• 这些熨斗跟家庭主妇熨牛大不相同

    The heat of these irons was different from that used by housewives.


  • 这个广告引起家庭主妇注意为目标。

    This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of house wives.


  • 这个广告引起家庭主妇注意而设计的。

    This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives.


  • 这个广告为了引起家庭主妇注意而设计的。

    This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of house-wives.


  • 这些谚语故事忠诚卫士通常中年妇女主妇故事,听过没?

    The keepers of the proverbs and stories are, usually, the older women (wive's tales, anyone?)


  • 脱水食物同时深受家庭主妇欢迎,烹饪简便省时,通常只需将其放入沸水就可以恢复原有水分

    They are also popular with housewives because it takes so little time to cook them. Usually it is just a matter of replacing the dried-out moisture with boiling water.


  • 绝望主妇收视率下降的速度剧中女主妇BreeVandeKamp(布瑞·范·德·坎普)换老公的速度还快,ABC电视台也已经宣布即将播出第八会是主妇们的收官之作。

    Desperate Housewives has been losing viewers faster than Bree Van DE Kamp mislays husbands, and ABC has announced the upcoming series eight will be the Housewives' last hurrah.


  • 上午,家里主妇上大半天时间准备午餐

    The housewives would spend part of their morning cooking that meal.


  • 50年代新建住宅中厨房置于屋前以便主妇们可以开心地提前看到丈夫归来

    By the 1950s, in newly built houses, the kitchen was promoted to the front of the house, allowing the housewife to anticipate cheerily her husband's return.


  • 罗蒙娜纽约真正主妇》节目中重申了结婚誓言租用了艘游艇自己女友上面休闲。

    When Ramona on The Real Housewives of New York reaffirmed her marriage vows, she rented a yacht for her girlfriends to loll about on.


  • 弟兄这样看来,不是使女儿子,乃是自儿女“,把使女出去。”

    So friends we are children not of the slave but of the free woman Drive out the slave woman.


  • 的时候,特别喜欢主妇,任性地这个那个,而且对同伴发号施令。她这样可是可受不了充当杂差听任使唤,所以我也就明白

    In play, she liked exceedingly to act the little mistress; using her hands freely, and commanding her companions: she did so to me, but I would not bear shopping and ordering; and so I let her know.


  • 那么究竟由谁来为家庭主妇们商店食品回家之前必须支付账单负实际上的责任呢?

    Who then is actually responsible for the size of the bill a housewife must pay before she carries the food home from the store?


  • 根据波特博士的说法,家庭主妇们典型地存在两个问题需要家庭工作成功转变克服

    According to Dr. Potter, housewives typically have two problems that they need to overcome in making a successful transition from the home to the workforce.


  • 成群结队购物者工人童车的纤瘦的外籍主妇风度翩翩的高管跨越这个交通要道,沿途是全世界昂贵房地产

    Hordes of shoppers, workers, skinny expat wives pushing babies in prams and chic executives scurry across the thoroughfares, threading across some of the most expensive real estate in the world.


  • 圣诞节临近之际这种新闻可能会忙乱家庭主妇们摇头表示难以置信。

    With the festive season approaching, it is the kind of news likely to leave flustered housewives shaking their heads in disbelief.


  • 德里家庭主妇们金价回落之后才会重新买入

    Only when the price retreats will the housewives of Delhi go back to being net buyers.


  • 之前看过电视真人纽约市真实家庭主妇》。不足熟知她的品性了解她的生活

    I had seen her reality TV show, real Housewives of New York City, a few times, but not enough to be very familiar with her personality or life.


  • 不仅仅是那些工作父母或是处于工作高压下的,更是那些自己做老板的人家庭主妇那些婴儿时期出生的已退休的人

    It's not just working parents or people with high pressured jobs. It's people who run their own businesses, it's stay at home mums, and retired baby boomers.


  • 第八中,卡洛斯杀死妻子邪恶继父主妇们帮助掩藏尸体这件事对大家产生深远影响

    For Season Eight, Carlos's murder of Gaby's evil stepfather and the cover up by Susan, Gaby, Bree and Lynette has far reaching effects.


  • 第一国民城市银行经济学指责家庭主妇本人应该对食品价格大幅度上涨负责。

    The economists at First National City Bank blame the housewife herself for the jump in food prices.


  • 打扮得漂漂亮亮出去购物中产阶级家庭主妇们怀念传统杂货店给予的尊重。

    It was middle class matrons, the sort who dressed up to go shopping, who missed the deference shown by traditional grocers.


  • 开始环状毛巾手,转动毛巾寻找块比较干净地方肮脏毛巾。脚洗涤槽煎锅是个管家的好主妇女士呢?

    Starts to wipe them on the roller towel, turns it for a cleaner place. Dirty towels! Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink. Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?


  • 清晨薄雾尚未散尽主妇们开始江边洗衣服不时可望吊角楼里升起袅袅炊烟

    In the early morning mist had not yet cleared, housewives have started to do the laundry in the river, from time to time Diaojiao Lou can be seen in the rising wave of smoke.


  • 清晨薄雾尚未散尽主妇们开始江边洗衣服不时可望吊角楼里升起袅袅炊烟

    In the early morning mist had not yet cleared, housewives have started to do the laundry in the river, from time to time Diaojiao Lou can be seen in the rising wave of smoke.


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