• 为我们的中国传统文化感到骄傲。

    We take pride in our traditional Chinese culture.


  • 增加我们国家农民收入我们应该鼓励他们培育这种新的大米品种不是那些他们的传统谷类作物

    To increase the income of farmers in our own country, we should encourage them to cultivate this new variety of rice rather than some of their traditional crops.


  • 我们应该行动起来,保护宏扬我们中国自己传统文化自己的一份力吧!

    I think we should take action to carry forward for the protection of our own Chinese traditional culture, make its contribution, you!


  • 草地上搭有华盖帐篷,食物装传统古吉特拉大浅盘里。我们知道了维克拉姆·辛吉君王怎样送走地产庄园保留古吉拉特邦幸存的绿之一

    Over a traditional Gujarati thali in a marquee on the lawn, we learnt how Maharana Vikramsinhji had seen off developers to preserve his estate as one of the few green lungs in the state of Gujarat.


  • 感恩节人们喜闻乐见美国传统风俗我们提供机会共同我国人民国家受到恩惠表示感谢。

    A beloved American tradition, Thanksgiving Day offers us the opportunity to focus our thoughts on the grace that has been extended to our people and our country.


  • 家族拥有者时常。‘那些外国佬去革新吧我们传统’。

    Family owners used to say, 'let the gringos innovate, we live for the fiesta'.


  • 通过这个项目大众提供廉价望远镜学习原材料全球化传统项目天文学家正在引导我们所有人仰望上空,沉思我们宇宙中的所在

    Through programmes offering cheap telescopes for the masses, teaching materials and global heritage projects, astronomers are inviting us all to look up and ponder our place in the Universe.


  • 对于我们传统企业建立的、大规模的、单一应用程序而言,我们把它们重新想象工作流的特定工具

    The large scale, monolithic applications that we traditionally build for the enterprise can be reimagined as work-flow specific tools.


  • 我们粗略浏览了一些技术文献设备优化的”Web站点,据此确定,几种方法压缩传统桌面html页面更好地适应种设备。

    Based on a cursory review of the technical literature and several "device-optimized" Web sites, there are several ways to "shrink" a conventional desktop HTML page to better fit on a device.


  • 但是这里要向你们说明我国人民继承了自由而奋斗的传统我们一个永不气馁民族。

    But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope.


  • 传统比方说我们心脏病寻找遗传危险因子时候我们假设通过血液告诉我们组织发生了什么

    Traditionally when we have looked for genetic risk factors for, say, heart disease, we have assumed that the blood will tell us what's happening in the tissue.


  • 考虑上文提及最后一点成就,而当我们发现首张沿袭了非洲黑奴音乐传统的爵士乐专辑白人乐队录制时兴许会感到略有些讽刺

    Regarding that last point, it's an irony - though perhaps an unsurprising one - that music derived from the traditions of African slaves should have been first recorded by a white band.


  • 但是未来数年不管我们喜欢,大多数电力还是来自传统燃料的火电厂,由此产生的温室气体排放增加世界范围内是最快的。

    But in the coming years, like it or not, most electric vehicles would rely on conventional coal-fired power, which is responsible for the fastest growth in greenhouse-gas emissions worldwide.


  • 知道我们圭亚那中学考试都牛津剑桥大学标志因此标准很高尽管传统

    And, you see, our high school exams in Guyana were marked by Oxford and Cambridge universities, so things had to be of a fairly high standard, traditional as it was.


  • 我们向前推进、今后60亚太地区的参与奠定基础之际,我们过去60年中主导了这种参与传统

    As we move forward to set the stage for engagement in the Asia-Pacific over the next 60 years, we are mindful of the bipartisan legacy that has shaped our engagement for the past 60.


  • 因此如果创造文化能力我们生物学特征基础Thornton寻找我们文化根源方法之一就是研究其它动物社会存在的更简单传统

    So if the foundation for the capacity for culture is rooted in our biology, Thornton argues, one of the ways to find these roots is to study the simpler traditions seen in other animals.


  • 通过上述工作我们使类比推理传统抽象逻辑推理转向基于知识的推理,进一步的实用化研究提供新的理论方法

    By these, we turn the traditional analogy from abstract logic reasoning to knowledge-based reasoning and support new theories and methods for the practical research of analogy reasoning.


  • 我们贵宾准备传统菜肴

    This is our traditional dish for the guest of honor.


  • 我们检验传统文章内容资讯聚合阶层式分群方法全面比较其中差异

    We also examine the traditional agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods using the information of content to have a thorough comparison.


  • 我们祖国希望我们应该继承先进优良传统祖国做出更多努力

    We are the hope of the motherland, we should inherit the fine tradition of advanced, make more efforts for the motherland.


  • 当下这样时刻我们决定降低未来期望抑或放弃过往宝贵传统的是穿过此时此地

    The present is a moment in time when we decide to low our expectations of the future or to abandon some of the dear traditions from the past to be able to go through the narrow gate of here and now.


  • 既然我们称呼自己酷儿”,我们会想否决的定界维持我们现有的传统模式呢?

    So by terming ourselves "queer," why would we look to sustain a traditional model that we have by definition rejected?


  • 既然我们称呼自己酷儿”,我们会想否决的定界维持我们现有的传统模式呢?

    So by terming ourselves "queer," why would we look to sustain a traditional model that we have by definition rejected?


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