• 柏拉图时代诡辩家以哲学谋取私利;他们制造漏洞使某些可以逃避其应尽义务或者人们反而去原谅那些认为是不道德行为

    The Sophists in Plato’s time were men who used philosophy for profit, inventing moral loopholes to get people out of obligations, or to excuse what would otherwise be considered immoral behavior.


  • 与其等着人们天性变化我们通过承担义务控制那些不好行为

    Instead of waiting around for human nature to change, let's start to rein in bad behavior by promoting accountability.


  • 一点维护社会正义法律义务第二点是保护自身利益的合法行为

    Here the first thing is a legal obligation to maintain social justice while the second is to protect one's personal interests.


  • 诉讼标的没有共同权利义务其中的诉讼行为其他共同诉讼人发生效力

    if a party of two or more persons have no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the act of any one of them shall not be valid for the rest.


  • 第七任何单位个人应当履行节能义务有权检举浪费能源行为

    Article 7 All organizations and individuals shall fulfill their obligation to conserve energy and have the right to report against any waste of energy.


  • IT治理大师PeterWeillJeanneRoss很好地将之定义鼓励所期望IT行为权利决策义务框架”(摘自[weillross])。

    IT-Governance gurus Peter Weill and Jeanne Ross brilliantly define it governance as "decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in it." (from [WeillRoss]).


  • Bernays设想不同与此的场景:有这样国际法庭,它当今世界视为犯罪的个体自然人负有审判义务即使这些人的国家同意或要求他们实施该项行为。 被告不得以服从上级为辩护理由。

    Bernays envisioned a different scenario: an international court that held ndividuals liable for crimes the world deemed crimes, even if their nation had


  • 施行注意义务规范原则要求工作场所时刻注意并且知道他们行为可能导致的结果

    Implementing the duty of care principle requires people in the workplace to pay constant attention to, and be aware of, the possible consequences of their actions.


  • 义务劳动要求罪犯能够规范的行为、以合适的速率工作而不只是让这些青年晃来晃去,一些整理场所这样杂七杂八的工作。

    Unpaid work should require offenders to work at a proper pace in a disciplined manner rather than youths just hanging around doing odd bits tidying up derelict sites.


  • 第十条法官履行职责时,应当平等对待当事人其他诉讼参与人不得以言语行为表现出任何歧视,并义务制止纠正诉讼参与人和其他人员的任何歧视性言行

    The judge should not by words or conduct manifest any discrimination. The judge has the responsibility to stop and correct any discriminatory words or conduct by any participants or other people.


  • 我们广大机车乘务员有责任有权利义务国分忧一切违法行为坚决斗争

    Our locomotive crew responsibility right and obligation to share the burdens, to all illegal ACTS do resolute struggle.


  • 借款人履行协议项义务非法行为成为非法行为

    It is or becomes unlawful for the Borrower to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement.


  • 协议关于个人不得实施一些行为义务包括其不同意不允许他人实施行为义务

    Any obligation in this agreement on a person not to do something includes an obligation not to agree or allow that thing to be done.


  • 尽管第42 条一句即规定,但是就是这些义务而言各成员通过行政行为实施作出规定。

    Notwithstanding the first sentence of Article 42, Members may, with respect to these obligations, instead provide for enforcement by administrative action.


  • 不作为行为人在能够履行应尽义务情况下,不履行该义务而构成的犯罪

    Negative crime is a kind of crime committed by one who fails to fulfill his obligation when he is capable of doing that.


  • 医方告知义务,是医疗机构及其医务人员其医疗行为其它医疗事项患者所作的充分如实的说明义务

    Medical obligation to inform means that medical institutions and staff should describe medical acts and other medical matters fully and factually towards patients.


  • 我们为了追求现代生活方式而养,因此我们义务心怀感恩,通过不断的学习,真正理解马的行为

    We owe it to the horse, kept as part of our modern lifestyle, to become educated and understand their behavior.


  • 民事责任民事行为人违反法定义务或约定义务后,依什么根据来使行为承担强制性不利后果。

    The imputation of civil liability refers to criterion decision by which the party must undertake responsibility for all the serious consequences arising from the violation of legal obligation.


  • 各方应对备忘录实施自己行为义务负责

    Each Party shall be responsible for its own ACTS and omissions in connection with this MOU and its implementation.


  • 发现任何违法违反规范其它不道德行为全体员工均有义务立即其上级主管董事会审计委员会报告

    All Employees are obligated to immediately report observed violations of the Code and illegal or unethical behavior to supervisors or the Company's Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.


  • 社会学家认为奉献自己,帮助他人使人类天性,使人类得以生存自然本能因此公共义务生存行为

    Sociologists would argue that there is a natural inclination of human beings to engage themselves in helping others, as a natural instinct to preserve the species. Thus pubic duty is a survival act.


  • 医疗过错主要过失,意指医师违反注意义务行为

    Medical fault mainly results from medical negligence, which is the action that doctors violate the duty of care.


  • 社会法律道德要求强迫某人服从或避免某些特定行为义务合约诺言

    A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.


  • 社会法律道德要求强迫某人服从或避免某些特定行为义务合约诺言

    A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action.


- 来自原声例句

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