• 地毯上什么玩意儿

    What's all that sticky stuff on the carpet?


  • 因沾冰淇淋而的。

    Her hands were sticky from the ice cream.


  • 不要家具

    Please don't touch the furniture with sticky hands.


  • 凯文慢慢地把手钩子上拿向下咧了。

    Kevin slowly peeled his hand away from the bloody hook it covered. And he saw the man's mouth drop open.


  • 有人出声来,接着全班了,不是轻蔑嘲弄而是地开怀大笑。

    Then somebody laughed, then the entire class was laughing, and not in contempt and ridicule, but with open-hearted enjoyment.


  • 那团东西挂在笼子顶上不巧打着了安德鲁舅舅的脸(不是所有的蜂死了)。

    The Bear lobbed the whole sticky mass over the top of the enclosure and unfortunately it hit Uncle Andrew slap in the face (not all the bees were dead).


  • 步骤2升装的汽水瓶子打开(减肥苏打效果会更好,而且在打扫时候应该会不怎么的)?

    Step one: Open the 2-liter pop bottle (note: diet soda seems to work better and is less sticky come clean-up time)?


  • 面对黏地面斑驳剥落墙壁,端上来的菜盘子还有油腻的大拇指印的食物,还有兴趣吗?

    The floor's sticky, the paint's peeling from the walls, and when your meal arrives there's a greasy thumbprint on the plate.


  • 有关部门调集了数千工人数百艘船只释放化学分散剂和吃细菌很多工人徒手捡拾黏的污油。

    Authorities mobilized thousands of workers and hundreds of boats, unleashing chemical dispersants and oil-eating bacteria, while many workers used their bare hands to scoop up the gloppy waste.


  • 眼圈通红,眼屎几遮住了眼睛双手满了一层层厚重污垢衣服上散发一阵阵强烈的酸臭味扑鼻而来。

    Her red rimmed eyes were partially closed by yellowish crusts; her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime, and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes.


  • 地面斑驳剥落的墙壁,端上来的菜盘子还有油腻的大拇指印,担心,这家餐馆获得颗星评级,的菜肴不会让失望。

    The floor's sticky, the paint's peeling from the walls, and when your meal arrives there's a greasy thumbprint on the plate. But don't worry — the food at this restaurant lives up to its three stars.


  • 问题公共债务产生货币影响如果不做评估的话,那么随至之通胀在手又岂能之。

    But without an assessment of the monetary implications of public debt, we cannot know how far inflation is likely to remain under control.


  • 恋爱不外几个阶段。情侣调情,也不外那几个步骤

    The flirtation between lovebirds is also simply about the several specifid steps.


  • 高尚,野蛮

    Noble or savage?


  • 天上在万有之上;从上来的,是地,所说的也是属地。

    The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth.


  • 3:31,“天上在万有之上,从地上来的,是,他所说,也是属地。”

    Look at 3:31, "the one who comes from above is above all, the one who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks about earthly things."


  • 设若不是,所以身子不能因此身子。

    If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?


  • 设若不是,所以身子。他也不能因此身子。

    And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?


  • 孟子曰:“叔父?”敬弟

    Mencius said, 'you should ask him, "Which do you respect most, your uncle, or your younger brother?"


  • 大海一望无垠就是永远不到尽头一样;大海、湛蓝湛蓝,就是一位生气老师脸色发青。

    The sea is boundless, almost always can not swim to the end; the sea, blue, is almost an angry teacher was blue in the face.


  • 大海一望无垠就是永远不到尽头一样;大海、湛蓝湛蓝,就是一位生气老师脸色发青。

    The sea is boundless, and almost always can not swim to the end; the sea, blue, is almost an angry teacher was blue in the face.


  • 中国人起筷子来得,堪称人人皆杂技艺术

    Chinese use chopsticks come from the heart, and should be almost hand, everybody will be called the acrobatic art.


  • 清清楚楚的记得那天零下20摄氏度街上的人

    I remember clearly that day is 20 degrees below zero, the streets are even micro-even gas.


  • 不仅以易理阐释医学基本道理,而且易学“燥万物者莫燠火”“润万物者莫润”之理作为火热病病机和治疗的基础。

    Not only had he interpreted basic principles of TCM by the theories of the Change, but also took use of the theory of concerning fire and water as his fire-heat theory and healing foundations.


  • 教学方法基本要义,是针对教者互动而采取的一切贯穿教学过程使效果最佳化的措施。 教无常态,法无常形,方无穷尽,运用之妙, 存一心,显人格,体人品。

    Aiming at the mutual promotion of students and teachers , the basic idea of teaching method is to use all measures which make the result best in the process of teaching.


  • 我们有句古语,说“有自远方,不亦乐?”可是,朋友到访并不见得任何时候高兴的。在有急事处理或者着急出门的时候,朋友意外到访就有可能是“不亦悲”了。

    Social terrorism means when someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being rude.


  • 我们有句古语,说“有自远方,不亦乐?”可是,朋友到访并不见得任何时候高兴的。在有急事处理或者着急出门的时候,朋友意外到访就有可能是“不亦悲”了。

    Social terrorism means when someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being rude.


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