• 写作素养根本是完善写作主体思维结构建设。

    The core of writing quality lies in improving the main thinking mode of the writer.


  • 决策本质上一个复杂思维过程受到决策主体思维方式影响

    Decision is a sophisticated process by nature, subject to the influence of thinking ways of decision subject.


  • 这种单一主体道德教育由于拘泥于主客二分主体思维,故造成教师主体学生主体之间的对立

    Regardless of the teachers being the subject and the students being the object or on the contrary, it is a moral education with a single subject.


  • 刑事审判理念存在于刑事审判主体思维间、贯穿于审判全过程一种观念,通过持有者思想行为而影响审判实践

    The idea of criminal justice exists in the thinking subject of the criminal justice as well as in the whole process of the trial. It influences the trial practice through the holder of the idea.


  • 我们需要冷静思维、精神的放松事先的准备通过努力的研习选定的主体提高我们的视觉敏感性

    Improving our visual sensitivity requires quieting our minds, relaxing, and preparing by learning as much as we can about our preferred subjects.


  • 一个开始设计者延续受众观者心理活动思维过程而这种延续正是依赖作为思维主体符号

    This is a start in the designer, extended to the audience, the audience thought processes of mental activity, which is dependent on the continuation of the symbol as a thinking subject.


  • 知道不是外部道德规范,也不是思维技巧训练而是人与人的主体间的交往体验

    We should know that the kindness is not the outer moral rules and thought training, but a kind of intersubjective communicating experience among people.


  • 意象创构主体审美经验为基础,通过主体独特眼光比兴思维方式等,借助于想像力而达成的。

    With the unique eyesight and the thinking method of the Bi and Xing, the imagery construction is completed by the imagination on the basis of the subject 's aesthetic experience.


  • 自由理性美学批评思维基点文学批评对象、文学批评主体和文学批评本身因素决定的。

    Since it is determined by such factors as target, subject, and literary criticism itself, we regard reason and freedom as its basic starting point.


  • 然而思维主体里孕育观念之所以可能仅仅是因为主体接触到世界

    But conception is possible in the thinking subject only because of the subject's encounter with the world.


  • 无论理解阶段还是在表达阶段,翻译活动总是主体抽象形象思维能力紧紧相连。

    Translation activity is always closely related with abstract and visualized thinking ability no matter it's in the stage of understanding or in the stage of expression.


  • 加强动物法律保护必要突破传统的法律思维定式,进而确立动物法律主体地位

    To strengthen the law protection to the animal, it is necessary to breakthrough the traditional law thinking, and establish the law corpus position of animal.


  • 实现普遍道德自律我占主导社会主体需要大众教育水平认知思维水平提高一个长期工程,并不是冲动的道德绑架。

    It is a long-term project to achieve prevalent moral self-discipline and to make superego become dominant social subjects which needs to improve levels of public education and cognitive.


  • 主体头脑、能思维、具有社会本质从事实践认识活动的集团

    The subject is a person or a group of persons who have minds, thought, and do social practice and recognition.


  • 传统认识论一种设定自我、自我意识为理性根源主体哲学思维范式

    Traditional epistemology is a paradigm of thought of subjective philosophy that presupposes the origin of rationality is ego or ego-consciousness.


  • 神话思维中的自我主体范畴脱胎原始灵魂范畴

    The self main body in myth thought originated from the primitive soul category.


  • 数学建构主义学习实质主体通过客体思维构造,心理上建构客体的意义

    The central point at the Mathematical Modeling learning is that by contracting the object in thinking, the subject constructs the meaning of the object in the psychology.


  • 主体认知结构核心要素思维方式科学知识价值观念

    Mode of thinking, scientific knowledge, and values are core elements of the cognitive structure of a subject.


  • 形成科学问题需要联想类推创造性思维方法以及准备的头脑”等主体条件

    Forming scientific problem needs the creative thought methods including association, analogy etc. and needs the subjectival condition "the prepared brains".


  • 写作实践、写作观念思想内容、写作理论等方面都离不开主体思维

    The writing practice and conception, the thought content, the writing theory etc, can not be separated from the subject's thinking.


  • 影、视、审美鉴赏,要求把握它们各自艺术语汇善于运用综合思维并且不断提高主体审美能力

    To taste drama, TV and movie, one should master their respective artistic vocabulary, employ his own comprehensive thinking and raise his subjective tasting ability continuously.


  • 本篇系列论文第三篇,紧扣广州思维主体角色转换问题展开

    As the third one of a series of papers, this paper is on the issue of the conversion of Guangzhou peoples thinking subject role.


  • 一方面,作为思维主体不断改造自然缔造文化

    On the other hand, human as the subject of mind is gradually changing the nature and creating the culture.


  • 我们知道不是外部道德规范,也不是思维技巧训练而是人与人主体交往中的体验

    As we know, kindness is not the external morality, and not training of thinking skills, however, it is the experience of interpersonal communication.


  • 精神强力主体强烈、最核心的心灵意识思维、神韵所具的一种坚强有力的意向性追求总和

    The spiritual strong-force refers to the strong pursuit of will in total that one has deeply and concentrically in mind, consciousness, thinking and behavior.


  • 战略思维方式主体认识思考处理战略问题一种比较稳定思维方法思维习惯思维倾向思维定势、思维框架模式。

    Strategic thinking mode is a more steady way, habit, trend, or framework of thinking in which subjects understand, think and deal with strategic problems.


  • 思维方式社会实践产物,社会主体从事不同实践产生不同的思维方式

    Thinking modes are products of social practices, different practice makes different thinking mode.


  • 比较文学研究主体问题尤其是研究主体思维方式问题,成为学科构建关键问题。

    Nowadays, the study subject in comparative literature, especially the thinking mode of study subject, has become the key problem in the subject construction.


  • 主体对象关系包括实践关系、感性关系思维关系三个层次,其中实践关系感性关系和思维关系基础

    The relation between subject and object Included relation of practice, relation of perceptual and relation of thinking as three level respectively. The former was the foundation.


  • 主体对象关系包括实践关系、感性关系思维关系三个层次,其中实践关系感性关系和思维关系基础

    The relation between subject and object Included relation of practice, relation of perceptual and relation of thinking as three level respectively. The former was the foundation.


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