• 000名篮球们刚看比赛离开,马上调整清洁赛场为数小时曲棍球比赛做好一切准备,到时候会有20,000名球迷涌入

    After 20,000 fans file out after the basketball game, the court has to be removed, the arena cleaned and the rink prepared for a hockey game a few hours later, when another 20,000 fans will arrive.


  • 000名篮球们刚看比赛离开,马上调整清洁赛场为数小时曲棍球比赛做好一切准备,到时候会有20,000名球迷涌入

    After 20, 000 fans file out after the basketball game, the court has to be removed, the arena cleaned and the rink prepared for a hockey game a few hours later, when another 20, 000 fans will arrive.


  • 古斯塔夫登陆强度二级风暴风速大约小时175公里预计新奥尔良连续小时受到冲击。

    Gustav landed as a secondary storm with a wind speed of about 175 kilometers per hour, and New Orleans is expected to be hit for several hours in a row.


  • 本着希望他们孩子做到最好原则,边远农村地区家庭可以驱车小时甚至跨国城市中心寻求对症治疗

    Hoping to do what's best for their children, families in outlying, rural areas can drive for hours or even across the country to urban centers, where it's easier to find care.


  • 古斯塔夫登陆时的强度二级风暴风速大约小时175公里预计新奥尔良将连续小时受到冲击

    Gustav came ashore as a Category Two storm, with winds moving at 175 kilometers per hour. It is expected to lash the city for several hours.


  • 航拍图像世行地地震损失评估工作组提供重要信息,使得准备时间数周缩短36小时

    Aerial images provide vital information to Bank Haiti assessment team, cut preparation time from weeks to 36 hours.


  • snopes的调查结果同样令人惊愕:沃尔玛销售额平均数为42754109美元/小时

    Snopes discovered a few other shockers: that Wal-Mart customers, for example, spend an average of $42, 754, 109 every hour.


  • 所以它是“开箱即用的”,可以所有著名浏览器并行运行Selenium测试,为您平常回归测试周期节省小时(也许数天)。

    So "out of the box," you can begin running your Selenium tests against all the major browsers in parallel, shaving hours (if not days) off your usual regression testing cycle.


  • 驾车离开哈拉雷向南行驶小时,你会发现种满玉米饲养家畜的经济农场现在已经分割十五小块土地,只给农民勉强靠它维持生活

    A few hours' drive south of Harare, a commercial farm that used to grow maize and rear cattle has now been divided into 35 plots where subsistence farmers try to scrape a living.


  • 这个程序非常基本——计算给定速度(单位为每小时英里数)时间(单位小时)情况下旅行距离

    The program will be very elementaryit will calculate the distance travelled given a speed in miles-per-hour and a time in hours. Here is the code for the ppe (enter as ppe_distance.c).


  • 我们等待小时而向我们道歉

    He apologized for having kept us waiting for hours.


  • printk_ratelimit定义消息之间允许间隔(当前定义5秒内某个内核消息)。

    The printk_ratelimit defines the minimum length of time allowed between messages (currently defined as some number of kernel messages every 5 seconds).


  • 患者头痛早期为间歇性发作搏动性疼痛胀痛,每次发作持续分钟小时

    Patients with a headache in the early days often intermittent attacks, a throb of pain and pain, the attack continued for a few minutes or every few hours.


  • 自诩拉丁情人的贝卢斯科尼经常自夸,称招待大批宾客时可以凭借自身魅力柔美嗓音连续独撑小时。该专辑《》,由其亲自作词

    The self-declared Latin lover, who often boasted he single-handedly kept large groups entertained for hours on end with his charm and silky voice, wrote the lyrics for the album entitled True Love.


  • 连续小时特别喜爱慈善团体卖力地编织连衫裤童装

    She beavers away for hours knitting jumpers for her favourite charity.


  • 地震发生后首小时里,无国界医生救援队一直工作这些货物运送,对于他们继续灾民提供救命医疗护理,极为重要

    MSF teams have been working since the first hours after the earthquake and these cargo shipments are vital to continue their ability to provide essential medical care to victims of the disaster.


  • 获得DGR客观证据患者自述症状较重时检测小时

    To obtain objective evidences for DGR, the monitoring duration may be decided on the basis of obvious symptoms.


  • 获得DGR客观证据患者自述症状较重时检测小时

    To obtain objective evidences for DGR, the monitoring duration may be decided on the basis of obvious symptoms.


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