• 一种主体经验睡眠产生想像影像声音思考感觉

    Dream, a main experience, is an image, sound, thinking or feeling generating in sleep.


  • 网络主体虚拟现实中沉浸,则意味着主体经验越来越成为人工产物技术附庸

    The net user isi mmersedin virtual reality , which means his subjective experience hasincreas-ingly become an artificial product and an appendage of technology .


  • 用户主体如果运行系统这个用户)帮助服务开发者验证用户得到特定运行时操作

    The user principal (if the run-time system has already authenticated this user) helps the service developer validate the user for specific run-time actions.


  • 意象创构主体审美经验为基础,通过主体独特眼光比兴思维方式等,借助于想像力而达成的。

    With the unique eyesight and the thinking method of the Bi and Xing, the imagery construction is completed by the imagination on the basis of the subject 's aesthetic experience.


  • 第二部分介绍国外循环经济法主体责任配置经验借鉴。

    Part two introduces the experience of the Circular Economy Law entities responsibility assigning from foreign countries.


  • 目前我国铁路建设工程项目绩效评价仍然建立传统的以经验判断主体的评价手段基础,缺乏客观标准

    At present, performance evaluation of railway construction project in China is based on the tradition of experience as the main means of evaluation, which lack the objective criteria.


  • 这个模型中,信任定义成信任评估主体客体多角度动态的评价,同时模型提供了一个合理的方法用于综合直接经验间接经验

    In this model trust is defined as a multiple dynamic evaluation on the object, and a reasonable method is provided to combine the direct experience and the indirect experience.


  • 妇女主体这一教育她们经验智慧总结,是她们人类伟大贡献之一

    Women are the main body of mother education, which is a summary of their experience and wisdom and one of their great contributions to mankind.


  • 批判继承了海德格尔存在诠释学现象学方法胡寨尔经验视域主体间性等观点

    Second, it inherits critically the Phenomenology method of existential Hermeneutics of Heidegger and the viewpoint of experiential horizon and intersubjectivity of Husserl.


  • 相对主体心灵而言,作为他人之心灵、它本体“自在之物”的,是经验不可及的。

    Relative to the mind of the subject the thing-in-itself as the mind of other people and the essence of other materials is transcendental beyond experience.


  • 自然美人化自然结果山水诗画艺术主体自然美感经验物化形态

    Natural beauty is the result of personified nature, and the art of landscape painting and poem is the subjective materialized form of natural beauty through the sensation of personal experience.


  • 本文梳理问题研究基础上,同时借鉴国外先进立法经验,对业主委员会的诉讼主体地位提出较为完善立法建议

    On the basis of sorting out the current researching and learning from the experience advanced legislation aboard, this paper puts forward a more comprehensive framework of legislation proposals.


  • 主张采用经验心理学研究方法通过考察人类主体如何外界刺激做出言语反应,来从事认识论的研究工作。

    He advocates employing the research method of empirical psychology in dealing with epistemology by inspecting how human subject reacts in speech to external stimulation.


  • 拒绝误读就意味着拒绝交流作品总是沿着接受者经验期待向主体偏移

    Refusing 'misread' means refuses to exchange, the work also always anticipates along receiver's experience to the main body displacement.


  • 尽管如此之中居住仍然保持为内在主观东西经验或者换言之还不是真正客观主体间的东西。

    In spite of this, living in love is still a kind of experience that remains inward, subjective, or in others words, that is, not truly objective and intersubjective.


  • 采用经验相结合方法确定整治水位、整治线宽度设计方案主体结构形式

    The regulating water level, the width of regulating line, the regulating plan and major frame was confirmed using the way of combing design with experience.


  • 国外股票期权制度实践涉及股票来源授予主体、授予客体、行价格、行权方式等,其成熟经验制度值得我国借鉴。

    The practice of other countries are involved with stock sources, grant subject, grant object, exercise price, exercise way. We should learn experience from foreign mature system.


  • 现象学研究意识经验,即主体第一视角经验

    Phenomenology studies conscious experience as experienced from the subjective or first person point of view.


  • 黑格尔悲剧理论特色在于,试图希腊悲剧解释呈现了某些主体经验

    The characteristic of the Hegelian theory of tragedy is that it tries to interpret Greek tragedy as reflecting some experience of subjectivity.


  • 主要是以非洲航线主体经营此类业务上,我们公司积累丰富知识经验

    Africa is the main route for the main body in the operation of such business, our company have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience.


  • 冰心文学思想主体,其论证方式经验传递和情感感染式

    The methods of verification are channeling emotions experience. Emotion is the principal part in Bing Xin's literature thoughts.


  • 机器学习子系统主要进行博弈主体自主学习,通过对弈交互过程不断积累经验提高下棋的能力

    With continuous experience accumulation in interactive play, the agent self-learning subsystem is mainly used for autonomic learning of game-agent to improve playing capability.


  • 三种取向不同层面指向教育主体,指向“经验”的生长互动

    These three orientations are not only directed at the main principles of education at different levels, but also directed at experience development and interaction.


  • 三种取向不同层面指向教育主体,指向“经验”的生长互动

    These three orientations are not only directed at the main principles of education at different levels, but also directed at experience development and interaction.


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