• 大多数支持者表示物业适用一定规模以上的房产,而主要住宅

    Most also say the tax should only apply to properties above a certain size or that are not primary residences.


  • 项目包括一个主要住宅宾馆存储以及许多附属建筑外观设计

    The project program included the design of a main residence, guest pavilion, storage barn and various ancillary architectural features.


  • 这个研究主要住宅火灾损失金额它们到最近消防站距离关联起来。

    This study correlates the amount of fire damage in major residential fires to their distance from the nearest fire station.


  • 丹麦东部座城市是哥本哈根的一个主要住宅郊区,座落西兰岛上人口'7,2。

    A city of eastern Denmark, a mainly residential suburb of Copenhagen on Sjaelland Island. Population, '7, 2.


  • 本文寒冷地区的主要住宅形式——多层住宅研究对象。有针对性的探讨被动式设计策略

    This paper takes the main housing pattern-multilevel housing as the main subject, and discusses passive design method.


  • 丹麦东部座城市是哥本哈根的一个主要住宅郊区,座落西兰岛上人口67,112。

    A city of eastern Denmark, a mainly residential suburb of Copenhagen on Sjaelland Island. Population, 67,112.


  • 强大的规划模式或许训练想法如何最好地协助家庭成员绘制蓝图的一个主要住宅动议

    You'll be in a strong planning mode, perhaps training your mind on how to best assist a family member or plotting the blueprints for a major residential move.


  • 美国工作室Desai Chia纽约长岛已经整修了一间乡间住宅创造了主要住宅形成对比延展空间。

    US studio Desai Chia Architecture has overhauled a country home in Long Island, New York, and created an extension that is meant to be an "expressive counterpoint" to the main dwelling.


  • 住宅调查方面,主要调查该镇主要住宅项目的各项信息包括销售情况入住率物业状况住宅因素

    In residential investigations, the main town of the main residential projects all information, including sales, occupancy, property status and residential base business, and other factors.


  • MrKapur发现美国富有10%工作者只有不到五分之一的财产他们主要住宅有关,而对于其他群体住宅他们财产的40%- 45%。

    Mr Kapur notes that less than a fifth of the assets of the top 10% of American earners are tied up in their main homes; for other groups, houses comprise 40-45% of their assets.


  • 住宅需求主要结果促使价格上涨

    The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices.


  • 客户主要愿望拥有一个设计独特的住宅所以建筑师给予了绝对自由

    The client's main desire was to have a home with a unique design, so the architect was given complete freedom.


  • 另外两个标准的确考虑质量差异,但主要限于重复出售住宅的计算上。

    Two other gauges do adjust for quality differences, mainly by dealing only with repeat home sales.


  • 其中主要原因之一住宅工业产权课税率,以及城郊教区纳税者损失

    One of the major problems is the low assessment of taxes on both residential and industrial property and the loss of taxpayers to the suburban parishes.


  • 然而不仅仅住宅群开发这些哺乳动物置于危险境地,商业性捕鱼成为它们生存的主要威胁

    But its not just housing developments putting these mammals at risk, commercial fishing is now becoming a major threat.


  • 对于一个典型家庭来说他们积累财富主要就是住宅

    For a typical household, the home is the major source of wealth that they've accumulated.


  • 燃气主要用于家庭供暖所以,燃气能源耗费多少取决于住宅大小及其隔热性能。

    Gas use is largely driven by home heating, so it is the size of your house and how well insulated it is that determines how much energy you use.


  • 对自有住宅主要经济论点布兰德斯大学(Brandeis University)托马斯·夏皮罗话说就是目前为止唯一重要家庭财富积累方式”。

    The main economic argument for home ownership is that, in the words of Thomas Shapiro of Brandeis University, “it is by far the single most important way families accumulate wealth”.


  • 提示美国住宅城市发展部(又名HUD在YouTube上一个主要购房者提供建议视频频道

    Tip: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (a.k.a. HUD) has a YouTube channel featuring videos with advice for home buyers.


  • 主要房地产网站数据显示今年上海一手商品住宅的成交量达到16万套和1830万平方米

    Statistics from a major housing website indicated that 160000 new homes (18.3m sq m) will have been sold in Shanghai by the end of this year.


  • 本次研讨会目的气候变化面前,将健康列为住宅建设以及建筑环境改造主要目标

    The aim of the workshop is to include health as a major objective of residential construction and renovation to built environments in the context of climate change.


  • 据此报告所述,极大增长率主要住宅市场全面恢复驱动的。

    Much of the growth, however, will be driven primarily by the overall recovery of the residential market, according to a statement.


  • 人烟稠密的住宅区发生火灾时房子总是取代树木成为主要燃料

    In dense neighborhoods, houses replace trees as the primary fuel.


  • 中间景观也是住宅主要焦点这些风景后面随意布置砖墙作为背景

    Landscape at the center is also the main focus point of the house with random brick walls behind as a backdrop.


  • 住宅主要花园方向过去,带有住宅分为几个较小部分从入口处看过去,建筑显得较为紧凑

    In the perspective from the main residential garden, the house with an atrium is divided into several smaller parts, while in the view from the entrance side, it employs its compactness.


  • 参观者通过一个直接与二层相连栈道可以进入住宅这里也是住宅主要公共区域

    Visitors enter the house via a wooden walkway that leads directly to the second level, where the residence's main common areas are located.


  • 参观者通过一个直接与二层相连栈道可以进入住宅这里也是住宅主要公共区域

    Visitors enter the house via a wooden walkway that leads directly to the second level, where the residence's main common areas are located.


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