• 支付货款,同函附上邮局汇票

    For the payments I inclose herewith p. O. Money order.


  • 突尼斯邮政支付有效费用网上购物提供预先支付服务

    Tunisia's postal service offers a pre-charged payment service for paying utility bills and buying things online.


  • 存款支付节省经纪业而存起来的钱。

    Money deposited for checking, savings, or brokerage use.


  • 日元汇率能保持高位一个原因保险公司支付索赔资金汇日本

    Part of what's keeping the yen high is the flow of funds back into Japan for the payment of insurance claims.


  • 没有任何干涉完全电子化完成的处理(通常为支付处理)。

    A process (usually payments) that is completed electronically without any manual intervention.


  • 近日美国信用卡个人数据信息泄露事件支付系统安全控制敲响了警钟

    The recent leakage of personal data on credit CARDS in USA serves as a warning to payment system security control.


  • 一些投资者开始有了他们的基金投保需求从而避免为支付诉讼费而额外付款的风险

    Some investors have also started to demand that their funds buy insurance, to avoid the risk that they might use their money to pay legal fees.


  • 疯狂购买推东西,环境带来沉重的负担支付这些东西加班加点工作,准备好了吗?

    Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?


  • Simpay支付认证结算解决手持电话操作者手持电话商业要求者之间资金流提供服务

    Simpay provides services for payment authorization, and for clearing and settling funds that flow between the mobile operators and mobile merchant acquirers. 3.


  • 季度出现高盛财务报表决定公司盈利的,其实高盛支付员工薪酬预留资金

    What shows up in Goldman's financial statements each quarter, and what is used to determine its earnings, is the amount of money the company sets aside each quarter to pay its employees.


  • 每家零售商必须支付管理费收取溢价面临着一时竞争压力必须维持经营之间矛盾

    Every retailer has to charge a mark-up to cover overheads, and faces a tension between the immediate pressures of competition and the need to stay in business.


  • 也许他们不必支付下一车钱煤气费而发愁,正如我们当中许多一样,他们虽继承了财富也有自己的不幸。

    They might not be worrying about making the next payment on their car or covering their gas bill, like many of us, but those who inherit riches have their own problems.


  • 分析人士指出非法贷款目前价格上扬中起了作用,非法贷款指的是销售代理商其他第三支付购房首付所提供的贷款。

    Analysts noted that the current uptick in prices has been the role played by illegal financing, in which sales agents or other third parties provide loans to cover down payments.


  • 以经济名义牺牲社会一切这个经济不是满足人类的基本需要设计的,而是支付银行金融体系债务而设计的。

    All of society is sacrificed in the name of an economy that is not designed to take care of human needs, but to pay the debts to the Banks and the financial system.


  • 目前约有三分之二中国互联网用户使用腾讯即时消息系统公司出售Q其它公司接受支付手段,并用来出售换取实体货币

    Tencent's messaging system is used by an estimated two-thirds of Chinese Internet users and its QQ Coins have been accepted as payment by other companies as well as sold for legal tender.


  • 例如请考虑支付数据构建策略过程黑客常常这种数据目标全球性pciDSS标准对这些数据的安全性做非常全面的规定。

    For an example, consider the process of building a policy for payment card data; such data is frequently targeted by hackers, and it is subject to the very comprehensive and global PCI DSS standard.


  • 最高级CEO薪酬支付外部候选人的,而不是内部人选这再次表明高级 CEO薪酬并不是以牺牲公司其他员工代价的掠夺

    The highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozy insider picks, another sign that high CEO pay is not some kind of depredation at the expense of the rest of the company.


  • 永远都不会后悔机票支付

    You'll never regret the money you paid for the ticket.


  • 如果客户必须晚餐支付20美元,希望获得3美元小费

    If a customer has to pay $20.00 for her dinner, I like to get about $3.00 for a tip.


  • 每位会员美发产品支付50美元。

    Each member needs to pay $50 for styling products.


  • 更多祖父母作证说,他们必须孙辈支付昂贵大学教育费用。

    More grandparents would testify that they had to pay for their grandchild's expensive college education.


  • 一些学者得出结论资源有限的政府应该停止超过一定年龄的人(比如83岁左右)支付医疗费用。

    Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain age—say 83 or so.


  • 我们必须一位家庭成员任何一项医疗费用支付最初的500美金。

    We have to pay the first $500 of any medical fees for each member of the family.


  • 另一套公寓支付了$500押金

    I put down a $500 security deposit for another apartment.


  • 政府支持铁路行业铁路所代表进步不会要求他们经常那些他们工作不幸受伤的人支付赔偿金减慢

    Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to pay damages to those unlucky enough to be hurt working for them.


  • 航空公司名男子支付新西兰酒店住宿费餐费以及返回加州机票费用

    The airline paid for the man's hotel room and meals in New Zealand and for his flight back to California.


  • 年前脸书收购即时通讯服务WhatsApp支付更高的价格,尽管 WhatsApp根本没有任何实体产品

    Two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesn't have any physical product at all.


  • 年前脸书收购即时通讯服务WhatsApp支付更高的价格,尽管 WhatsApp根本没有任何实体产品

    Two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesn't have any physical product at all.


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