• 必须保持良好表现帮助球队获胜主场客场一样。

    You have to remain consistent and your performance needs to help the team to win, it doesn't matter if you're at home or away.


  • 场比赛中都进了球我们主场打成平局,在客场击败了他们

    I scored in both games; we tied at home and beat them away.


  • 星期六比赛主场还是客场

    Is the match on Saturday at home or away?


  • 他们每个球队客场主场裁判

    They should work each team at home and on the road.


  • 告诉客场球队队冷静下来并且他们一时主场方面合法进行比赛。

    Tell the away team to cool down, and make them aware that the home side are acting within the laws.


  • 众所周知体育界主场球队往往客场球队表现得更好整个赛季中获得更多积分。

    It's well known in the sports world that home teams do better than visiting teams over the course of a season.


  • 蓝军赢下了所有已经进行的4主场打进14求,零失球同时队4个客场拿到1

    The Blues have won all four home matches to date, scoring 14 and conceding none while Wolves have taken just one point from four road trips.


  • 他们客场表现迫使一些主场球迷无法忍受耻辱在响彻全场嘘声提前离场

    They made enough of an impact to drive some home supporters from the stadium early and there were boos from those who lingered until the full-time whistle.


  • 奥兰多魔术队经理PatWilliams总经理谈到这支队伍的7 - 27的纪录:“我们主场比赛了,客场比赛也赢不。”

    Pat Williams, Orlando Magic general manager, on his team's 7-27 record: "We can't win at home." We can't win on the road.


  • 而休斯敦赛季的赛程将从湖人勇士的2客场比赛开始,之后1030日将对掘金进行首场的主场比赛。

    Houston's schedule starts with road games against the Lakers and Golden State before the Oct. 30 home opener against Denver.


  • 阿森纳队长法布雷加斯日前感谢一直支持球队的球迷,并且坦言正是这些忠诚的球迷令球队时常客场感觉就像在主场作战一样。

    Cesc Fabregas has paid tribute to the Arsenal fans after their "wonderful" support this season.


  • 那时我们已经完成了客场曼城热刺切尔西曼联的比赛。圣诞我们主场他们

    By then, we will have played Man City away, Tottenham away, Chelsea away, Man United away and they all come to the Emirates after Christmas.


  • 客场战胜曼城很棒的——持续不了多久,比如主场输给西布·罗姆·维奇真的是这样。

    A win against City away is great - but it comes just a few short weeks after losing at home to West Brom, which really isn't.


  • 南安普敦最近的一主场联赛击败了强大的利物浦队。目前南安普敦队急需找回战胜利物浦队时的神勇状态摆脱客场落败伯明翰队的阴影,否则他们将很难取得好的成绩。

    Southampton need to resort to the form that brought them victory over Liverpool in their last home league game, rather than their abject display at Birmingham in another away defeat.


  • 温格球队上周末客场5比3力擒蓝军切尔西,球队正处于亢奋状态之中,本周二将坐镇主场挑战到访的法甲劲旅马赛温格认为马赛的场比赛将决定本组的出线形势,其重要性甚至不亚于两场杯赛的决赛。

    The Frenchman's squad are on a high after Saturday's incredible 5-3 win at Chelsea and Marseille arrive at Emirates Stadium for the second of what Wenger has deemed "two cup finals".


  • 为什么认为犹他爵士一支强队他们不能客场作战胜利,他们的防守,他们仅仅是一支强大主场作战队伍而已。

    Why does he think Utah is a great team? They can't win on the road. They don't play great defense. They're simply a great home team.


  • 太阳无论客场还是主场很不错

    The suns are good on both road and at home.


  • 活塞3主场比赛获胜2场,但是4客场比赛全部告负,这使得他们在芝加哥的首场胜利绝对使人振奋。

    The Pistons won two of three meetings at Cobo Arena but lost all four visits to Chicago - making the Pistons’ Game 1 victory at Chicago, 97-88, even more stunning.


  • 曼联客场打得不算主场拉福德就是堡垒——曼联整个赛季主场丢掉两分(10月西布朗战平)。

    United didn't travel well, but at home, Old Trafford was its fortress, where it dropped just two league points (an October draw with West Brom) all season.


  • 当然我们必须延续主场强势,如果我们保留进入前四希望必须改善客场战绩。

    Obviously we have to keep going in the same way at home, but if we want to have hopes of finishing fourth, we have to improve away.


  • 本周周中米兰主场面对乌迪内斯雄心勃勃的那不勒斯要客场访问切沃

    Milan face Udinese at home in midweek while high-flying Napoli visit Chievo


  • 迈克尔。卡里克曼联球员们一直坚信自己将淘汰波尔图,虽然葡萄牙冠军客场进球优势很好的主场纪录

    Michael Carrick insists United's players always held an unwavering confidence that Porto could be overcome, despite the Portuguese champions' away-goals advantage and their proud home record.


  • 赛季季后赛中,凯尔特人主场取得10胜- 1负,客场仅为2胜- 7负。

    Boston is 10-1 at home and 2-7 on the road in this year's playoffs.


  • 即使客场对阵快船的比赛中,他们也是斯台中心进行,而像是湖人主场比赛。

    Even when the Clippers hosted them at Staples Center it was more like a home game for the Lakers.


  • 他们本可以主场1 -0战胜我们但是在我们没有发挥好的情况下,我们却从客场拿到了一

    They were 1-0 up at home, but we came away with a point despite having played not too well.


  • 湖人客场战绩(25胜13负)似乎主场战绩(24胜10负)还一点令杰克逊困惑

    The Lakers are almost better on the road (25-13) than they are at home (24-10), which puzzles Jackson.


  • 足球赛事期间,主场球迷就坐于新建的南面球迷,而客场球迷们将主场球迷区分开位于看台

    During football matches, the home fans will have their new fan block in the South Stand, visiting fans will be kept well apart and will find their places in the North Stand.


  • 联赛开始我们就要进行客场较量一次主场比赛

    We will play three away games and one at home at the start of the league.


  • 联赛开始我们就要进行客场较量一次主场比赛

    We will play three away games and one at home at the start of the league.


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