• 剧的主要题材是才子佳人。

    The main subjects of Yue opera are stories about wits and beauties (才子佳人).


  • 《劳叉斗圣变》敦煌艺术中的主要题材之一

    Illustration of Raudraksa's battle with Sariputra is one of the main themes in Dunhuang arts.


  • 作品主要题材古典时代建筑纺织品旋律舞动的女人

    The medieval architectures, textiles and women of melodic movements are the main themes of his work.


  • 大致说来,咏物写景、写妇女男女情怀诗、离别叙怀诗诗歌创作主要题材取向

    In the second part, based on the checking and analyzing of the works of the Group, efforts are focused on the analyzing their poem creating from the angle of subject choosing.


  • 精怪唐代小说创作中的主要题材之一,女妖更是唐代精怪题材小说中重要独特描写对象

    The theme of Monster and spirits are the main topic of Tang novels , and female spirits are important and particular characters of this subject.


  • 关于这些被忽视群体的误解、危险幽默成了托尼奖得主黄哲伦所著的百老汇滑稽新剧《中式英文主要题材

    The misunderstanding, danger, and humor that come out of this invisibility are major themes in the hilarious new Broadway show, Chinglish, written by Tony award-winner David Henry Hwang.


  • 叶扎科夫主要题材那些让人过目女性人物不仅描绘肖像身体之美把人物的心理传神的刻画出来。

    The main Ezhakov's theme is female figure where the master creates memorable images of women passing not only beauty of body, but creating wonderful psychological portraits as well.


  • 百科全书知识大全涉及20 个主要题材范畴跨越大约200个专业主题而每一个主题平均相等于500标准页数印刷

    The Encyclopaedia body of knowledge is in about 20 major subject categories and spanned by about 200 subject themes. Each theme is on average equivalent to one print volume of 500 standard pages.


  • 具有较大影响的作品包括漫画涂鸦插图角色设计主要集中画像和肖像题材方面。

    Concentrating mainly on figurative and portrait subject matter, his influences include comic books, graffiti, illustration, and character design.


  • 本文主要分为部分分别题材内容思想情感内蕴以及语言艺术进行研究

    This text divides into three parts mainly, from the content of the subject matter separately, accumulate in the thought emotion and art of the language is studied.


  • 庐隐小说审美特征主要体现三个方面:人物形象情感性;题材内容的写实性;小说体式的私秘性

    The Aesthetic features of Lu Yins novels are as follows: sensibility of character images; realistic writing of subject matters; and privateness of novels styles.


  • 创作主要题材死亡爱情亲身遭遇的内心感受的真实描写

    The main themes he created is about death and love, which were the real description of his personal sufferings.


  • 一部现实生活中发生事情题材动画短片,主要讲述了发生一个公园中的一连串连锁反应的突发事件

    Is a brief animation based on real life. It retells a series of unexpected events that occur in a small park and cause a chain reaction.


  • 小说文本深刻内涵主要来自作者生活深入发掘精选品位审美信息量大的题材题材进行匠心艺术处理

    Deep connotations in the composition of novels come from writer's deep digging in life, careful choice of high grade materials with aesthetic information, and artful treatment of the materials.


  • 中国画种类主要大类人物花鸟山水表面是以题材分类其实用来表现观念思想

    The main categories of Chinese painting has three categories: people, flowers and landscapes, and the surface is a subject classification, in fact, is used to show a concept and ideas.


  • 主要数量朝代体裁题材内容几个方面入手通过图表统计学方法科学地得出结果

    This paper mainly proceeds with the quantity, the dynasty, the literature style, the theme content and several aspects; through the row graph and statistics method scientifically obtains the result.


  • 本文认为沈从文城市题材小说审美视角主要两个“乡下人”批判的角度,城市现代意识的角度。

    There are two aesthetic angles of view in shen congwen s novels based on city life , one is the criticism of the country folks, the other is the criticism of the town folks modern consciousness.


  • 动画片主要作为儿童观看影视片,儿童文学作品兴盛有着巨大的推动作用,为其提供了大量的创作题材,儿童文学对动画片的创作有着启示作用。

    Animation films are mainly films for children. The works of juvenile literature have greatly propelled the prosperity of animation films and have provided a lot of writing materials.


  • 现实主义内核为主要表现题材的蒲风诗歌,长期以来占据了其满怀青春热情抒情风格应有地位

    PuFeng's poems, the main theme of which is the realistic core, have been occupying the position of the lyric style embraced by youthful enthusiasm.


  • 然而选择该部电视剧作为语料来源主要缘由是因为广受观众欢迎,并且有着典型题材鲜明的语言人物特色

    However, the main reasons for selecting it as the data resource are because of its widespread popularity, typical subject matter, distinct language and personality features, etc.


  • 徐秀伶延续古代的国王皇后皇室妃子长寿的象征物、国王的书桌梨花以及其它皇室周围的人事物等等,作为主要的创作题材

    Her main subjects was continued to treat king, his queens, the royal concubines, dragons, ten long life objects, king's study desk, pear flowers and etc. in their surroundings.


  • 这种数量的巨大主要表现繁复与堆叠创作手法丰富多彩、驳杂兼的创作题材上。

    This "huge number" is mainly embodied in creation of complex stacking techniques, and colorful and heterogeneous creative theme.


  • 泉州的彩木雕主要飞禽走兽题材追求形象逼真栩栩如生艺术效果

    Quanzhou colorful wood, mainly birds and animals as the theme, the pursuit of vivid, true to life likeness artistic effect.


  • 英语新闻报道中,概念隐喻主要体现为名物化形容词化,后者的使用频率高于前者;在不同题材的新闻中,隐喻的使用有所不同。

    In English news reporting, ideational metaphor mainly includes nominalization and adjectivalization, with the latter a little higher than the former in its proportion.


  • 话虽如此还是乐见成功主要是因为其题材使有所感触

    Nevertheless, I could still anticipate its success, mainly the its subject impressed me.


  • 一部分主要论述了《聊斋志异》选择“本事”相通题材模式原因

    The main idea of the first part is the reason why the subject matters of LiaoZhaiZhiYi are connected with the source material.


  • 湖南卫视今年早些时候播出一部创下历史收视纪录的穿越电视剧一过去主要存在互联网题材开始迅速流行起来

    Once found mainly on the Internet, the genre took off when a time-travel drama series scored record ratings when shown on the popular Hunan Satellite TV station earlier this year.


  • 网络翡翠消费主要特点消费商品低档为主、消费者钟爱传统题材、重视翡翠种质以及网上拍卖

    The characteristics of jadeite jade consumption on Internet are that the consumers prefer to low-end products with traditional styles, sorts of jadeite jade and auction on Internet.


  • 网络翡翠消费主要特点消费商品低档为主、消费者钟爱传统题材、重视翡翠种质以及网上拍卖

    The characteristics of jadeite jade consumption on Internet are that the consumers prefer to low-end products with traditional styles, sorts of jadeite jade and auction on Internet.


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