• 他们资历缺乏迫使他们一辈子单调乏味通常报酬很低的工作

    Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.


  • 又是一个令人麻木单调乏味日子

    It was another day of mind-numbing tedium.


  • 工作不一定非得单调乏味小时——能够有趣的,同时能富有成效

    Work doesn't have to be monotonous and done in 8-hour shifts - it can be fun, and done in productive bursts. See this article for more.


  • 无论Google的粉丝还是Bing的粉丝,日复一日使用同一搜索引擎总会感到单调乏味

    Regardless if you are on team Bing or team Google, using the same search engine day in and day out grows monotonous over time.


  • 之后,酒店里乐团便消失了,取而代之合成器单调乏味音乐。

    Hotel bands were replaced with drab synthesisers.


  • 但是他们经常看到单调乏味的学习景象。

    But too often the image they see is one of tedious study.


  • 无聊移动缓慢时候,比如开车匀速驶过单调乏味景致时,时间似乎又像冰川挪动速度一样慢。

    When we're bored, or moving slowly -for example, driving at constant speed across a monotonous landscape -it seems to pass at glacial speed.


  • 正如单调乏味几年厌倦一生价值的预备因此发掘无聊乏味之外存在的奢华悲惨世界是有裨益的。

    Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life, so is finding out that there's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium.


  • 直到现在构造一个界面友好的GUI客户端这些系统进行交互还是非常单调乏味

    Up until now it has been quite tedious and cumbersome to build rich GUI clients to interact with these systems.


  • 架构只能强大的工具结合使用,从而使开发人员避免编写单调乏味样板代码

    This kind of architecture could only be employed with powerful tools to keep developers from writing tedious boilerplate code.


  • 如果特定书籍兴趣,不是特别忠诚于某特定电子书阅读器,那么寻找便宜——甚至是否有存货——的电子书是一个乏味单调的过程。

    If you are more interested in a particular title than in your loyalty to a particular eReader, looking for the cheapest version - or even an available version - of a book can be pretty tedious.


  • 尽管吉文斯旅程上去让人心痛单调乏味保持自己所爱家庭工作方法

    But as harrowing or tedious as Givens' trip may sound, he says it's the way to keep the home and job he loves.


  • 尽管很多人认为这里工资工作环境其他工厂要好,但是一些人抱怨工作单调乏味和严格的管理制度其中一条就是员工组装流水线保持安静

    While many say wages and conditions are better than at other factories, some have complained about the tedium of the work and the strict regulations, which include silence on the assembly lines.


  • 一个作家写作,如果总是相同笔触,那他的作品会变得单调乏味

    Often when a writer writes with the same persona all the time, they get very monotonous.


  • 节中已经删除了单调乏味的细节客户案例引用从而突出原文基本、最重要方面

    All sections with tedious specifics and customer references have been removed in order to focus on the most fundamentally important aspects of the original paper.


  • 报告发现安全那些向单调乏味能令灵魂破碎习惯投降然后竭力说服自己一切不错的人。

    The report found that the safest individuals were those who surrendered to the soul-crushing monotony of habit and then convinced themselves that they had things pretty good.


  • 当时曾喜欢在一家酒吧打牌酗酒,开心地度过夜晚时光现在这家酒吧无影无踪了,变成一个环形路口,周围单调乏味办公街区

    Now the bar where I'd spent so many amusing nights, playing CARDS and drinking too much, was no more than a roundabout surrounded by drab office blocks.


  • 拍摄一个中等者较远距离物体时,尤其为了拍摄那个物体而把焦距拉的很近的时候,拍出的照片常常显得格外的单调乏味

    When photographing a subject at medium to far distance it can often appear flat , especially if you have zoomed in to fill the frame with the object.


  • 绝大多数大牌管弦乐团的演奏不同,奥菲斯乐团的表演的确很少给人产生单调乏味之感。

    What Orpheus does produce are performances that are rarely humdrum, unlike all too many big-name orchestras.


  • 曾经整天什么也不能只是床上收音机——如此单调乏味生活觉得无精打采、百无聊赖,同时他还遭受褥疮之苦。

    He used to do nothing but lie in bed, listening to the radio — a static life that left him bored, listless and suffering from bed sores.


  • 伊利·诺伊地貌平平常常,没有引人注目之处。平坦的地势初初看来单调乏味

    The features of Illinois are not striking; they do not leap to the eye but lie flat and at first appear monotonous.


  • 正如僧侣辛勤处理日常琐事过程发现的旨意,艾伦正是从我们日常单调乏味的生活工作中发现了人生的真意。

    Like a monk who found God by doing his menial chores with painstaking care, Allen has found meaning in the dullest tasks of our busy lives.


  • 欧洲国家工人通常工资,但为换取稳定工作,他们已自觉地接受了低收入单调乏味的工作内容。

    European state workers are often badly paid, having consciously accepted low salaries and tedium in exchange for job security.


  • 慢性病治疗中,我们希望人们坚持相对单调乏味自我治疗。

    Much of what we expect people to do in chronic care is to embark on a fairly tedious, dreary path of self care.


  • 但是真正陷入日复一日单调乏味的生活中的时候,始终坚持梦想很困难的。

    But it's hard to keep your vision alive when you actually get into the day-to-day grind.


  • 或许它们经过数亿进化,早已放弃了单调乏味而又多变生物进化,而且得到了生命新的存在形式,这种生命可能已经不朽

    Perhaps they abandoned the plodding vagaries of biological evolution eons ago to engineer a new form of existence, one likely to be practically immortal.


  • 监督莫斯科完成单调乏味苏联首都耀眼现代俄罗斯样板之转变

    He oversaw Moscow's oil-fuelled transformation from the drab capital of the Soviet Union into the glitzy showpiece of modern Russia.


  • 美国人感到难过,菲利普·普尔令人回想的《北极之光》现如今也变成单调乏味黄金罗盘》。

    And I was sad that, for Americans, Philip Pullman's evocative "Northern Lights" became the tedious "Golden Compass".


  • 美国人感到难过,菲利普·普尔令人回想的《北极之光》现如今也变成单调乏味黄金罗盘》。

    And I was sad that, for Americans, Philip Pullman's evocative "Northern Lights" became the tedious "Golden Compass".


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