• 乌云遮住太阳

    Black clouds blocked out the sun.


  • 天边乌云密布

    Dark clouds massed on the horizon.


  • 暴风雨乌云正在聚集。

    The storm clouds were gathering.


  • 天上乌云密布,预示就要下雨

    There were dark clouds overhead promising rain.


  • 远处乌云中电光闪闪

    Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds.


  • 乌云透着一小蓝天

    There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds.


  • 天空中的乌云预示暴风雨即将来临。

    The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.


  • 乌云铺开遮蔽了整个天空

    The clouds had spread and covered the entire sky.


  • 乌云密布预示大雨将至。

    The clouds threatened rain.


  • 乌云滚滚,山雨欲来,革命即将爆发。

    The storm clouds of revolution were gathering.


  • 乌云渐渐散开露出了蓝天情绪形成了鲜明的对照。

    In sharp contrast to her mood, the clouds were breaking up to reveal a blue sky.


  • 这些乌云不对头

    I don't like the look of those clouds.


  • 乌云中电光闪闪。

    The lightning flashed out from the black clouds.


  • 月亮乌云遮住了。

    The moon was covered by the dark clouds.


  • 乌云意味着要下雨

    Dark clouds means rain.


  • 乌云下雨明显先兆

    Black clouds are an unmistakable sign of coming rain.


  • 维玛拉看到暴风雨乌云上了李小姐

    Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lee's face.


  • 现在放弃了,就乌云接近太阳烟雾因此这个宗教瞬间破碎了不管之前什么样子。

    She gave up presently as if a cloud had approached the sun or the smog thickened and so broken the religious instant, whatever it might have been.


  • 演员被吊高跷上,他们摘下面具露出他们苍白的,惊恐地盯着没有阳光乌云聚集在一起的天空

    Suspended on their stilts, the actors remove their masks and reveal their off-white faces, staring terrified at a sunless sky, dark clouds congregating.


  • 乌云消失了

    The storm clouds disappeared.


  • 希望乌云快点消失

    I hope the clouds will disappear quickly.


  • 乌云使天色变得朦胧暗淡。

    The sky was dimmed by clouds.


  • 乌云仍然笼罩

    Still the cloud was on him.


  • 一朵乌云天上掠过

    A dark cloud passed over the sky.


  • 乌云预示暴风雨的来临。

    The dark clouds threatened a big storm.


  • 但是记住每年这个时候天气变化无常如果乌云突然降落容易偏离轨道

    Do bear in mind, though, that at this time of year the weather is very changeable and if the cloud suddenly descends, it's all too easy to wander off the track.


  • 一小片孤零零的金盏花,如果天空乌云密布,就会匆忙地闭合。

    There is a little single marigold which shuts up in a hurry if the sky becomes clouded.


  • 乌云滚滚而来场悠闲高尔夫可能变成一场可怕死亡赌博——空旷户外,一个孤独的高尔夫球手可能闪电诱人目标

    As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death—out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target.


  • 太阳乌云后露出来时我们非常开心,因为我们可以公园

    As the sun emerged from the black clouds, our hearts lifted for we could go out to play in the park again.


  • 天空乌云密布。

    The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.


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