• 白雪为树林披上了银装。

    The trees were silvered with snow.


  • 既然树林定义被占据地方,那么我们引入柱廊空间树林的“对照”。

    Therefore, as long as we define the forest as an "occupied" place, we introduce the empty space of the peristyle as an "antithesis" to it.


  • 他们树林自己了个,在里面玩。

    They made themselves a den in the woods.


  • 杰希几乎希望一些人虽然知道那些人将会是谁,会突然从树林出来,手里摄相机刚刚自己身上开玩笑大笑不已。

    Jesse almost expected somebody, though he couldn't say who, to come out of the woods with a camera in hand, laughing about the joke they'd all just played on him.


  • 看到我女朋友紧握的手时,眼睛的颜色恢复蓝色接着她又像往常一样了笑树林,只是这次她自己右手了指,那儿出现了另外一个女孩的身影,她们向彼此走去,互相拥抱,手拉着手回头看了看我们,微笑并消失了。

    Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods.


  • 据英国国民托管组织的自然保育专家马修·奥茨解释说,“春天来得太早很多物种其实是个灾难,因它们繁殖的太早,后代就容易受到突如其来寒潮降雨影响。 寒冷的冬天动物能够正常冬眠,而温暖的春天和早早到来的夏天昆虫创造了理想的环境来大量繁殖,并进而保证了秋天果园、树林和灌木丛里各种浆果的大丰收。”

    He said that very early springs can prove disastrous for species who breed too early making their offspring susceptible to unexpected cold or wet snaps later in the season.


  • 中国湿地面积大约61英亩包括沼泽树林环礁湖河流三角洲湖泊以及沿海一些地区总计国土面积2.5%。

    China has 61 million acres of wetlands, which include swamps, mangroves, lagoons, river deltas, lakes, and coastal areas that collectively cover about 2.5 percent of the country.


  • 狮子树林沼泽珊瑚还有蜘蛛鹪鹩也保存某些东西。

    And the lion keeps something for you, and the mangrove swamp and the coral and the spider and the wren.


  • 树林树木鱼类提供自然咸淡水生境但是这些年来在亚齐恰恰修建鱼塘而将树林砍掉。

    Mangrove trees provide a naturally brackish habitat for fish, but much of Aceh's mangroves have been cut down over the years, precisely to build fishponds.


  • 孙德尔本斯世界上最大树林孟加拉美丽森林”,从来没有得到应有的承认。

    The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning "beautiful forest" in Bengali, has never got the recognition it deserves.


  • 还有必将树林地区改造池塘便这些地区进行鱼类贝类养殖办法筏式养殖浮式网箱

    And there are ways in which cultivation of fish and shellfish can be undertaken within mangrove areas without the need for conversion of these into ponds. Raft culture and floating cages for instance.


  • 树林里常有麋鹿出没,旅客留言簿里了亲手松树和鸟儿喂食故事

    Elk and bears regularly walk underneath, and the visitor book is filled with stories of feeding squirrels and birds by hand.


  • 约书亚树公园第四树林自己建造训练馆里面是他同样梳着马尾辫的伙伴们——一群梦想家,石头大师”而努力训练

    At Camp IV in Yosemite he built his own gym among the trees, in which he and his fellow ponytailed dreamers trained to be "masters of stone".


  • 这些河流大规模自然土地提供淡水并且紧邻海岸带沿岸珊瑚礁树林多种生物多样化海洋环境

    These rivers provide fresh water to large tracts of natural land and are situated close to the coast adjacent to coral reefs, mangroves and other biologically diverse Marine environments.


  • 例如项研究显示越南沿海地带栽种树林花费110万美元,年后树林对沿海大坝维护作用却可以省去730万美元。

    One study, for instance, showed that planting mangroves along a coastline in Vietnam cost $1.1 million but saved $7.3 million a year in maintaining dykes.


  • 位于中心沟通空间就被想象这样树林”。

    The communication space in the center imagines this kind of "woods".


  • 生活一串岛屿一亿五千万居民中,有一亿仰赖树林以及长有海草河床他们提供食品建筑材料

    Of the 150 million people who live across this string of islands, about 100 million depend on the mangroves and seagrass beds for food and building materials.


  • 位于喜马拉雅山脚下印度uttaranchal邦,壮观、古老流入低处平原大河形成了一道自然分水岭

    At the foot of the Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttaranchal, forests of regal, old oak form a natural watershed for two major rivers that feed the plain below.


  • 剧院位于荷兰度假,以一对不同尺寸山墙以及周围树林协调结构特色

    This theatre at a Dutch holiday camp features a pair of differently sized gables and patterned brick cladding that harmonises with the tones of its woodland site.


  • 海南岛终年气候宜人,四季鸟语花香矿物动植物资源丰富热带雨林树林中国少有森林类型

    Hainan Island year-round pleasant weather, seasonal flowers, mineral, animal and plant resources. Tropical rainforests and mangroves of the rare forest types in China.


  • 入口卧室套房私人阳台,阳台处可俯瞰树林

    The entry-level master bedroom is part of a suite with a private balcony overlooking the woods.


  • 建筑入口包裹面墙落地窗延伸部分,透明的落地窗室内提供周围树林丰富的风景

    The building's entrance forms part of a stretch of floor-to-ceiling glazing that wraps around two walls, offering generous views of the surrounding woodland from inside.


  • 配合进行养护努力规定暂停进一步砍伐树林进行的活动。

    To help conservation efforts, it prescribes a moratorium on further cutting of mangrove for shrimp cultivation.


  • 树林珊瑚礁严重破坏,渔业和旅游业带来问题

    Mangroves and coral reefs will be further degraded, causing problems for fisheries and tourism.


  • 大学预科核心树林学校宗旨意图

    There is a college preparatory focus in accordance with the philosophy and intent of the school.


  • 这个珊瑚石树林木材建造而成,简朴结构特色,同时,庭院、台走廊、心雕刻木门其增添了很多特有风貌。

    Built in coral stone and mangrove timber, the town is characterized by the simplicity of structural forms enriched by such features as inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors.


  • 这个珊瑚石树林木材建造而成,简朴结构特色,同时,庭院、台走廊、心雕刻木门其增添了很多特有风貌。

    Built in coral stone and mangrove timber, the town is characterized by the simplicity of structural forms enriched by such features as inner courtyards, verandas, and elaborately carved wooden doors.


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