• 就是屏蔽武器主要问题所在:至今没有任何理论证明它如何运作的。

    This is the main problem with shields, there is no current theory as to how they would work.


  • 加速器环境放射性影响主要由于屏蔽不良活化引起的。

    The radiological impact of accelerators on the environment is due to inadequate shielding and induced radioactivity.


  • 所以作者主要应用弹性理论振动理论对局部噪声屏蔽进行理论研究并用试验验证理论分析可靠性

    So one-dimensional elastic wave and plate vibration response theory are mainly applied to study the structure and experiments are made to verify the validity of the theory.


  • 层间增几何效应裂纹传播路径控制、屏蔽颗粒桥联主要的增韧机理

    Geometrical effect, crack path kinking and deflection, particle bridging and crack shielding are the main toughening mechanisms.


  • 硬件措施主要包括接地屏蔽滤波隔离,另外还注意采取措施提高微机I/O通道抗干扰能力

    Techniques based on hardware mainly include grounding, shielding, filtering and isolation. Measures should be taken to improve the anti-interference ability of I/O channels in PC as well.


  • 导电填料构成高性能电磁波屏蔽材料和吸收材料主要原材料

    Conductive filler is the main raw material of high-performance electromagnetic shielding material.


  • 因为真实的,来自英国,我屏蔽主要内容永恒-爱,真理

    Because my love for you is true and I come from the Kingdom of light I am shielded by the principal elements of eternity - love, truth and light.


  • 工厂接地种类主要工作接地、保护接地、屏蔽接地、防静电接地和防雷接地等。

    Main types of earthing in industrial plants include operational earthing, protective earthing, shielding earthing, electrostatic - proof earthing and lightning-proof earthing etc.


  • 屏蔽效果主要吸收损耗反射损耗。

    Screening effect relys upon both absorption loss and reflection loss.


  • 本文主要研究外部电磁场屏蔽绞线干扰耦合情况。

    This article mainly studies the interference coupling of external electromagnetic field to STP.


  • 本文以此为出发点论述了“拟地景观主要构建原则并且阐释从屏蔽真实地面引入地面景观元素两个方面去构建“拟地景观”的方法

    Based on such a point, this paper expounds the main constructing principles and methods of this kind of landscape, by hiding the real ground and introducing the elements of ground landscape.


  • 孔洞、缝隙泄漏影响屏蔽效果主要原因因此电子设备结构设计的型式直接影响屏蔽效能

    The leak of aperture is the main reason which affects the shielding effect. Therefore, the structure design of electronic equipment will directly affect its shielding effect.


  • 主要介绍了屏蔽铁路数字信号电缆设计生产工艺要点结合生产实践讨论了如何进行质量控制

    The design and manufacturing key points of internal shielded railway digital signal cable are introduced, and combining with production practice, the quality control measures are discussed.


  • 屏蔽技术保护储层钻井技术主要技术之一,应用屏蔽暂堵技术的关键选择合适堵剂。

    Temporary plugging technology is one of the main drilling and completion techniques for protection reservoir. The key of the technology is selecting suitable temporary plugging agent.


  • 本文主要应用蒙特卡罗方法进行屏蔽计算研究

    This paper is devoted to the research on the radiation shielding calculations using Monte Carlo method.


  • 主要用途微波加热屏蔽微波泄漏出微波谐振腔,工艺简单成本

    The main usage is that microwave is shielded when water is heated by microwave, and the product has simple technique and low cost.


  • 数控系统抗电磁干扰主要采用接地滤波屏蔽技术。

    The CNC system adopts grounding, filtering, shielding and so on for anti-electromagnetic interference.


  • 偏高主要原因在于辐射屏蔽设计有误,个别加速器房存在防护过度的问题。

    The main reason resulted in high radiation levels is faulty design for the radiation shielding. At the same time, individual cases appeared over protection against the radiation are also indi


  • 本文主要介绍重离子加速器核物理实验在线测量降低辐射本底而采用的多层组合屏蔽设计

    A shielding design with multilayer combination has been introduced for on-line measurement of nuclear physics experiment with heavy ion accelerator.


  • 介绍了铜包铝线的特点、主要机械屏蔽性能,并分析采用铝线替代铜线用于控制电缆编织屏蔽可行性

    The feasibility of substituting copper-clad aluminium wire for round copper wire as screen braid wire was studied.


  • RDE算法主要应用随机延迟计算机制,MRDE算法则进一步增加了屏蔽运算,而MRRE算法则结合数据屏蔽技术随机重编码方法

    The RDE and MRDE algorithm employ the method of random delayed computing, and MRDE algorithm has masking operation. The MRRE algorithm combines data masking and random recoding techniques.


  • 织物紫外线主要取决于织物本身屏蔽紫外线的能力

    The ultraviolet resistance of a fabric mainly depends on its ray shielding ability.


  • 系统内核主要具有两个功能其一管理硬件资源其二屏蔽具体硬件差异应用程序提供虚拟

    The system kernel has two main functions: the one is to manage the hardware resource, and the other is to hide the difference of different hardware and provide virtual machine for applications.


  • 主要利用ANSYS软件屏蔽密封应力进行分析,计算出压力容器最大应力应变。

    The stress for sealing washer of canned motor pump is analyzed by ANSYS software, and the maximum stress and strain of tubular sheet of press container are calculated.


  • 构件包装器主要功能是屏蔽构件的异构性,一致方式表示构件及其特征,类属构件模型提供了构件包装器接口定义

    They provide a uniform interface to other aspects of the composition model and specify how a client can access a component in a uniform way.


  • 造成屏蔽损坏原因主要轴承损坏磨损超过极限值而造成转子屏蔽相擦而损坏;

    Shield damage caused by sets of the main reasons for bearing damage or wear caused by exceeding limits set, set of rotor rub shield damage;


  • 本文主要探讨了屏蔽气氧气流量变化时光源背景发射光谱某些元素原子线离子线发射的影响

    The effect of O 2 flow rate on the background emission and some atomic and ionic lines in the new source is exploited in this paper.


  • 介绍铝线特点主要机械屏蔽性能,分析采用铜包铝线替代圆铜线用于控制电缆编织屏蔽的可行性。

    The characteristic of copper clad aluminum bimetal wire(for short CCA)are introduced, and the skin effect-the trait of CCA used in transmitting high frequency signal is analyzed.


  • 介绍铝线特点主要机械屏蔽性能,分析采用铜包铝线替代圆铜线用于控制电缆编织屏蔽的可行性。

    The characteristic of copper clad aluminum bimetal wire(for short CCA)are introduced, and the skin effect-the trait of CCA used in transmitting high frequency signal is analyzed.


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