• 之前研究表明大量饮酒(每周300以上)会增加中风风险

    Confirming past studies, heavier drinking (i. e., 300 grams per week or more) was associated with an increased risk of stroke.


  • 之前进行的研究给予了支持之前研究表明啤酒可以防止骨骼,尤其是对于女性的骨骼。

    The finding, published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, backs up previous research which also showed that the drink was good at fending off brittle bones – especially in women.


  • 研究表明处理一项任务之前只要锻炼分钟,就可以通过增加流向大脑血液量提高工作效率

    Studies have shown that exercising for as little as ten minutes before handling a task can improve performance by increasing the flow of blood to the brain.


  • 这项研究确实之前研究更进一步,它表明屏幕使用时间视为年轻人成长潜在障碍

    The new work does go further than previous research and suggests that screen time should still be considered a potential barrier to young people's flourishing.


  • 之前研究表明,猿类和猴子可以从其他动物的叫声中理解复杂的信息,但这些动物似乎并没有故意使用它们的声音来交流信息。

    Although previous research has shown that apes and monkeys can understand complex information from another animal's call, the animals do not appear to use their voices intentionally to communicate messages.


  • 先前研究不同,此次结果表明,在儿童接受正式数学教育之前,他们的数字数学才能已经建立联系

    Unlike those studies, this one shows that the link between number sense and maths ability is already present before the beginning of formal maths instruction.


  • 这项研究表明浪漫的求爱行为超乎之前想象地还要更多地遗传上的影响。

    Their research shows that our romantic courtship behaviors may be far more influenced by genetics than previously thought.


  • 研究表明比起之前推广方式人们倾向相信其他客人的评价。

    Research indicates that individuals are more inclined to believe other guests than more formal forms of promotion methods.


  • 之前研究表明超重青少年感到同年以及他们老师瞧不起,朋友少,在社交方面感到更孤立

    Previous studies have shown that overweight adolescents feel stigmatized by their peers and their teachers, have fewer friends and often feel socially isolated.


  • 阿拉巴马大学实验室最新研究表明即使之前已经报道过涉及手机应用交通事故车手仍然不能抗拒驾车使用手机应用。

    New research from the University of Alabama UAB.L shows that even drivers who have reported previous accidents involving mobile phone applications can't resist using them while driving.


  • 55岁之前男性女性更易高血压研究表明富含的食物能够减少患高血压中风危险

    Until the age of 55, more men suffer from high blood pressure than do women. Research suggests that foods rich in potassium can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.


  • 之前研究表明美国人体重他们自己体型的感觉之间的无关联性。

    Prior research has suggested adisconnect between Americans' weight and their perceptions about their size.


  • 关于花旗集团(本周裁员五万两千)的研究表明之前落后现金储备公司现在远远胜过债台高筑的企业(指在金融危机之前不保持大量现金储备的公司)。

    A study, aptly from Citigroup (which axed 52,000 people this week), shows cash hoarders now outperforming indebted firms, having lagged before.


  • 与此同时石油工业声称之前一项研究表明输油管线创造20,000个建筑工作

    The oil industry, meanwhile, pushed back with a study this week claiming the pipeline would create 20, 000 new construction jobs.


  • 英国华威大学伦敦大学学院之前进行一项研究表明睡眠不足可能导致女性心脏问题

    A previous study, conducted by Warwick University and University College London, concluded that lack of sleep could be linked to heart problems in women.


  • 之前研究表明如果说服别人什么事情最好着他的右耳

    Previous research has shown that if you want to persuade someone to do something, you should also speak in their right ear.


  • 行进方向十分奇怪,之前研究表明大多数远距离迁徙都是西进行的,而编号#1363的这头母鲸却是西向东迁徙的。

    The direction of her travel was odd as well. Previous studies have suggested most long migrations went from east to west. #1363 went from west to east.


  • 加上之前研究表明捕食出现使被捕食者的压力水平升高,降低了它们免疫系统机能,使它们更易生病乃至于死亡

    And previous studies have shown that the presence of predators ups stress levels in prey, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to disease-and death.


  • 之前研究表明胆固醇心脏病肥胖症吸烟都会增加患病风险。

    Previous research has shown high cholesterol, heart problems, obesity and smoking all increase the risk.


  • 之前研究表明声音干扰大脑处理气味方式研究人员认为干扰食物味道的处理。

    Previous studies have shown that sound can interfere with how the brain processes smell; the researchers say the same could be true for taste.


  • 研究声称,在这项研究之前没什么证据表明苔藓的生长和气候这么紧密联系。

    Until this study, the researchers write, there was little evidence to suggest the moss responded so strongly to the climate.


  • 之前研究表明这种基因变种人类容易演变成慢性阻塞性肺疾病当前研究这种现象给出一个解释

    Previous research showed that this gene variant makes humans more liable to develop chronic-obstructive disease (COPD), and the current study provides an explanation for this observation.


  • 之前研究表明胎儿适应并且胎儿24小时短期记忆研究进一步检查了这些记忆持续多久

    Previous research has shown that fetuses can habituate to sounds and that the fetus has a short-term memory of 24-hours, but this study further examined how long these memories can last.


  • 之前研究表明长期吸烟者患上性功能障碍的几率比非吸烟者高出两倍

    Previous research has shown that long-term smokers are up to twice as likely to have impotence as non-smokers.


  • 之前研究表明母亲怀孕期间环境因素可能导致胎儿的DNA出现“表观遗传”变异。

    Previous studies have shown that factors in the mother's environment during pregnancy can cause "epigenetic" modifications to the fetus's DNA.


  • 之前研究表明草地转化成玉米地其他能源作物用地农田会释放出大量有机

    Previous studies predicted massive releases of organic carbon from fields converted from grass to corn or other energy crops.


  • :“之前研究表明女性认为这些体征被认为具吸引力男性体征。”

    'Previous research has shown that these features are among the most attractive male physical characteristics, as judged by women,' he said.


  • 之前研究表明SHANK3基因突变语言能力发育迟缓、学习障碍泛自闭障碍症有关

    Previous research has shown that gene mutation in SHANK3 is associated with delayed language abilities, learning disability, and ASDs.


  • 之前研究表明SHANK3基因突变语言能力发育迟缓、学习障碍泛自闭障碍症有关

    Previous research has shown that gene mutation in SHANK3 is associated with delayed language abilities, learning disability, and ASDs.


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