• 同时产品中可以获得更多主机资源

    At the same time, more host resources can become available for production.


  • 注意远端主机资源情况下不会执行检查查看连接使用权限是否存在

    Notice that, in the case of remote host resource, no check is performed to see that Connect permissions exist.


  • ISOS代理人负责管理主机资源使用状况,并且不定期ISOS伺服器丛取得执行任务清单

    The ISOS agent manages the host's resource usage. Periodically it obtains from the ISOS server complex a list of tasks to perform.


  • 方案对服务器系统安全有所加强,所占用主机资源网络资源较少适用于针对涉密网等高安全级别的可信系统中。

    The prototype system shows the project reinforces security of host system, and the resource usages is less, and it is applicable in secret network.


  • 只有应用程序启动时,资源适配器才能验证类似主机名称口号这样的属性是否正确

    Only when the application starts can the resource adapter verify whether properties such as host names and port Numbers are correct.


  • 第3部分论述监控JVM外部资源方法包括主机及其操作系统以及数据库消息传递系统远程服务

    Part 3 will address methods for monitoring resources outside the JVM, including hosts and their operating systems and remote services such as databases and messaging systems.


  • 文件资源存在主机中。

    The files and resources reside on the source host.


  • 系列第三部分也是最后一部分将介绍监控JVM外部资源方式包括主机它们的操作系统以及诸如数据库和通信系统这样的远程服务

    This series' third and final installment addresses ways to monitor resources outside the JVM, including hosts and their operating systems and remote services such as databases and messaging systems.


  • 如果多套方案主机/服务提供商,本地方式结合物理设施内的按需请求资源拥有长处

    If you have a multi-offer type of hosting/cloud provider, there are benefits of co-lo coupled with on demand resources being in the same physical facility.


  • 虚拟化支持计算环境是一种动态主机环境,提供了看似无限的计算资源

    Virtualization permits cloud computing environments, which are dynamic hosting environments that provide seemingly infinite computing resources.


  • 特性嵌入虚拟机中用来提供监控测量以及对虚拟机运行主机进行更好资源管理的作用。

    The multi tenancy support will be built into VM itself to monitor, measure and control the different tenants running in the VM for better resource management.


  • 获得最佳性能,建议使用NIM主机的这样一个包含AIX迁移使用NIM资源的卷组。

    For best performance, use a volume group on the NIM master that does not contain the NIM resources being used for the AIX migration.


  • 一个简单例子可以演示应用程序在与主机操作系统交互使用带来资源节约

    A simple example can illustrate the potential savings for applications that use larger pages when interacting with the host operating system.


  • API设计是以资源中心的,APIURL路径主机右边保留资源数据引用使用链接相关资源联系在一起

    Designed to be resource centric, the API keeps the data references for resources in the URL path, to the right of the host name, and USES links to tie together related resources.


  • 聪明公司依照其本源来评价外部数据主机云等价值有用的备份资源以及偶尔的备份机制作为辅助型或临时辅助性手段

    Smart companies value external data hosters, cloud or otherwise, for what they are: useful backup resources and occasional recovery mechanisms for ancillary or temporary assistance.


  • 使用IBMi主机服务器(基础ibm i操作系统一部分)访问IBM i系统数据资源

    It USES the IBM I host servers that are part of the base IBM I operating system to access data and resources on an IBM I system.


  • VMControl欢迎页面启动Deploy向导或者资源导航器右键单击一个主机服务器(CEC)虚拟设备然后选择Deploy。

    Launch the Deploy wizard from the VMControl Welcome page or by right-clicking on a host server (CEC) or virtual appliance in the resource navigator and selecting Deploy.


  • 用于访问3270屏幕主机系统HOD 3270资源适配器

    HOD 3270 resource adapter for access to host systems with 3270 screens.


  • PublishJob因为拥有所有可用资源受益由于主机系统没有太大压力这样一个事实造成的。

    A Publish Job will benefits from having all resources available, this is due to the fact not as much stress is placed on the host systems.


  • ini用于物理主机控制可用资源

    Boot.ini has been used to control the available resources on the physical machines and hosts.


  • 其他文件浏览器类似系统资源管理器允许查看这些远程主机文件内容

    Similar to other file browsers, the systems explorer enables you to view the contents of files on these remote hosts.


  • 通过系统资源管理器可以浏览本地连接相同IBMSupportAssistant代理管理器的远程主机文件系统。

    The systems explorer enables you to browse the file systems of local and remote hosts that are connected to the same IBM Support Assistant agent manager.


  • 实例中目的主机Server2目的地址192.168.194.13,资源地址将是192.168.206.131资源地址是负载均衡器返回地址。

    In the case where the destination is Server 2, the destination of the packet will be, and the source will be, which is the return address of the Load Balancer.


  • 减少需要主机DNS资源记录另行人工配置的DNS管理员管理费用上,DDNS是个实惠。

    DDNS can be a great boon in reducing the administrative overhead for DNS administrators who otherwise would need to manually configure DNS resource records for these hosts.


  • 服务器主机记录(称为A资源记录)DNS数据库正向查找区域注册

    A host record for the server, also known as an a resource record, is registered in a forward lookup zone in the DNS database.


  • 种时耗费受害者资源另外一种中断受害者其他主机正常通信

    One is to waste the victim's resources, and the other is to interrupt the normal communication between the victim and another host.


  • 系统占用主机系统资源上层文件系统应用程序透明可以降低上层软件设计复杂程度

    This system does not occupy the host resources and is transparent to the upper level file system and applications. Moreover, it can reduce the complexity of the upper level software design.


  • 系统占用主机系统资源上层文件系统应用程序透明可以降低上层软件设计复杂程度

    This system does not occupy the host resources and is transparent to the upper level file system and applications. Moreover, it can reduce the complexity of the upper level software design.


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