• 创建概念主题实际上创建基本主题相同只不过标签使用新的名字

    Creating a concept topic is actually the same as creating a basic topic, except that the and tags have new names.


  • 模块化的方法主题如果计划每个主题相同功能,你需要编辑功能,每个主题

    Modular approach works with themes if you plan to provide the same functionality per theme as you won't need to edit functions per theme.


  • 中国相亲节目大概在2008年流行自此以后,每个都要这样的节目,大同小异,形式主题相同

    In China, the blind date show got popular in about 2008, since then, every channel has such show, they are a little different from each other, but share the same form and theme.


  • 写下问题帮助下次相同主题记住寻找答案

    Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.


  • 次使用相同主题很有帮助。

    It's helpful to work with the same topic the next time.


  • 如果所有这些实例订阅相同主题导致严重的问题

    If all these instances subscribe to the same topic, it can cause serious problems.


  • 她说她“不认为是一位作家……他几乎一部作品中一再重复相同主题好像他坐在脸上无法呼吸。”

    He goes on and on about the same subject in almost every book. It's as though he's sitting on your face and you can't breathe.


  • 清单6展示了一个新的演练主题产生这些相同文件

    Listing 6 shows a new walk-through topic map that is also generated from these same files.


  • 如果发布订阅指定是完全相同主题名称,则可能精确匹配否则订阅方可以指定通配符匹配很多不同发布主题

    The match may be exact if the publisher and subscriber specify exactly the same topic name, or the subscriber may specify a wildcard to match many different published topics.


  • 可以相同主题使用多个主题产生多个文档

    You can use the same topics with multiple topic maps to produce multiple documents.


  • 年前相同那些人员主题又重新出现了,,与会者大大增加了,主要是商业投资者增加了。

    Many of the same people and themes made a reappearance from the conference four years earlier, but this time the ranks were swelled by business interests — lots of them.


  • 目前已经有很多种游戏物理引擎取决于各自需求但是它们全部都相同主题的衍生。

    Numerous types of game physics exist, depending upon the requirement, though all are variations on the same theme.


  • 做梦可以跨越文化差异过去研究者一经发现,出现不同种族梦境中的普遍主题相同的。

    Dreams can transcend cultural differences. Past researchers have found that the most common dream themes were the same across different ethnic groups.


  • 可以看到应用表单背景颜色文本字段字体样式我们自定义主题中所定义的内容相同

    You can see that the background color of the form and the font style of the text fields are applied as we defined them in the custom theme.


  • 映射领域使用主题领域相同DTD实现技术

    A map domain USES the same DTD implementation technique as a topic domain.


  • 可以任意数量使用者相同主题提交请求也可以有任意数量的提供者侦听(通过订阅)相同主题

    Any number of consumers can submit requests to the same topic and any number of providers can listen (through subscribing) on the same topic.


  • 具有许多电子邮件程序相同外观允许根据日期标题主题分类过滤内容

    It has the same look and feel as many E-mail programs, and allows you to sort and filter content based on the date, title, or subject.


  • 请按照查看内置主题中的相同步骤标识希望重用主题

    Follow the same steps as in View the built-in themes to identify the theme you want to reuse.


  • 珍爱每一个母亲儿童”活动将世界卫生日启动报告拥有相同主要主题

    Make every mother and child count is being launched on World Health Day, which shares the report's main theme.


  • 签署证书的特征主题颁发字段包含相同字符串,而且没有设置表示ca证书的证书属性

    You would recognize a self signed certificate by the fact that subject and issuer fields contain the same string while there is no certificate attribute set indicating this is a ca certificate.


  • 如果位于相同域中使用JMX调来获取主题

    If they are not in the same domain, then JMX callbacks are used to obtain the subject.


  • 但是专门化过程并不到此结束因为三个基本主题类型又会以相同的过程专门化创建新的DITA 主题类型。

    The process of specialization need not end there, however, as the three basic topic types can in turn be specialized to create new DITA topic types using the same process.


  • 主题总是相同的。

    The themes are familiar.


  • 收集很多梦之后,再回过看看这些是否相同情感主题

    When you have collected several, look back to see if emotional themes are emerging.


  • 半数参与调查的人相信书号对于读者复杂了三分之一人觉得排架类别不能按照读者要的方式汇聚相同主题的书。

    Only half believe patrons find call numbers too complicated, and a third felt shelving categories don't pull together topics in the way patrons want to browse.


  • 结果可以交换合并使用不同相同主题文档不必泛化主题

    As a result, documents using different domains but the same topics can be exchanged or merged without having to generalize the topics.


  • 如果两个DITA主题使用相同ID或者DITA主题使用了SGML图书中的ID,直接合并造成错误

    If two DITA topics used the same ID, or if one DITA topic used an ID that was also in the SGML book, a simple merge would have resulted in errors.


  • PHP脚本经由STOMP发送消息active MQ接收接收消息被放入JMS主题JMS队列相同消费者接收。

    Messages sent from your PHP scripts via STOMP are received by ActiveMQ, placed on the JMS topics or queues, and are received by the same consumers.


  • PHP脚本经由STOMP发送消息active MQ接收接收消息被放入JMS主题JMS队列相同消费者接收。

    Messages sent from your PHP scripts via STOMP are received by ActiveMQ, placed on the JMS topics or queues, and are received by the same consumers.


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