• 主体描述对象所做规范性设定,任何规定客观根据主观需要的张力中形成

    As a standard enactment subject made for describing objects, all stipulations are formed in the tension between objective basis and subjective needs.


  • 前面描述配置对象可以嵌套可以建模配置对象属性

    As described earlier, config objects can be nested, which are modelled as attributes on the parent.


  • 研究人员要求德语西班牙语母语的人形容词描述各种对象比如钥匙

    The researchers asked German and Spanish native speakers to think of adjectives to describe a range of objects, such as a key.


  • 对象允许我们中的实例就是对象建模用来描述系统活动

    Object diagrams allow you to model the instances of your classes (as objects) in a class diagram in order to describe the behaviour of a system.


  • writeHeader() 中,看到如何描述页面布局以及如何将页眉内容定义静态对象

    In writeHeader() you will see how to describe page layout and how to define header and footer content as static objects.


  • 描述:日历动态对象可以表示包含monthday标记一个动态xml文档。

    Description: a calendar is dynamic object that can be represented as a dynamic XML document that contains month and day tags.


  • 这种情况下,只需每个专用属性定义一个一般的不受限制的属性描述使用创建每个Property对象

    All that you can do in this case is to define a generic, unrestrictive property description for each ad-hoc property, and use it to create each property object.


  • 一位作家现象描述在线功能现实对象迁移比如运行家里Google搜索找到TV远程遥控器。

    One writer describes the phenomenon as the migration of online functionality to real-world objects, as in the example of being able to run a Google search of your home to find the TV remote control.


  • migratedefaultvalues:将UD p导入元数据导入到对象描述

    Both, migrate default values: Import the UDP value, both as metadata and in the object's description.


  • 我们中的提供了文档—业务对象用户或者其他项—行的文字描述每一项目的

    We also accompanied each item in the diagramuse case, business object, user, or whateverwith a line or two of text describing that item's purpose.


  • 描述对象整个城市标准建筑细节描述十分有限(远远不及IFC详细程度)。

    Because this is documented for complete cities, the level of detail describing a building in CityGML is rather limited (not nearly as detailed as in IFC).


  • CL_ABAP _TYPEDESCR还提供现有对象类型创建描述辅助方法

    CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR also provides helper methods to create a description of the type of an existing object.


  • 本文描述系统中,是通过点击拖动resize图标一个对象调整大小的。

    In the system described in this article, you resize an object by clicking and dragging the resize icon.


  • KentBeck模拟对象描述测试对象,该对象可以使用常量进行响应,从而实现开销大复杂资源模仿版本

    Kent Beck describes a mock object as a testing object, one that implements a fake version of an expensive or complicated resource by answering constants.


  • XMLInfoset定义了一种抽象方式把 XML文档描述一系列带有特定属性对象信息

    [W3C Recommendation], also known as the XML Infoset, defines an abstract way of describing an XML document as a series of objects, called information items, with specialized properties.


  • 如果找到文件脚本XML对象形式打开该文件查找描述文件提及文件名称,这些名称使用media -type属性显示HTML

    If the file is found, the script opens the file as an XML object and looks for the names of the files mentioned in the manifest that appear to be HTML using the media-type attribute.


  • 节点都可以描述对象,开发者可以其指定属性(Attribute,或者property)。

    Because Edges and Nodes are represented as objects (like objects developers are used to) one can assign attributes (sometimes called properties) to them.


  • Maypolebeer表中查找id1创建一个BeerDB: beer对象描述一行。

    Maypole will look for a row in the beer table with the ID 1 and create a BeerDB: : beer object representing that row.


  • SOLID设计交互式3d图形程序中使用尤其适合对象VRML描述世界冲突检测

    SOLID is designed to be used in interactive 3d graphics applications, and is especially suited for collision detection of objects and worlds described in VRML.


  • 文件对象使用简单具有描述性的名称(以后允许复制)。

    Use simple but descriptive names for both objects and files (allow for duplication later).


  • 本文以RH真空精炼装置研究对象,建立了描述RH真空精炼装置内钢循环流动流量数学模型

    To study RH vacuum refining process, a new mathematical model of circulation flow rate to describe the circulation flow of molten steel in RH vacuum refining degasser was developed.


  • 表示模型全面描述用户界面外观界面模板描述交互对象基本元素的界面宏观布局关系

    Presentation model describes user interface appearance thoroughly, while interface template describes the macro-layout and relation of interface, whose basic element is interactive object.


  • 本文描述JMS系统完成客户服务器通信设计套CORBA对象子系统。

    This thesis describes a CORBA object system designing for communication between the client and server in JMS.


  • 兰州西固地区研究对象建立描述该地区光化学烟雾污染大气质量模拟模式——柱子模式。

    An air quality simulation model-column model for describing photochemical smog pollution at Xigu district in Lanzhou has been developed.


  • HLA对象模型模板描述HLA对象模型提供了标准化方法

    The HLA Object Model Template provides the standardized means of describing HLA object model.


  • 约束求解特征相互依赖关系映射几何工程约束描述通过求解约束实现设计对象的细节。

    Constraint solver is the conversion from dependence relationship of features to geometry or engineering expression, then achieve the design by solving the constraint.


  • 对象不变描述面向对象数据结构元素间关系对象创建以及方法引用前后

    Object invariant describes the relationship of the object-oriented data structure, it always holds true after the object creation and on the entrance and exit of the method invocation.


  • isdn上的视频会议系统对象描述了视频会议系统中通信控制基本任务对通信控制的关键环节进行软件实现

    Some basic tasks of the communication control for ISDN based video conference system and the software implementation of some important parts are described.


  • isdn上的视频会议系统对象描述了视频会议系统中通信控制基本任务对通信控制的关键环节进行软件实现

    Some basic tasks of the communication control for ISDN based video conference system and the software implementation of some important parts are described.


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