• 一旦签署了协议如果更多产业降低生产成本转移到大陆会怎么呢?

    What if more industries relocate to China for lower production costs once the pact is signed?


  • 培育城市园林绿化大树时,降低生产成本对有关栽植技术进行改进整合,形成大树裸根移植整合技术

    In order to reduce production costs, relevant planting techniques were improved and arranged into bare-root transplanting technique when big trees were cultivated in cities and parks.


  • 我们目标客户缩短研发周期降低生产成本提高效益

    Our goal is to shorten the development cycle for customers, lower production costs and improve efficiency.


  • 我们经营硬质合金模具加工企业提供完美的技术解决方案降低生产成本提高工作效率

    Our business philosophy is to provide perfect technology solution, to reduce production costs and enhance work efficiency for carbide die processing enterprises.


  • 达到有效利用资源减少环境污染降低生产成本目的,利用溶剂回收溶剂进行了回收。

    Aiming at effective utilization of resource, reduction of environmental pollution and lowering of production costs, the waste solvent is recovered using solvent recovery machine.


  • 现今高度竞争环境中,生产成本降低企业生存重要因素

    The reduction of production cost plays an important role for business to survive in the highly competitive market.


  • 改善浅色啤酒质量降低生产成本提高经济效益目的,提出了一种新颖浅色啤酒的酿造方法

    A new method of light beer brewing was proposed in order to improve the quality of light beer and decrease material cost of brewing for better economical profits.


  • 玉米油水解所得细胞浓度产物浓度与以油酸碳源所得结果比较接近有利于降低生产成本

    The cell and product concentration which were attained by using corn oil hydrolyzate or oleic acid as carbon source were similar, which was helpful to save the production cost.


  • 降低混凝土小型空心砌块生产成本,又满足承重墙体要求进行粉煤灰混凝土小型空心砌块研究

    The study on small hollow fly ash concrete block has been carried out for lowering the production cost, and to meet the bearing wall body requirement.


  • 提高发动机性能减轻质量降低生产成本开发了新型的裂解连杆用

    In order to improve engine performance, reduce weight and production cost, a new kind of fragmentation connecting-rod steel is developed.


  • 客户大幅度降低生产成本从而客户提供更大利润空间竞争实力

    Substantially lower production costs for their clients in order to provide customers with greater profit space and competitiveness.


  • 通过片状氢氧化钠生产重油燃烧模式升温改造100%氢气燃烧方式,大幅度降低生产成本,减少了环境污染

    By transforming the combustion model of heavy oil into 100% hydrogen in producing the sheet sodium hydrate, the cost and environmental pollution are all reduced largely.


  • 提高产品生产质量生产效率降低生产成本本文研究基于无线信道设备状态监测系统

    To improve products quality, production efficiency and reduce production cost, this paper designed a machinery equipment condition monitoring system based on wireless channel.


  • 保证产品质量降低生产成本确保工程安全落砂铸件进行缺陷在线检测具有非常重要实际意义

    To ensure the product quality, reduce the costs and guarantee the engineering safety, it has very important practical significance to online monitor the defects of castings.


  • 工艺降低生产成本物料中锑的回收提供了新的途径

    The production cost be reduced by adopt this new process, provide new approach to recover antimony from antimony contained material with high bismuth.


  • 本发明采用可再生葡萄糖衍生物原料,原料利用率,从而实现资源节约降低生产成本

    A reproducible glucose derivative is taken as a raw material, which ensures a high utilization rate of the raw materials, thus saving resources and lowering the production cost.


  • 公司拥有一支知识丰富人才队伍稳定可靠生产线竭诚客户提供性价比产品便捷的技术支持帮助客户降低生产成本提升产品品质。

    With a team of many knowledgeable members and a reliable production line, we have been providing high cost performance production and easy technology support to make low cost and high quality service.


  • 利用黄水酯化提高洋河名酒,不失降低酿酒生产成本捷径

    Making use of the yellow water esterified liquid to improve the famous liquor rate, which is one of the best way to reduce the production cost.


  • 提高企业竞争力就要注意在切削加工过程中,降低生产成本同时也注意考虑生产率,以便企业获取最大利润率

    To increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to productivity and cost so as to get maximum profit.


  • 工艺不仅降低氯化钡生产成本同时解决酸洗废液环境污染找到较好途径。

    This technology can not only decrease the manufacture cost of BaCl_2, and also solve the environment polluted by the spent pickling solution.


  • 技术采用降低生产成本今后生产积累有益的经验。

    The application of Nb microalloying technologies is beneficial to produce microalloyed steels with low production cost.


  • 其代谢产物赤霉素产生打好基础从而达到降低生产成本目标

    It laid the foundation for producing of the metabolite gibberellin, and got the target of production cost reducing.


  • 公司客户提供更加安全设备运行周期降低企业生产成本客户带来利润空间。

    Our company provides safer operation cycle of equipments, reduces the production cost of the enterprise, and thus brings more profit to the customers.


  • 用户大大降低生产成本提高了生产效率

    Reduced the production cost greatly for the user, raised the production efficiency.


  • 专门欧美国家客户进行设计开发包装利用中国京华塑胶有限公司生产基地降低生产成本客户提供质优价廉的精美包装。

    By leveraging the low-cost production base in China (KINHWA Plastics Corp. ), we specially provide design and development of new high-quality packaging for customers in Europe and Americas.


  • 第五全文总结,说明推行精益生产确实能消除生产过程中的浪费降低生产成本库存提高齿轮质量和企业的竞争力

    Chapter 5 concludes that the implementation of Lean production can eliminate waste in production process, decrease production cost and inventory, and improve gear quality and enterprise competition.


  • 这样不但三异丁烯开辟新的用途,而且降低了烷基苯的生产成本

    The technique not only develop a new way to utilize triisobutene but also reduce the production


  • 淀粉糖工业采用双酶法,以淀粉原料酶解制取葡萄糖,运用膜分离技术对糖液进行提纯、精制,制备高纯度的无水葡萄糖产品降低生产成本提高产品质量。

    The results suggested that the use of double enzyme method was better for saving energy and reducing the discharge and it should be popularized in alcohol-making industry.


  • 亚洲市场开发引进新的树脂砂轮产品通过优化生产线降低生产成本提高产品质量

    Develop or transfer new organic products and optimize the process line to reduce manufacturing cost or improve product quality for Asian market.


  • 亚洲市场开发引进新的树脂砂轮产品通过优化生产线降低生产成本提高产品质量

    Develop or transfer new organic products and optimize the process line to reduce manufacturing cost or improve product quality for Asian market.


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