• 1953年,主持国际计量经济学会会长雅各布·马尔沙克委托研究项目

    In 1953, he presided over a research project on commission of Jacob Marschak who is the director of the International Measurement Institute.


  • 表示阿拉伯利比亚人民感谢中国国际主持公道支持阿拉伯人民正义事业

    Kousa said the Arab and Libyan people appreciated China's promotion of justice in the international arena and its support for Arab justice.


  • 中国国际事务中一向主持公正发挥重要作用,令非洲各国十分钦佩

    China has always upheld justice and played an important role in international affairs. It wins much admiration from all African countries.


  • 中方呼吁尽早召开联合国安理会主持中东问题国际会议

    China appeals that the international conference on the Middle East issue under the auspice of the UN Security Council should be held as soon as possible.


  • 这些小组知名国际卫生领导组成由下列人员主持(超级联接全部名单)。

    These Groups are composed of renowned international health leaders and chaired by.


  • 公民外交官的工作,小到自己家里接待国际游客,大到组织主持浸濡”。

    Being a citizen diplomat can be as simple as hosting an international visitor in one's home. Or it can involve organizing and hosting "immersion journeys."


  • 这个组织亚利桑那州立大学天体生物学家,保罗戴维斯运作MSNBC称,SETI Post-DetectionTaskgroup (检测搜寻地外文明的任务小组)是在国际航空学院主持运行的。

    Run by Paul Davies, an astrobiologist at Arizona State University, the SETI Post-Detection Taskgroup operates under the aegis of the International Academy of Astronautics, according to MSNBC.


  • 作为世卫组织主持谈判通过第一个国际条约该项公约国际卫生合作提供一个全新法律层面

    As the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO, the Convention provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.


  • 该组织要求之一就是建立主持气候变化正义国际法庭一个针对气候变化受害者赔偿基金

    One of the Platform's demands is for the formation of an international tribunal on climate justice, and for an international compensation fund for victims of climate change.


  • 美国麦科国际研究所的研究人员维罗德·米奇拉主持一项关于非洲夫妇研究

    Vinod Mishra at Macro International, a research group in the United States, led a study of married couples in Africa.


  • 世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约在世卫组织主持谈判达成第一国际条约,使国际卫生合作具有法律方面特点。

    The WHO FCTC is the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO and provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.


  • 这项最新调查是英国埃克塞特大学国际野生生物保护学会(WCS)共同主持,在2002年至2007年期间三次棱皮龟产卵期内,他们统计了棱皮龟巢穴以及筑巢雌性棱皮龟数量。

    The survey, led by the University of Exeter with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), counted nests and nesting females during three nesting seasons between 2002 and 2007.


  • 个很可能打击来自国际货币基金组织准备4月2日伦敦召开并由布朗先生主持G20会议而于3月6日发布一些令人沮丧数据

    The likely hit was set out on March 6th in some gloomy figures from the International Monetary Fund in the run-up to the G20 summit Mr Brown is hosting in London on April 2nd.


  • 国际民意调查公司GlobeScan马里兰大学国际政策态度项目组主持,经过工作,最终21日完成。

    It was carried out by international pollster GlobeScan with the Program on international Policy Attitudes (Pipa) at the University of Maryland in the 10 weeks leading up to 1 February.


  • 论坛主持艺术家鲁婷婷宣布四川美术学院主办媒体艺术系承办国际实验动画论坛展览开幕

    Forum host, artists always ting-ting lu announced sponsored by sichuan academy of fine arts and new media art to undertake international experimental animation exhibition forum.


  • 20晚,国际足联主持2008年奥运足球比赛抽签仪式举行。中国男足巴西新西兰比利时分到C,属于中签。

    China and Brazil were drawn together in Group C of the men's tournament, along with New Zealand and Belgium, in an Olympic draw conducted Sunday in Beijing by FIFA.


  • 中国国际广播电台流行音乐节目主持保罗.皮尔斯

    said Paul Piercea DJ at China Radio International.


  • 因此欢迎国际伙伴埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴进行磋商,一磋商在非盟主持进行。

    I therefore welcome the consultations with international partners that recently took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the auspices of the African Union.


  • 离开了“话筒主持兴趣班后,又马不停蹄的来到第二兴趣班——国际音标

    Left the golden microphone host interest after work, I on to the second class interest class - the international phonetic alphabet.


  • 国际肝病》:本次会议主持一个问题:门静脉血栓形成抗凝治疗对此有什么看法

    Hepatology Digest: at a session you are moderating at this meeting, there is a question: Portal vein thrombosis: Anticoagulation? Yes or No? What is your opinion about that?


  • 率领中国1990年代帮助支持国家国际形象主持一个经济繁荣时期

    He led China through the 1990s, when he helped bolster the nation's international image and presided over an economic boom.


  • 中国已经多方面发挥了积极作用,例如主持六方会谈参加国际维和工作。

    China has already asserted itself in positive ways as chair of the Six-Party Talks and in its participation in international peacekeeping efforts.


  • 成立9+9国际旅游合作联盟秘书处负责筹备主持会议日常工作

    To establish 9+9 international tourism cooperation association secretariat, being responsible for preparing and hosting conferences and other daily work;


  • 应邀主持一年威尼斯国际电影节颁奖礼。

    She accepted the invitation to preside the prize-giving ceremony for the Venice International Film Festival of the year.


  • 主持国际劳动组织一个特别项目强制劳动力作斗争

    Oger Plant heads the International labor Organization's special action program to combat forced labor.


  • 主持国际劳动组织一个特别项目强制劳动力作斗争

    Oger Plant heads the International labor Organization's special action program to combat forced labor.


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