• 地区五分之二土地树木覆盖

    Two fifths of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass.


  • 农舍为树木所环抱。

    The cottage was embosomed in trees.


  • 是的他们农舍里。农舍树木所环抱。

    Yes. They live in the farmhouses. The cottage was embosomed in trees.


  • 为树木繁茂的地方远足随身携带一个野餐草莓奶油和起泡的私人祝酒新的婚姻

    Go for a hike in a wooded area; take along a picnic with strawberries and cream and bubbly for a private toast to your new marriage.


  • 如果树木洒水,注意,一定要远离附近电线,否则可能形成很厚冰层,使电线受到损坏

    If you spray a tree, keep the water away from nearby power lines. Heavy ice can form and break them.


  • 矩形孔洞白色切割一排排细长的白色柱子支撑阳光穿透地板地面同时树木成熟提供空间

    Rectangular voids cut in the slab above, which is supported by rows of slender white columns, allow sunlight to filter through to ground level and also provide space for the trees to mature.


  • 圣诞树价格一般为树木均价的四分之一,大多北美城市,人们过圣诞通常会将圣诞树做成叶土,干脆丢弃。

    Trees normally cost four times less on average, but are usually turned into mulch or sent to garbage dumps after the holidays in most North American cities.


  • 毛虫各种树木灌木丛植物食。

    The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.


  • 寻找绿色空间并不总是那么容易可能需要工作家里种出草坪树木

    Finding green space is not always easy, and you may have to work a bit to get your family a little grass and trees.


  • 树木山石小溪在哭泣牧羊人失去亲爱的同伴而心痛。

    The trees, the rocks, and the streams are all weeping for the loss of the shepherd-speaker's beloved companion.


  • 这一计划中,会25年周期选择地砍伐树木

    Within the project, trees are selectively cut on a 25-year rotation.


  • 森林里树木树荫鸟类其他依靠树木的花果而生长的特殊物种提供家园

    The shade of the forest trees provides a home for birds and other special that depend on the trees' flowers and fruits.


  • 们不得不砍伐树木自己的生活所用。

    They had to cut and use the trees for their own lives.


  • 特拉诺表示,该技术将来可能用于房间照明,甚至可以将树木改造自供电路灯。该团队希望未来可以开发此技术的新形式,用于喷洒植物叶片,一次操作,终生有效。

    The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps. In the future, the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a one-off treatment that would last the plant's lifetime.


  • 人们有时种植灌木树木蔬菜遮荫

    People sometimes plant shrubs or trees to shade their vegetables.


  • “该唱什么样的挽歌?”,“军用推土机连根拔起树木

    What requiem can be sung”, he asked, “for trees uprooted by army bulldozers?


  • 树木搭起框架,在他们上面,延伸着大海天空一面平静的静静地休憩着。

    The hills were framed with trees, and beyond them stretched a band of sea on which the sky, like a sail becalmed, rested in all its tenderness.


  • 方案各国提供了各种奖励措施防止森林地区受到包括树木砍伐农业扩张土地退化在内的各种影响,把碳释放大气

    It offers nations incentives to protect forest areas from a variety of impacts that release carbon into the atmosphere, including tree felling and logging, agricultural expansion, land degradation.


  • 仔细观察一下张有盏落地式火炬灯的照片左侧f/22的光圈拍摄的:火炬灯焦点可以看出背景中的树木房屋,这就是我们说的景深

    The left side was shot at f/22: The torch is in focus, and you can make out the tree and the house behind it. That's a large DOF.


  • 清理土地实施农业做准备时,你需要除掉上面的树木其他植物而将松散泥土暴露在风中。

    When you clear land for agriculture, you remove trees and other plants - exposing loose dirt beneath to passing winds.


  • 推土机清除大量泥土岩石树木而忙碌

    Bulldozers work to remove tons of dirt, rocks, and trees.


  • 有一时树木,管理他们就去对橄榄树,请你作我们的王。

    The trees went forth on a time to anoint a king over them; and they said unto the olive tree, Reign thou over us.


  • 工作人员已经设备升级树木修剪全面加强运行华盛顿地区新泽西Pepco电力系统可靠性工作数月

    Crews have been working for months to upgrade equipment, trim trees, and overall harden the reliability of the Pepco power system, which runs from the Washington area into New Jersey.


  • 徒步途中导游我们指出各种树木植物还有可恶的猴子,它们会树上下枝条我们的背包发起攻击,出包中的瓶装

    On the trek, our guide points out plants and trees, as well as spiteful monkeys who hurl twigs from the trees and mount daring ram raids on our backpacks to steal our water bottles.


  • 而且,尽管树轮记录当今全球变提供了可对照内容,由人类活动引起的气候变化不止取决于树木的年轮

    And the idea of anthropogenic climate change rests on a great deal more than just tree-ring records, useful as they are for providing context to the current warming.


  • 红树林树木鱼类提供自然咸淡水生境但是这些年来在亚齐恰恰修建鱼塘而将红树林砍掉。

    Mangrove trees provide a naturally brackish habitat for fish, but much of Aceh's mangroves have been cut down over the years, precisely to build fishponds.


  • 红树林树木鱼类提供自然咸淡水生境但是这些年来在亚齐恰恰修建鱼塘而将红树林砍掉。

    Mangrove trees provide a naturally brackish habitat for fish, but much of Aceh's mangroves have been cut down over the years, precisely to build fishponds.


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