• 强力粘胶,有趣臭,烦琐易行平安卫生幻想的捕鼠器具

    Strongly adhesive, odorless, easy to use, safe and sanitary, an ideal product for catching mouse and rat.


  • 未完成史诗赞美伊丽莎白女王一世而写的,详细叙述了几个仙境故事亚瑟王史诗经典幻想趣事

    This unfinished epic poem was written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I and details several faerie tales, Arthurian epics, and classic, fantasy fun.


  • 工作沮丧时幻想一个农夫

    At times when my work gets me down, I like to fantasize about being a farmer.


  • 但是我们知道·伊尔大多数说法也不过用来自己身边围绕着一小群精英与日俱增权力辩护的幻想而已。

    But we also know that much of what Karzai says may also be the fantasies he USES to justify the growing power of the small elite around him.


  • 时光那些喜欢幻想巨著的人创作的,这本书极大地满足了这些人对魔幻的渴望

    The Wheel of Time was made for those who like their fantasy writ large, and The Wheel of Time fulfills that desire epicly.


  • 图像显示一面假想办公室墙壁,是多媒体体验观众创建,以幻想实际的办公室墙壁。

    This image shows a faux-office wall that creates for the Multimedia Experience audience the illusion of a real office wall.


  • 幻想阻碍的行动,并且这些任务不可完成”那列。

    Your imagination acts against you in this case and draws a picture ofmission impossible”.


  • 面对人们指责他们纯粹幻想挪威犯罪小说家们已经习惯自己辩解。

    Norwegian crime writers have got used to defending themselves against the charge of pure fantasy.


  • 许多男性幻想贾德•阿帕图的电影提供科学依据的研究终于新鲜出炉!

    Dude! Finally, research to explain many a male fantasy and Judd Apatow movie.


  • 但是太多作者那些还在成长中的学校男孩提供幻想

    But too many men offer us the fantasies of grownup schoolboys.


  • 所以幻想这么一位英雄没有选择只能尝试达到传说中的那种境界,要不然那些希望民众真的迷失方向

    So I imagined such a hero, one who had no choice but to try to live up to the legend because otherwise the people looking to him for hope would be truly lost.


  • 这个一个幻想然后努力现实符合你的幻想,这经常会以失望告终

    You set up an idealized version of the thing (or person) and then try to fit the reality into this ideal, and are often disappointed.


  • 应该变成一个疯子危险幻想一切风险。能够自鸣得意地其实什么都算不上世界

    He should become a lunatic, risking everything for the sake of his dangerous fantasies, capable of exaltations, ready to die for all that the world has as well as for what it has not.


  • 大胆生动想象标志科学幻想小说和幻想”,其中经典小说电动绵羊机器人梦想》,《指环王》和《作法自毙的人》。

    A bold and vivid imagination marked out the titles in Science Fiction and Fantasy, including classics such as Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, the Lord of the Rings and Frankenstein.


  • 一些艰苦事例借口)抑制在你心中形成成功幻想

    You let a few tough instances hold you back from the vision of success you formed within your mind.


  • 资本家社会看作幻想拜物教神话偶像崇拜的一次冲洗,无论多么现代的东西而引以豪。

    He viewed capitalist society as awashwith fantasy and fetishism, myth and idolatry, however much it prided itself on its modernity.


  • 尤里·布依达的作品经常被描述根据幻想出的记忆写成的小说,一个存在地方,真实的记忆无论如何已经抹杀掉了。

    Yuri's work is often described as fiction from invented memories. But in No Such Place the past had been wiped in any case.


  • 悠长这个古老村落增添了一些可供幻想通道

    Long lane in the rain, add some of the available fantasy channel for this ancient village.


  • 正当我们有些幻想自己就是冒险家时,我们却很大程度地堕落打着廉价机票的旅游者—凡斯科•伽马(Vasco da Gama)伊本•白图泰(Ibn Battuta)不再我们记起了。

    And while some of us might fancy ourselves as adventurers, we have for the most part degenerated into cheap-flight-enabled tourists-vasco da Gama and Ibn Battuta would not be impressed.


  • 说道幻想重要性超越小说尽管个人倾向于定位它价值睡前故事安睡。”

    As for the importance of imagination: It goes beyond the play of fiction, she said - "though I personally will defend the value of bedtime stories to my last gasp."


  • 现实生活中的我们总是情愿情愿自己勾勒人生草图,我们总是有着这样或那样的幻想

    In real life, we are always willing to or reluctantly outline of a picture for our lives, we always have different kinds of fantasy.


  • 我们鸽舍改造代表这些记忆幻想的小小混凝土

    We transformed the old dovecote into a minimal concrete 'tree house' that represents these memories and fantasies.


  • 不必担心事情惶惶不安,才是孩子的一种真正的伤害,使他们变得焦虑、不敢冒险或者所说,成长于温室、依赖母亲、总幻想着危险而抹杀快乐的一群人。”

    By worrying about the wrong things, we do actual damage to our children, raising them to be anxious and unadventurous or, as she puts it, "hothouse, mama-tied, danger-hallucinating joy extinguishers."


  • 总是幻想你的心总是物是人非。

    Always fantasy your mood for change, and I can always much transformed.


  • 我们只有三个图像记忆现状幻想它们最好地联系在一起方式是以记忆基础,我们幻想引导我们的现状。

    We only have three visions, memories, present and imaginations. And the best way to keep them linked is to let our imaginations guide our present basing on our memories.


  • 我们只有三个图像记忆现状幻想它们最好地联系在一起方式是以记忆基础,我们幻想引导我们的现状。

    We only have three visions, memories, present and imaginations. And the best way to keep them linked is to let our imaginations guide our present basing on our memories.


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