, the researchers covered a large Lego board with cylindrical Lego pegs and placed the board vertically in a fish tank filled with glycerol, a viscous liquid.


  • 古德曼童年受过爵士影响令不可否定认为,爵士前进的动力源泉来自非裔美国人

    Goodman's childhood listening had left him in no doubt that jazz's volatile fuel in this period had come from African-Americans.


  • 黑人革新家路易斯·阿姆斯特朗西德尼·贝切,艾灵顿公爵等爵士初期创作者,他们爵士诞生的十年里大胆想法奠定了基石。

    Black innovators like Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Duke Ellington had been the primary inventors of jazz, touchstones for the most exciting ideas of its first decade.


  • 3岁大的儿子,2008年3南方城市深圳街头诱拐今年2,文被解救并且已经他的父母团聚

    His three-year-old son, Wenle, was snatched on the street in March 2008 in the southern city of Shenzhen, but was spotted and reunited with his parents earlier this month.


  • 伊朗考古学家日前宣布,他们伊朗东南部发掘出一个西洋棋(又称十五子棋)棋盘迄今为止世界上发现古老的西洋双棋盘,这一发现将很有可能使伊朗成为全世界棋盘游戏发祥地

    Archaelogists in Iran have said they have uncovered what they believe is the world's oldest backgammon set, which could make the country the cradle of board games.


  • 英国方面,如同沃尔玛统领了美国零售市场,逐渐垄断了整个英国零售业。 与此同时,Terry先生引领了全球范围内进行扩展特别是东欧和亚洲。

    As Tesco cameto dominate retail sales in Britain, much as Wal-Mart does in America, SirTerry led an international expansion, particularly into eastern Europe andAsia.


  • 整个20世纪当中,无论是爵士摇滚还是嘻哈黑人白人艺术家们不动声色地,经常也是大张旗鼓地融合着不同的风格和流派,同时倡导种族平等

    Throughout the century, be it in Jazz, Rock or Hip-Hop, black and white artists mixed styles, implicitly, and often explicitly, advocating racial equality.


  • 爵士感兴趣,我一家爵士认识我的男朋友

    I was very interested in Jazz and I met my boyfriend at a Jazz club.


  • 北美地区,人们喜欢爵士摇滚古典民间乡村其他不同种类

    In North America, people listen to jazz, rock, classical, folk, country, and many other kinds of music.


  • 2002年,来的再日本上市10个月该国卫生官员就要求礼来公司警告医师不要糖尿病人开再普

    And in 2002, only 10 months after Lilly began selling Zyprexa in Japan, medical regulators in that country required Lilly to warn doctors against using Zyprexa in diabetic patients.


  • 合作公司不同时期零售商其他公司合作,提供与美网站及其访客相关扩展服务

    Selected companies: Scotts Miracle-Gro may work with select retailers and other companies at various times to provide expanded services that relate to Scotts Miracle-Gro Website or its visitors.


  • 别的广告出现顾客(购)停车场存放了热气球(交通工具),但是并不真实提供热气球停放位。

    But another AD shows a shopper getting picked up in a hot air balloon - and we do not provide parking facilities for balloons.


  • 第四第五交响(1960)按照一对构思阿诺德第五交响首演上指出,前后两部交响是相互对立的。

    The Fourth and Fifth (both 1960) were conceived virtually as a pair, the latter, as Arnold acknowledged at its premiere, virtually the antithesis of its predecessor.


  • 有些人,例如美国黑人作家拉尔夫·埃里森认为爵士抓住了美国精髓,这么说是非常有道理的,因为上面提到的美国人的种种特征爵士体现了出来

    Some, like African-American writer Ralph Ellison, be-lieve that jazz captures the essence of America. For good reason, for in jazz all of the characteristics I mentioned above come together.


  • 底特律长大底特律我发现最好都喜欢爵士就是为什么喜欢爵士少年时就结下了不解之缘。

    I grow up in Detroit and in Detroit when I found the best musicians in that area are heavily involved with Jazz. That's how I get interested in Jazz and being involved with it as a teenage.


  • 爵士钢琴课程纲要,布景所有信念成立每小我的爵士

    The jazz syllabus is for musicians from all backgrounds and is founded on the belief that jazz is for everyone.


  • 此外摇滚流行说唱派对可以提供能量收集

    In addition, rock and roll, pop music or rap are played at parties too, which can provide energy to the gathering.


  • 大哥发现公寓父亲名下母子一个月之内搬走

    Yule's brother discovered the condominium is in his father's name and asked Yule and his mother to shift out within one month.


  • 大哥发现公寓父亲名下母子一个月之内搬走

    Yule's brother discovered the condominium is in his father's name and asked Yule and his mother to shift out within one month.


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