• 诗歌以便唱歌曲为模式古希腊诗歌,具有三部分结构包括向左舞动时诗句,向右舞动时唱的诗句以及抒情诗等三部分。

    A classical greek poem modeled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe and an epode.


  • 模式生成一个内容文件

    Creates a table of contents file for the pattern library.


  • 应用程序拆分,变适合分解模式可管理单元

    Break up the application into manageable units that are suitable to be factored into patterns.


  • 可以通过环境概要文件模式中的每个部分提供IP主机名

    Environment profiles let you provide the IP and hostname values for each part within your pattern.


  • 生成模式内容文件规定一个模式命名主题

    The generated table of contents file for a pattern library specifies a topic named for the pattern library.


  • 无论能否带来语义透明性为模式编写良好注释非常重要

    Good annotations of schemata are very important, regardless of whether or not they lead to semantic transparency.


  • 这里希望模式部署模式中的每个部分提供特定IP地址

    In this case, you want the pattern deployer to provide specific IP addresses for each part in the pattern.


  • 然后显示了如何通过定义一个类似的结构模式提供自己的帮助目录

    Then, it showed how you can provide your own help content for patterns by defining a similar structure.


  • 迁移DB2,将映射模式使用特定模式创建变量

    To migrate to DB2, simply map the package name as a schema name and create the variables with that particular schema. This is shown in the samples below


  • 演讲将类景象果于“观念模式劳动力接收背输出国传输”。

    It attributed this to "the transmission of ideas and modes of behaviour from host to source country".


  • 官方发布最佳投影识别模式趋势科技最新发现病毒模式汇编

    Official publication or identify the best model is the projection of the latest Trend Micro virus pattern found in the assembly.


  • 定量描述北京城市下垫面的空气动力学特征,模式提供准确参数

    Quantified understanding of aerodynamic parameters in urban areas is of great importance in the model study.


  • 以果蝇模式生物研究表明昆虫抗菌肽基因调控涉及到多个信号通路大量的信号分子

    Research on the model organism Drosophila indicate that insect AMPs gene regulation involves multiple signaling pathways and a large number of signaling molecules.


  • 模式部署提供一个惟一的名称然后单击Configurevirtualparts链接(21)。

    Provide a unique name for the pattern deployment and click on the Configure virtual parts link (figure 21).


  • 分析结果表明,一行模式至今影响现代人生活:现代男女教育程度、在业就业比例差距拉大;

    These models still have affected the life of modern people from both aspects, which is due to the education levels and current employment of men and women.


  • 规定建设用地使用权分层设立制度模式我国地下空间开发利用确立法律依据具有重大现实意义。

    This prescription has set up legal warranty for China's exploitation of underground space in the form of the system of layered establishment, which has a practical significance.


  • 酵母模式生物利用表观遗传分子遗传生物化学等手段研究表观遗传调控维持基因组稳定性中的作用。

    Using yeast as model organism, study the contribution of epigenetic regulation to the maintenance of genomic stability, by epigenetic, molecular genetic and biochemic approaches.


  • 复方糖尿病辅助食品山药茯苓扁豆、莲子及大枣)基础上,以焙烤食品为模式,研究糖尿病辅助食品制作工艺

    This thesis introduced diabetes supplementary food based on baking technology with compound assistant foods, such as yam, Tuckahoe, white haricot bean, lotus seed and jujube.


  • 事实上XML模式模式定义文档定义词汇表,实例文档出现模式模式定义数据定义了另一个词汇表。

    In fact, XML schema defines one vocabulary for the schema definition document, and another vocabulary for schema items that occur in the instance documents or data defined by the schema.


  • 地中海饮食是以地中海地区传统文化中的饮食模式基础

    The Mediterranean diet is based upon the eating patterns of traditional cultures in the Mediterranean region.


  • 西方人格发展模式不能解释韩国人人格的主要特征社会群体中心。

    The Western model of personality development does not explain major characteristics of the Korean personality, which is social and group-centered.


  • 我们这种模式终身护照制

    We call this model the lifelong passport.


  • 零售模式越来越网络相关工具有上升性使用需求设计的,目的是改变他们搜索购物购买方式。

    It is about devising retail models that work for people who are making increasing use of a growing array of internet-connected tools to change how they search, shop, and buy.


  • 正如古典戏剧一样,旧时大学模式社会创造人才价值

    Just like classical theatre, the old university model produced lots of talents and value for society.


  • 教师往往模式根据学生某些背景他们某一类学生。

    Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.


  • 一些更加先进项目加入自由玩耍模式日本一些课业繁重幼儿园提供了出路

    Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens.


  • 威胁乘客安全的前提下,不该汽车设计横穿马路儿童模式

    Should the cars be programmed to avoid hitting a child running across the road, even if that will put their passengers at risk?


  • 过去研究这些观念思维模式”。其中,“定式思维人们无法改变成长型思维模式”认可以改变的。

    Past research has called these beliefs "mindsets", with a "fixed mindset" referring to the belief that people cannot change and a "growth mindset" referring to the belief that people can change.


  • 要想知道如果休斯真正采用经典的布鲁斯模式的布鲁斯诗歌可能什么样子,需要看看棕色布鲁斯”,这是休斯作曲家汉迪写的一首歌词。

    To see what Hughes' blues poetry might have been like if he had truly adopted the classic blues as his model, one need only look to "Golden Brown Blues", a song lyric Hughes wrote for composer Handy.


  • 要想知道如果休斯真正采用经典的布鲁斯模式的布鲁斯诗歌可能什么样子,需要看看棕色布鲁斯”,这是休斯作曲家汉迪写的一首歌词。

    To see what Hughes' blues poetry might have been like if he had truly adopted the classic blues as his model, one need only look to "Golden Brown Blues", a song lyric Hughes wrote for composer Handy.


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