• 第三部分WTO其他主要成员国消费者权益保护法律经验

    The third part: the legal experience of WTO's other main protection of consumers' rights and interests of member states.


  • 但是g 20主要成员国表示它们愿意难堪时,它们的话不能当真

    But when major G20 nations say they are willing to be embarrassed, they do not mean it.


  • 欧洲民众以及欧盟主要成员国比如法国德国土耳其加入欧盟存有很深忧虑。

    There are deep apprehensions towards Turkey's membership from the European public as well as also from key members of the European Union, such as France and Germany.


  • 欧盟主要成员国这个阿尔卑斯山国家施加巨大压力导致了这项政策变化。

    It comes after significant pressure on the alpine nation by larger EU member countries.


  • 此外欧佩克主要成员国沙特阿拉伯、委内瑞拉伊朗敦促组织下周维也纳召开会议批准此项协议

    In addition, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran, key members, are pushing the cartel to meet in Vienna next week to ratify the deal.


  • 上海合作组织主要任务之一就是成员国之间开展安全合作。

    A major task of the SCO is to promote security cooperation among its member states.


  • 卫生大会世界卫生组织(世卫组织)192名成员国组成,世卫组织最高决策机构主要职能确定组织政策

    The WHA, comprised of the World Health Organization's (WHO) 192 Member States, is the supreme decision-making body for WHO and its main function is to determine the policies of the Organization.


  • 经合组织成员国地球34发达国家中,墨西哥美国学校主要生源阅读方面竟排在倒数第一位。

    Among the OECD members, the most developed 34 nations on earth, Mexico, principal feeder nation for U.S. schools, came in dead last in reading.


  • 可能2010年左右获得批准,主要得益于哈斯俱乐部朋友,俱乐部的成员国以前是帝国的一员。

    But it will probably get the nod by 2010 or so, thanks to its friends in the Habsburg club of countries formerly in the Austro-Hungarian empire.


  • 欧洲很严重问题主要来自的几个成员国——希腊西班牙葡萄牙意大利爱尔兰

    The Euro also has its problems and is suffering from the problems of its weakest members - Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Ireland.


  • 葡萄牙损失更大:2003到2006年间,四分之一工作都是被外来者拿走主要是来自欧盟成员国

    Portugal has suffered more: a quarter of its job losses between 2003 and 2006 involved jobs heading overseas, mostly to new EU members.


  • 不同于其他陷入困境欧元区成员国意大利主要经济问题并非源于高额财政赤字

    Italy's main economic problem doesn't stem from a large fiscal deficit, as is the case with the other troubled eurozone members.


  • 刚才已经发布,上组织成员国即将举行成员国外长理事会例行会议主要任务是上合组织峰会准备。

    I announced just now that the SCO member states would hold a regular meeting of the SCO MFA Council to prepare for the SCO Summit.


  • 一个主要原因欧盟之间自由往来,使成千上万欧盟成员国能够其他富足成员国工作生活

    A big reason is freedom of movement within the European Union, which has enabled millions of people from the new member states to live and work legally in the richer part of the continent.


  • 目前在世卫组织192个成员国(地区)中,有102个国家(地区)(53%)已经把流行性腮腺炎纳入了儿童常规免疫规划,使用的主要是麻疹-流行性腮腺炎-风疹(MMR)三联疫苗

    Currently 102 (53%) of 192 WHO member states include mumps in their routine childhood vaccination programmes, mostly as the combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.


  • 英国第一申请成为投行创始成员国主要西方国家

    The UK became the first major Western country to apply to become an AIIB founding member.


  • 大部分成员国主要语言指定官方语言可以毫不费力地避免国家间的嫉妒

    It could sidestep national jealousies without trouble by designating most of the member nations' main languages as official languages.


  • 代表世界主要经济体,该组织计划增加六个成员国,将巴西中国印度印尼俄罗斯以及南非包括在内。

    The organization plans to include six partner countries, comprising Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa, to represent the world's major economies.


  • 英国经济衰退相对其他主要经济体也是较为严重的,根据国际国币基金组织的(推算),年度英国财政赤字GDP比例位居七集团成员国之首,2007至2014年间期其债台也将是筑最高

    The deterioration in Britain’s public finances is also worse than in other leading economies. Next year’s deficit as a share of GDP will be the highest in the G7 economies, according to the IMF.


  • 这个组织30个国家组成的,主要目标保护成员国安全自由

    It's a group of nearly 30 countries; its main goal is to keep those countries safe and free.


  • 中国央行没有美国指名道姓,但它表示国际货币基金组织加强全球系统性稳定具有关键性影响发行主要储备货币成员国的政策监督”。

    Without directly naming the US, the PBoC said the IMF should step up supervision of member states issuing "major reserve currencies that play a pivotal role on the global systemic stability".


  • 世卫组织成员国应该这份报告中的内容确认该国面对主要健康挑战制定卫生政策

    WHO said that member countries should use this report to confirm the contents of the country's major health challenges faced by developing health policy.


  • 这些营员主要由来自205个国际奥委会成员国地区青年代表组成

    Members of these camps mainly from the 205 IOC member countries and regional youth representatives.


  • 欧元区危机产生主要原因欧洲成员国违反了他们实施准则

    The major reason for the crisis in the Euro Zone was that the countries in the European members have breached the imposed rules on them.


  • 当前的债务危机迫使欧元区主要经济体财政前景不佳的欧元区成员国最迟2011年实施财政紧缩政策,从而抑制私人需求进口

    The current crisis would also force core euro zone countries and those with vulnerable fiscal outlooks to undertake fiscal austerity as soon as 2011, weighing on private demand and imports.


  • 国际开发协会基金主要是工业化成员国自己的银行的利息。

    The IDa's funds are provided mainly by industrialized members' subscriptions and from the Bank's profits.


  • 国际开发协会基金主要是工业化成员国自己的银行的利息。

    The IDa's funds are provided mainly by industrialized members' subscriptions and from the Bank's profits.


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